Virgin Coconut Oil: A Multifaceted Elixir of Health, Culinary Excellence and Sustainability

In a time when health and well-being are at the forefront of our modern lifestyles, the quest for ethical, nutrient-rich, and sustainable food offerings takes centre stage. Virgin coconut oil, touted as a health elixir for centuries in tropical regions, is now gaining global recognition for its myriad benefits, versatility, and favourable environmental impact. Ceylon Exports & Trading (Pvt) Ltd, a pioneering coconut processing facility nestled in Sri Lanka’s illustrious coconut triangle, is dedicated to the production of premium virgin coconut oil, sourced from a wealth of local coconuts, to unleash its enchanting potential for your well-being and culinary needs.

Boasting an extensive catalogue of health benefits, virgin coconut oil is brimming with medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), antioxidant properties, and antimicrobial compounds. These attributes, collectively and individually, contribute to enhanced immunity, improved heart health, and favourable metabolic functioning. Its adaptable nature and delectable flavour make virgin coconut oil an ideal culinary companion for both sweet and savoury dishes.

In this comprehensive blog post, we will delve into the extraordinary health advantages of incorporating virgin coconut oil into your meals, present a diverse slew of recipes showcasing its incredible culinary versatility, and unmask the latest PR developments and industry insights relevant to virgin coconut oil. Together, let us embark on a journey with Ceylon Exports & Trading (Pvt) Ltd’s premium virgin coconut oil, as we unveil how this miraculous coconut product can transform your culinary experiences and bolster your overall well-being.

Delving into the Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil: A Nutritional Treasure Trove

Virgin coconut oil packs an astounding range of health advantages, driven by the remarkable constituents found in its composition:

  1. Medium-Chain Fatty Acids (MCFAs): Virgin coconut oil is a natural source of MCFAs, which bypass the lengthy metabolic pathways found in long-chain fatty acids. This selective metabolic route allows the simultaneous generation of energy and limited fat storage, promoting weight management and enhanced athletic performance.
  2. Antioxidant Potency: Enriched with potent antioxidants, virgin coconut oil reduces oxidative stress and boosts cellular health, warding off chronic illness and premature ageing.
  3. Antimicrobial Magic: Virgin coconut oil’s antimicrobial properties, derived from lauric acid and caprylic acid, strengthen immunity by fighting off infection-causing pathogens and supporting gut health.

Mastering the Culinary Applications of Virgin Coconut Oil: Unprecedented Versatility in the Kitchen

Virgin coconut oil’s delightful qualities and rich flavour profile make it an invaluable culinary ally, seamlessly incorporating into an array of dishes:

  1. Cooking Oil Substitute: Use virgin coconut oil as a core cooking oil, enhancing the taste and nutrient content of an assortment of savoury meals, while withstanding high-heat applications due to its stability.
  2. Vinaigrettes and Dressings Reinvented: Incorporate virgin coconut oil into salad dressings or vinaigrettes, lending tropical undertones to your greens and elevating the health quotient of your meal.
  3. A Decadent Upgrade to Baking: Substitute traditional butter or oil with virgin coconut oil for a more healthful, flavour-packed alternative in a variety of baked goods.

Expanding your Recipe Arsenal with Virgin Coconut Oil: A Culinary Odyssey of Flavour and Nutrition

Take on the diverse world of virgin coconut oil with this curated collection of innovative and health-focused recipes:

  1. Exotic Coconut and Vegetable Stir-Fry: Transform your everyday stir-fry by infusing it with virgin coconut oil, assorted vegetables, and an invigorating blend of spices and herbs.
  2. Coconut Oil Roasted Sweet Potatoes: Reinvent the classic baked potato by roasting sweet potatoes in virgin coconut oil, creating a medley of caramelised and satiating flavours.
  3. Creamy Coconut Oil-based Smoothie: Revitalise your energy levels with a fruit smoothie enriched with the goodness of virgin coconut oil, offering a nourishing and healthful beverage.
  4. Tempting Coconut Oil Chocolate Truffles: Indulge your sweet tooth with an enticing chocolate truffle recipe, marrying virgin coconut oil with a mixture of rich cocoa and natural sweeteners.

Industry Developments and PR Strides with Virgin Coconut Oil: Riding the Global Wellness Wave

Awareness surrounding virgin coconut oil’s health benefits and versatile applications have prompted a swathe of significant industry developments and PR achievements:

  1. Celebrity Advocacy: High-profile figures and wellness influencers have driven the PR narrative by incorporating virgin coconut oil into their health and beauty routines, boosting its mainstream appeal and global demand.
  2. Expanding Product Ranges: Driven by the thriving consumer appetite for virgin coconut oil, companies like Ceylon Exports & Trading (Pvt) Ltd have integrated this elixir into their product portfolio, aligning with market trends and health-conscious consumption patterns.
  3. Sustainable Business Models: Ceylon Exports & Trading (Pvt) Ltd’s commitment to sustainable sourcing and green processing practices not only bolsters virgin coconut oil’s environmental appeal but also enhances brand reputation and aligns with ethical consumer values.


