
Certified products with globally accredited standards

As a coconut manufacturer and exporter, we source, manufacture, and export with globally respected food safety and organic standards. This is a critical requirement for market access to most countries globally and is a regulation stipulated by the Sri Lankan Coconut Development Authority. With these internationally accredited licenses, our clients can feel confident that they are purchasing authentic and ethical coconut products directly from the source.

Coconut Oil Tree to Table Brand Coco House
Coco House Coconut Oil Jars Packaged

Our certifications

Here’s a list of our trophy cabinet of certifications. Click on each certification to learn more or
review our credentials.


Our globally accredited food safety certification.


Our food facility registration for the USA


Our organic accreditation for North America

EU Organic

Our organic accreditation for the European Union

JAS Organic

Our organic accreditation for Japan


Our food processing standard for Halal


Our social and ethical compliance accreditation

Learn more about our certifications

Knowing the ins and outs of every certification can be challenging. Read below to learn more.

Our globally accredited food safety certification


Ceylon Exports & Trading Pvt Ltd is ISO22000:2018 certified by the Control Union. ISO22000 ensures that the food products manufactured and exported from our factory premises are fit for human consumption.

Our rigorous control framework, including the HACCP plan, the prerequisite programs, interactive communication and system management, coupled with external audits from the Control Union, creates confidence with global clients on the quality of our products.

Our client number with the Control Union is CU832032. Our certification number for ISO22000:2018 is CU832032ISO22000-01.2020

Our globally accredited food safety certification


Ceylon Exports & Trading Pvt Ltd is ISO22000:2018 certified by the Control Union. ISO22000 ensures that the food products manufactured and exported from our factory premises are fit for human consumption.

Our rigorous control framework, including the HACCP plan, the prerequisite programs, interactive communication and system management, coupled with external audits from the Control Union, creates confidence with global clients on the quality of our products.

Our client number with the Control Union is CU832032. Our certification number for ISO22000:2018 is CU832032ISO22000-01.2020

Our food facility registration for the USA


Ceylon Exports & Trading Pvt Ltd is registered with the Food Drugs Administration of the United States of America. Our Food Facility Registration number is 12286447610.

Our organic accreditation for North America


Ceylon Exports & Trading Pvt Ltd is USDA NOP certified by the Control Union. USDA NOP ensures that the organic food products manufactured and exported from our factory premises have met the organic conditions stipulated under the US National Organic Program.

Our company sources the raw materials from organic certified estates, and then produces the finished product without any non-organic contamination. We have implemented a procedure to conduct traceability of all our organic batches.

Our client number with the Control Union is CU832032. Our certification number for USDA NOP is C832032NOP-01.2021

Our organic accreditation for the European Union

EU Organic

Ceylon Exports & Trading Pvt Ltd is EU Organic certified by the Control Union. EU Organic ensures that the organic food products manufactured and exported from our factory premises have met the organic conditions stipulated under European Union Standards.

Our company sources the raw materials from organic certified estates, and then produces the finished product without any non-organic contamination. We have implemented a procedure to conduct traceability of all our organic batches.

Our client number with the Control Union is CU832032. Our certification number for EU Organic is C832032EU-01.2021

Our organic accreditation for Japan

JAS Organic

Ceylon Exports & Trading Pvt Ltd is JAS certified by the Control Union. JAS ensures that the organic food products manufactured and exported from our factory premises have met the organic conditions stipulated under Japanese Agricultural Standards.

Our company sources the raw materials from organic certified estates, and then produces the finished product without any non-organic contamination. We have implemented a procedure to conduct traceability of all our organic batches.

Our client number with the Control Union is CU832032. Our certification number for EU Organic is CU 832032JAS-01.2021

Halal Sri Lanka Logo Halal Accreditation Council

Our food processing approval under Halal standards.


Ceylon Exports & Trading Pvt Ltd is Halal certified by the Halal Accreditation Council (HAC) of Sri Lanka. Halal ensures that the food products manufactured and exported from our factory premises have met the Halal conditions stipulated under HAC Standards.

More details of our company registration with the HAC can be found in the below directory – https://www.hac.lk/en/company

Our social and ethical compliance accreditation


Ceylon Exports & Trading Pvt Ltd is SMETA accredited under SEDEX. SMETA stands for SEDEX Members Ethical Trade Audit. SMETA ensures that our production facility operates under world class social and ethical standards. Some of the pillars include labour standards, health & safety and the environment.

We know everything about coconuts, so you don’t have to.

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