Delight in the sensational flavours and unrivalled health benefits of this miracle coconut product, sourced responsibly from Sri Lanka’s lush coconut triangle. With its impressive nutritional profile, diverse applications in recipes, and environmentally-conscious production, virgin coconut oil is a true testament to the transformative power of nature’s bounty. 

Ceylon Exports & Trading (Pvt) Ltd is one of the top virgin coconut oil producers from Sri Lanka. Our premium virgin coconut oil offers boundless opportunities for an elevated culinary experience and heightened well-being. Contact us now for more details. 

Discover the Health Benefits and Culinary Wonders of Desiccated Coconut

The search for healthier and more sustainable food alternatives has led many individuals to the fascinating world of coconut-based products. One such exceptional ingredient is desiccated coconut, produced by Export Lanka in their state-of-the-art coconut processing facility located in Sri Lanka’s famed coconut triangle. Desiccated coconut is the dried, grated coconut meat rich in flavour, texture, and nutrients.

A popular ingredient in a wide range of dishes, desiccated coconut offers numerous health benefits and elevates the taste of sweet and savoury cuisines alike. High in dietary fibre, it is a powerhouse of energy that can aid digestion, improve metabolism, and promote heart health by reducing bad cholesterol (LDL) levels.

Desiccated coconut caters to various dietary restrictions and preferences, being plant-based, gluten-free, and low-carb, making it a perfect choice for those pursuing healthier lifestyles or specific diets. With its unique taste and texture, desiccated coconut has secured a place in the hearts and kitchens of numerous health-conscious enthusiasts and chefs across the globe.

In this blog post, we will delve deep into the health benefits of desiccated coconut, unveil a variety of trending recipes that incorporate it as a key ingredient, and discuss recent PR developments that have contributed to its steadily growing popularity. Join us on our journey to discover and appreciate the remarkable advantages offered by Export Lanka’s premium desiccated coconut, an indispensable ingredient that effortlessly impresses with its fantastic flavour and commendable health benefits.

Health Benefits of Desiccated Coconut: Boosting Energy and Wellness

The health benefits of desiccated coconut extend far beyond its delicious taste. Rich in dietary fibre, it supports digestion and helps maintain a healthy gut. This vital nutrient also contributes to weight management as it facilitates a feeling of fullness, aiding portion control and reducing food cravings.

Desiccated coconut also contains a unique type of saturated fat known as Medium Chain Triglycerides (MCTs), which, unlike other saturated fats, are directly converted into energy and promote efficient metabolism. This energy boost makes desiccated coconut a preferred ingredient for athletes and individuals who lead an active lifestyle.

Furthermore, studies suggest that regular consumption of desiccated coconut may lower bad cholesterol (LDL) levels and improve heart health. With such a multitude of health benefits, desiccated coconut is a versatile and wholesome ingredient that enhances both taste and wellness.

Trending Desiccated Coconut Recipes: Solving Your Cooking and Baking Dilemmas

Regardless of your culinary prowess, desiccated coconut proves to be a versatile and flavourful addition to a variety of recipes. Below are some trending dishes that showcase the delightful character of this cherished ingredient:

  • Coconut Macaroons: A classic favourite, coconut macaroons are delicious, lightly sweetened cookies that feature desiccated coconut as the main ingredient. With a crisp exterior and a soft, chewy centre, these delightful treats can be dipped in chocolate for an extra layer of indulgence.
  • Coconut Crusted Fish: Make your fish fillets more exciting by coating them in a mixture of desiccated coconut, breadcrumbs, and spices. This tantalising crust adds texture and a mild sweetness that perfectly complements the fish’s flavour.
  • Coconut Rice: Elevate your rice dishes by mixing cooked rice with desiccated coconut. Enhance the tropical flair by adding toasted cashews, raisins, and a touch of saffron for an exquisite aroma and visually striking presentation.
  • Coconut Bliss Balls: Whip up energy-boosting snacks by combining desiccated coconut, dates, almonds, and cocoa powder. Form into bite-size balls and refrigerate for a nourishing, energising treat throughout the day.

Discover the following handpicked desiccated coconut recipes that will undoubtedly ignite your cooking and baking passions:

  • Thai Coconut Curry: Embrace the bold flavours of Thai cuisine by incorporating desiccated coconut into a creamy, aromatic curry. This dish, featuring vegetables, protein, and a generous helping of desiccated coconut, is sure to impress even the most discerning palates.
  • Coconut and Chia Seed Pancakes: Add a healthful twist to your morning pancakes by sprinkling desiccated coconut and chia seeds into the batter. Top with your favourite fruits and a drizzle of maple syrup for a delicious and nutritious start to the day.
  • Vegan Coconut Cream Pie: Create a mouthwatering, plant-based dessert by combining a vegan pastry with a luscious coconut cream filling and a layer of desiccated coconut. Satisfying your sweet tooth has never been so tempting or wholesome!

PR Developments on the Desiccated Coconut Scene

The ever-increasing popularity of desiccated coconut has garnered significant attention from various sectors, including health, wellness, and sustainability. Thanks to its numerous health benefits, desiccated coconut has been featured in popular media outlets and endorsed by renowned nutritionists and health influencers.

Additionally, companies like Export Lanka continue to make a difference in the coconut industry by engaging in sustainable practices and promoting fair trade, winning the hearts of ethical consumers. These PR developments have contributed to desiccated coconut’s growing appeal, resulting in a steady demand for high-quality, sustainably-sourced products.

Embrace the Magic of Desiccated Coconut

With its exceptional health benefits and culinary versatility, desiccated coconut from Export Lanka’s premium coconut processing facility in Sri Lanka’s coconut triangle has confidently claimed its position in the realm of health-conscious cooking and baking. No matter the type of cuisine, this unique ingredient adds a touch of tropical splendour to the most delectable and nourishing creations.

By incorporating desiccated coconut into your daily life, you embrace a journey towards wellness and satisfaction. Both your taste buds and well-being will rejoice as you discover and create dishes that celebrate the flavours and nutrients of this remarkable ingredient. So, empower your health and elevate your culinary skills with desiccated coconut, and experience the marvels of this humble yet extraordinary food.

Looking for high-quality desiccated coconut from Sri Lanka? Look no further than Ceylon Exports & Trading (Pvt) Ltd processing facility, where we directly own and operate every step of the production process. Located in Sri Lanka’s coconut triangle, our facility is committed to delivering the finest desiccated coconut available on the market today. Our products are sustainably sourced and produced using traditional methods, ensuring that you get the best taste and quality possible. Contact us today to learn more about our desiccated coconut and how it can enhance your cooking and baking projects.

The Versatility and Health Benefits of Organic Coconut Flour

In recent years, the demand for healthier and more versatile ingredients has surged, leading many people to discover the wonders of organic coconut flour. As the fitness and health industries continue to evolve, consumers are becoming more knowledgeable about the products they consume daily. 

Organic coconut flour is made from the dried meat of the coconut, grounded into a fine powder. This gluten-free, high-fiber, and low-carb byproduct of coconut milk production serves as a fantastic alternative to regular baking flours, particularly for those living with gluten intolerance or celiac disease. Its unique flavor and texture make it a versatile ingredient for both sweet and savory dishes, appealing to a wide range of culinary enthusiasts.

Not only is organic coconut flour a delicious addition to any recipe, but it also comes packed with numerous health benefits. As a low-glycemic index food, it doesn’t cause an abrupt spike in blood sugar levels, making it an excellent choice for those managing diabetes. Rich in medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), coconut flour can support weight management and help improve overall cardiovascular health.

In this blog post, we’ll delve deeper into the health benefits and nutritional value of organic coconut flour, and uncover some mouth-watering recipes you can experiment with in your own kitchen. We’ll also touch on recent PR developments surrounding coconut flour and how it is making waves in global food trends, all while being produced in an eco-conscious and sustainable manner by Ceylon Exports and Trading.

Stay tuned as we take you on a culinary journey with organic coconut flour, a flavorful and nutritious superfood that is gaining popularity in households and restaurants worldwide!

Organic Coconut Flour: A Nutritional Powerhouse

One of the key reasons behind the popularity of organic coconut flour is its impressive nutritional profile. High in dietary fibre, this alternative flour offers roughly five grams of fibre per tablespoon, making it a fantastic solution for those looking to increase their daily fibre intake. Adequate fibre consumption is essential for maintaining a healthy digestive system, promoting regular bowel movements, and reducing the risk of heart disease and obesity.

Moreover, organic coconut flour is low in carbohydrates, with only about three grams per serving. This characteristic makes it an excellent choice for individuals on a low-carb or ketogenic diet. It’s also a good source of healthy fats, specifically medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), known for promoting energy and weight loss by increasing fat metabolism.

Additionally, organic coconut flour contains essential minerals such as iron, which supports the production of red blood cells, and manganese, necessary for healthy bone formation. With these remarkable benefits, it’s no wonder that organic coconut flour has become the go-to ingredient for health-conscious consumers.

Immune System Booster and Heart Health Supporter

The high lauric acid content in organic coconut flour is another reason it’s a sought-after ingredient in many kitchens. Lauric acid, a type of healthy saturated fat, is known to have antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal properties. When consumed, it can help strengthen the immune system and fight off harmful pathogens, providing natural protection against common infections.

Saturated fats, specifically MCTs found in coconut flour, have been linked to increased levels of ‘good’ HDL cholesterol. As a result, incorporating organic coconut flour into your diet may contribute to improved cardiovascular health by maintaining the right balance of cholesterol levels. Given the prevalence of heart disease in today’s society, this natural ingredient offers many essential benefits for a healthy lifestyle.

Trending Organic Coconut Flour Recipes

No discussion on organic coconut flour would be complete without sharing some mouth-watering recipes that showcase its versatility in the culinary world. Here are a few trending options to inspire your cooking adventures:

  1. Coconut Flour Pancakes: A favourite amongst breakfast enthusiasts, these fluffy pancakes made with organic coconut flour offer a healthier and gluten-free alternative to traditional recipes. Combine eggs, milk, honey, vanilla extract, coconut flour, baking powder, and salt for a delightful morning meal that the entire family will love.
  2. Paleo Coconut Flour Bread: A grain-free, low-carb loaf that’s simple to prepare and perfect for those following a paleo diet. Blend organic coconut flour, eggs, coconut oil, apple cider vinegar and other desired ingredients like nuts or seeds, then bake to create a tasty and nutritious bread.
  3. Coconut Flour Chocolate Chip Cookies: Satisfy your sweet tooth with these gluten-free treats by mixing organic coconut flour, brown sugar, eggs, vanilla, coconut oil, baking powder, salt, and dark chocolate chips. Shape into cookies and bake for a delicious and guilt-free indulgence.
  4. Savoury Coconut Flatbread: Create an elegant, gluten-free flatbread to pair with your favourite toppings or dips. Combine organic coconut flour, psyllium husk, eggs, baking powder, and seasoning, then bake or cook on a stovetop for a delicious, versatile creation that’s perfect for your next gathering.

Recent PR Developments and Global Food Trends

As organic coconut flour continues to gain recognition worldwide, numerous reports and PR developments showcase its growing importance in global food trends. Celebrity chefs and popular food bloggers have embraced the use of this nutrient-dense ingredient, sparking creativity in kitchens everywhere.

Furthermore, businesses like Ceylon Exports and Trading have played a pivotal role in promoting and distributing high-quality, sustainably sourced coconut flour, ensuring a steady supply of this wonder ingredient for consumers globally. By focusing on eco-conscious practices, Ceylon Exports and Trading and others are making a positive impact on the environment while providing indispensable products for the health-conscious market.

Revamping Healthy Recipes with Organic Coconut Flour

Organic coconut flour, a versatile and health-boosting powerhouse produced by Ceylon Exports and Trading in Sri Lanka’s esteemed coconut triangle, truly deserves its place in the spotlight. Its impressive nutritional profile, immune system-enhancing properties, support for heart health, and widespread culinary use make it a must-have ingredient in every kitchen.

As global food trends evolve, organic coconut flour from Sri Lanka will undoubtedly continue to flourish, with consumers and chefs alike reaping the many benefits it offers. So, why not give this fantastic ingredient a try and get inspired by its versatility in creating delightful, healthful dishes that will leave you craving for more?

Harness the Power of Coconut Water: Your Guide to its Health Benefits, Hydration Power, and Nutritional Value

In the wellness-conscious era we live in, people are continuously searching for natural substitutes that provide both health benefits and a delightful taste. Coconut water, a lusciously refreshing beverage directly extracted from the heart of green young coconuts in Sri Lanka’s renowned coconut triangle, has been gaining remarkable attention worldwide.

Procured from our own coconut processing facility in Sri Lanka, Export Lanka’s coconut water is not just a thirst-quenching drink, but also a rich natural source of electrolytes, including potassium, that promote hydration, nutrient absorption, and overall health wellness. As a low-calorie, high-nutrient drink, coconut water provides a great hydration alternative over artificially sweetened energy drinks, catching the eye of health aficionados.

Aside from its hydration benefits, coconut water fosters various health benefits, including promoting heart health, supporting kidney function, and even providing antioxidants to fight off oxidative stress. With a myriad of advantages, it’s no surprise that coconut water has found its place in the health and wellness sphere.

Beyond hydration and health benefits, coconut water has also creatively inspired mixologists and chefs across the world to create innovative beverages and recipes. Whether as a base for smoothies, marinades, or exotic cocktails, coconut water brings a touch of tropical freshness to the culinary scene.

In this blog post, we explore the health benefits of coconut water, unique recipes featuring this super hydrating drink, and the most recent PR developments concerning coconut water’s increased popularity. Embark on this journey with us to unlock the extraordinary benefits of Export Lanka’s coconut water, a health gem that conducts the flavorful symphony of wellness and delight.

The Health Benefits of Coconut Water: Hydration and Beyond

Besides being a naturally refreshing beverage, coconut water is known for its abundance of essential nutrients and health advantages. Export Lanka’s premium-quality coconut water is brimming with electrolytes such as potassium, sodium, and magnesium, which perform vital functions in the body, including maintaining proper fluid balance and supporting muscle function.

Apart from its hydrating properties, coconut water also boasts various health benefits. Studies have shown that it can help reduce blood pressure, owing to its high potassium content. Additionally, antioxidants present in coconut water can prevent oxidative stress, safeguarding cells from damage and supporting overall well-being.

Research has also suggested that coconut water can contribute to maintaining kidney health by preventing the formation of kidney stones. Thanks to its naturally low-calorie and low-sugar content, coconut water is a healthier alternative to traditional sugar-laden beverages. With a multitude of health benefits on offer, it’s evident why coconut water has become a popular wellness ingredient across the globe.

Culinary Delights: Incorporating Coconut Water into Your Recipes

Coconut water’s versatility extends beyond its health advantages – it has also found its way into the culinary world as a unique ingredient in various dishes and beverages. Here are some innovative ways to bring the magic of coconut water into your home:

  1. Smoothies and Shakes: The sweet and tropical taste of coconut water makes it a perfect base for smoothies and shakes. Its natural electrolytes will keep you hydrated, while its refreshing flavour blends seamlessly with fruits, vegetables, and even protein powders.
  2. Soups and Broths: Adding coconut water to soups and broths introduces a unique depth of flavour that elevates the overall dining experience. Experiment with your favourite soup recipes by swapping part of the water or stock with coconut water for a distinctive tropical twist.
  3. Marinades and Sauces: Coconut water’s subtle sweetness can balance the taste of savoury dishes when used in marinades and sauces. Try marinating meat or fish in a mixture of coconut water, herbs, and spices for tender, flavourful results.
  4. Exotic Cocktails and Mocktails: Replace traditional mixers with coconut water to create invigorating tropical cocktails and mocktails. Adding coconut water to classics like a Mojito or Piña Colada will provide a fresh and distinctive taste that is sure to impress your guests.

Tantalizing Coconut Water Recipes to Try

Ready to embrace coconut water in your culinary experiments? We’ve curated a list of mouth-watering recipes that showcase the diverse ways coconut water can elevate dishes and beverages:

  1. Tropical Coconut Water Smoothie: Blend together coconut water, frozen mango, pineapple, banana, and a dollop of yoghurt for a revitalising and hydrating smoothie that transports you to the tropics.
  2. Coconut Water Gazpacho: Enrich a traditional gazpacho with a touch of coconut water, infusing it with a subtle sweetness alongside the standard ripe tomatoes, peppers, cucumber, and spices.
  3. Coconut Water Braised Chicken: Braise chicken thighs in a mixture of coconut water, lime juice, garlic, ginger, and chilli for a succulent, flavoursome dish packed with a medley of tempting aromas.
  4. Virgin Coconut Pina Colada: For a non-alcoholic version of the classic Piña Colada, shake together coconut water, pineapple juice, coconut cream, and a drizzle of honey. Top with crushed ice and garnish with pineapple wedges and cherries for an idyllic tropical beverage.

PR Developments in the Coconut Water Industry

In recent years, PR developments have focused on coconut water’s myriad health benefits and sustainable production, bolstering its increasing popularity worldwide. Notable athletes and celebrities have endorsed coconut water’s hydrating properties, benefitting active individuals and those seeking healthier alternatives to traditional beverages.

Manufacturers, such as Export Lanka, take pride in offering high-quality coconut water sourced from sustainable farming practices. As a result, this not only assures the premium quality of the product but also fosters an eco-conscious and environmentally friendly approach in the industry. This commitment to sustainability has further cemented coconut water’s reputation as an ideal choice for the health-conscious and environmentally aware consumer.

In Conclusion

Coconut water’s emergence as an indispensable wellness ingredient and a versatile culinary addition has undoubtedly transformed it into a global sensation. The delectable combination of health benefits, delightful taste, and environmental mindfulness makes it an ideal choice for those seeking natural and sustainable products.

Embrace the magic of Export Lanka’s premium coconut water and welcome a world of rejuvenation, well-being, and culinary inspiration. Whether enjoyed as a refreshing drink, a unique twist in your recipes, or shared with loved ones in tropical-inspired beverages, coconut water never ceases to enchant the senses and contribute to a healthier, more vibrant lifestyle. If you are looking for incredible coconut water and other coconut products, check out what we have to offer!

Unlocking the Secrets of Virgin Coconut Oil: Health Advantages, Culinary Inspirations & More

In today’s health-conscious world, consumers are more discerning than ever about the products they incorporate into their daily lives. One ingredient that has been receiving widespread acclaim for its exceptional health benefits and culinary versatility is Virgin Coconut Oil. Derived from the most revered coconuts of Sri Lanka’s coconut triangle, Virgin Coconut Oil, produced by Export Lanka, is a premium product that can transform both your kitchen and personal well-being.

Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) is extracted from fresh coconut milk through a cold-pressing process, which retains its natural aroma, flavour, and nutritional content. This unrefined oil boasts an extraordinary combination of fatty acids and vital nutrients, offering various health benefits, such as improving immunity, boosting metabolism, and supporting heart health. With science-backed evidence on its benefits, VCO has solidified its presence in the wellness sphere across the globe.

In addition to its well-established health advantages, Virgin Coconut Oil is also making waves in the culinary world. Its unique, delicate flavour profile and high smoke point make it a preferred option for cooking and baking. From savoury dishes to delightful desserts, VCO has become the go-to oil for both professional chefs and home cooks alike.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various health benefits attributed to Virgin Coconut Oil, showcase some trending recipes that can elevate your dining experiences, and highlight recent PR developments that have propelled VCO into the global limelight. Discover how this extraordinary oil from Export Lanka’s coconut processing facility in Sri Lanka is reshaping the culinary and wellness industries, one healthy tablespoon at a time.

The Multifaceted Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil

Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO) has long been associated with an array of health benefits, thanks to its unique combination of fatty acids and nutrients. One of its most notable advantages is its ability to improve immunity, as VCO is rich in lauric acid, a medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) known for its antibacterial and antiviral properties. By incorporating VCO into your routine, you can provide natural protection for your body against harmful pathogens.

Another remarkable benefit of VCO is its potential to support weight management. Research has suggested that MCTs, abundant in VCO, can help enhance metabolism and increase energy expenditure, leading to a more efficient fat-burning process. Virgin Coconut Oil may also aid digestion, thanks to the presence of these MCTs, which are quickly and easily absorbed by the body.

Furthermore, VCO has been linked to improved heart health. Studies have demonstrated that it can raise ‘good’ HDL cholesterol levels, thus potentially reducing the risk of heart disease. With an extensive list of health benefits, it is no wonder that Virgin Coconut Oil has become an indispensable wellness ingredient for people all around the world.

Culinary Uses: Virgin Coconut Oil in the Kitchen

Besides its well-documented health benefits, VCO has also proven to be a valuable addition to any kitchen, offering a plethora of culinary applications. Its unique flavour and high smoke point make it an optimal choice for cooking and baking. Here are some ways to incorporate Virgin Coconut Oil into your recipes:

  1. Frying and Sautéing: Due to its high smoke point, VCO is ideal for frying and sautéing, as it maintains its nutritional properties even at high temperatures. This characteristic allows you to create flavourful and healthy dishes, from pan-seared fish to stir-fried vegetables.
  2. Baking: VCO can be used as a substitute for butter and other oils in your baking recipes. It adds a subtle coconut aroma and results in moist, tender baked goods, making it perfect for cakes, cookies, and muffins.
  3. Salad Dressings: Give your salads a tropical twist by preparing dressings using VCO. Combine it with ingredients like lemon juice, honey, and fresh herbs to create a vibrant, flavourful dressing that enhances any salad dish.
  4. Smoothies and Beverages: VCO’s creamy consistency works seamlessly in smoothies and other beverages, enriching both taste and texture. Consider adding a spoonful to your morning smoothie for an energy boost and the myriad health benefits it provides.

Trending Virgin Coconut Oil Recipes

To inspire your culinary journey with VCO, we have curated a selection of trending, mouth-watering recipes that showcase the diverse ways you can use this fantastic oil:

  1. Coconut Oil Granola: Whip up a nutritious and delectable granola by combining oats, nuts, seeds, dried fruit, honey, and VCO. Bake until golden and enjoy as a topping for yoghurt or a snack on its own.
  2. VCO Roasted Vegetables: Toss your favourite vegetables in a mixture of VCO, herbs, and spices, then roast to perfection. The result is a healthy, flavoursome side dish that complements any main course.
  3. Coconut Oil Chocolate Truffles: Indulge guilt-free with these delicious truffles made with VCO, dark chocolate, almond milk, and a touch of sea salt. Refrigerate until firm and delight in these irresistible treats.
  4. No-Bake Coconut Oil Protein Bars: Create protein-rich snack bars using VCO, protein powder, oats, nut butter, honey, and your choice of mix-ins like nuts or chocolate chips. Chill until firm and enjoy these nutritious and energy-boosting bites.

Recent PR Developments and the Future of VCO

With a surge in global demand for VCO, recent PR developments have highlighted its ever-expanding impact across various industries. Celebrity chefs, fitness influencers, and wellness advocates have all embraced VCO as a staple ingredient, bringing it to the forefront of the culinary and health spheres.

Businesses like Export Lanka play a pivotal role in promoting the use of premium Virgin Coconut Oil by sourcing sustainably harvested coconuts from Sri Lanka’s esteemed coconut triangle. By ensuring ethical and eco-conscious practices, Export Lanka is dedicated to producing exceptional VCO that meets the highest standards, catering to a global consumer base.

In Conclusion

The wonders of Virgin Coconut Oil extend far beyond its impressive health benefits and wide-ranging culinary applications. As a sustainably and ethically sourced product from the heart of Sri Lanka, VCO is an extraordinary ingredient that adds a touch of tropical magic to your life.

By embracing the multifaceted advantages of Virgin Coconut Oil, you are not only enhancing the flavour and nutritional value of your dishes but also investing in an ingredient that contributes to an overall healthier, happier lifestyle. From the kitchens of skilled chefs to the countertops of home cooks, VCO is a remarkable superfood that will continue to captivate the world with its exceptional qualities.

That said, if you are looking for the top Virgin Coconut Oil, come check out what we at Ceylon Exports & Trading (Pvt) Ltd has to offer!

Hosting Community Kitchens after the Sri Lankan Debt Default and Economic Crisis

Post the Sri Lankan sovereign debt default in April/May of 2022, the currency collapsed by over 50% in value, food inflation topped 80% and foreign currency shortages led to food, fertilizer and fuel shortages. This drove the nation’s poverty rate from 8% to 25% as per the World Bank.

During this period, Ceylon Exports & Trading, which was blessed with a more stable export business, played an active role in engaging with the problems of the community. The company partook in several community kitchens in partnership with Feeding Ceylon and LOLC. Our company provided coconut oil, coconut sugar and in-hand support to Feeding Ceylon which held over 7 food drives in impoverished neighborhoods. We managed to reach over 1000 households over the initial 6 months of the crisis.

Since then, Sri Lanka has recovered significantly. Inflation is down to single digits, fuel and power are now available and the IMF has extended a helping hand. Although the nation is still not out of the woods, with debt restructuring and a post-crisis economic growth initiative is currently being implemented, we are cautiously optimistic of the future prospects of Sri Lanka and its people.

Binuki Salwathura poson dasal ceylon exports & trading

2022 Coconut Industry Update

Sri Lanka’s agricultural production sector has largely depended on the export of coconut cultivation, and according to the Sri Lankan Export Development Board, Sri Lanka is now the fourth-largest exporter of coconut products around the world.*

Sri Lanka’s coconut export industry has evolved significantly over the past decade, with industry players committing to meet global quality standards, expanding the coconut-based product range, and increasing production volume. 

Sri Lanka’s Coconut Export Performance, 2022

An analysis of data from the Sri Lanka Export Development Board shows that the country’s coconut export industry has recorded steady growth in recent years. However, 2022 was the first in nearly a decade to record a negative growth. Although the first half of the year showed high growth, the industry ended on a sobering note due to a global economic slowdown that had an impact on many developed and developing countries.

Sri Lanka Coconut Export Performance from 2013 to 2022

The following reasons can be considered contributing factors for this decline:

Sri Lanka coconut contribution to total exports from 2013 to 2022


  • Rising interest rates on the back of high inflation leading to high cost of capital – Rising interest rates due to high inflation has increased the cost of borrowing, reduced consumer disposable income, and discouraged business investment in many markets.**
  • Debt crisis in emerging markets reducing disposable income – Sovereign debt troubles in emerging economies such as Egypt and Pakistan have reduced foreign currency reserves, impacted the buying power and reduced access to global capital markets.***
  • Labour shortages in developed countries, leading to dampened growth prospects – Ongoing labour shortages in developed countries can reduce productivity, increase labour costs, and contribute to a mismatch in the economy, ultimately limiting growth prospects. Businesses may struggle to fill available positions, leading to decreased competitiveness and lower economic activity.****
  • An extended war in Europe, leading to supply chain uncertainties and inflation – The war in Ukraine has resulted in supply chain disruptions, inflation, and reduced investment, which have impacted the global economy. Some of the more significant repercussions are scarcity of resources, increased prices of goods and services, reduced productivity, and profitability for businesses.*****
  •  The debt and currency crisis in Sri Lanka led to a reduced dollar value per kg – The price per kilogram of Sri Lankan coconut-based product exports has been impacted by an 82% currency depreciation, resulting in a downward dollar pricing spiral among many coconut product exporters. The reason for this is that the cost of the coconut market in Sri Lankan rupees did not rise enough to match the currency depreciation.  
USD per kg value of desiccated coconut and coconut milk Sri Lanka

Snapshot of Global Coconut Producers 

In 2018, Sri Lanka was ranked the world’s fourth-largest coconut producer behind Indonesia, the Philippines, and India. However, as per the Food and Agriculture Organization’s 2020 data, Brazil overtook Sri Lanka and secured the fourth position, but Sri Lanka still retains its position among the top five coconut producing countries globally.

Coconut production volume Indonesia, India, Philippines, Brazil and Sri Lanka

Portfolio of Coconut Products Exported by Sri Lanka

The key categories of coconut products exported by Sri Lanka are kernel products, finished fibre products and shell products. 49.8% of the total export value in 2022 came from kernel products at a value of US dollars 407.01 million. Fibre products made up 29.4% of the total export value with a contribution of US dollars 239.88 million, and shell products made up 20.8% of the total export value with a contribution of US dollars 170.22 million. 

Composition of Sri Lankan coconut exports - Kernel, Fibre and Shell

Although most coconut categories showed negative growth in the 2022 calendar year, there was significant growth in activated carbon exports, on the back of continuing demand for water and air purification, mining applications, and a few new initiatives such as hard carbons in electric batteries. Haycarb PLC, has over 16% of market share with an annual capacity of over 50,000 metric tonnes of activated carbon, and the company is looking to expand its domestic capacity in water and air purification.******

Coconut Export Markets

The USA continues to be Sri Lanka’s largest coconut export market in 2022 with an export value of USD 161.75 million. The Netherlands comes in second, with an export value of USD 63.34 million. Germany, which came in second in 2021, has moved down the order to fourth place in 2022 with an export value of USD 54.43 million. 

Top export markets for Sri Lankan coconut products 2022


Some of the key emerging markets for Sri Lanka’s coconut exports include India and China. India, in particular, has seen a significant increase in demand for coconut products in recent years. This can be attributed to the country’s large population and rising disposable income levels, which have led to increased consumer spending on health and wellness products. Similarly, China’s growing middle class has shown a growing interest in natural and organic products, including coconut-based products.

As per export performance data for 2022, the USA is currently the largest global market for Sri Lankan activated carbon exports, followed by China and Estonia. Meanwhile, the exports of coco peat, fibre pith, and moulded products have been largely directed towards Mexico, Japan, China, and Morocco. Germany, the USA, and the Netherlands have been the largest markets for liquid coconut milk, while desiccated coconut, has been exported to India, the USA, the United Arab Emirates, and Pakistan.

Sri Lankan coconut export by product and year: 2020 - 2022


Sri Lanka’s Coconut Harvest through the years (2021-2023)

Even though there has been a slight rise in the number of seedlings planted in 2022, the trend of replanting has decreased significantly when compared to a decade ago.*******  This decline in replantation may result in a significant decrease in coconut production in the future.

Coconut seedlings planted in Sri Lanka past 40 years: 1980 - 2022


It was recorded in 2022 that Sri Lanka had one of the highest harvests in recent history, keeping up with the momentum from 2021.******** This was due to a great year of rainfall and strategic planting efforts from the country in the early 2010s. Unfortunately, due to the white fly pest that is currently uncontrolled by the industry and the authorities, the 2023 harvest is looking bleak, with a potential drop of about 10%.*********

According to recent yield data, Sri Lanka harvested 3.2 billion nuts in 2022.********** However, experts warn that the lack of sufficient fertiliser support could lead to a crop failure, putting the industry at risk.*********** If this issue is not addressed promptly, Sri Lanka may face a shortage of coconuts, which could lead to the country being forced to import them even for domestic consumption as early as 2025. This highlights the urgent need for action to support and sustain the coconut industry in Sri Lanka.

Sri Lanka annual coconut harvest 2018 - 2022


New Product Development

According to industry experts, Sri Lanka’s coconut sector has been successful in maintaining its leadership position in the global coconut market by adapting to changing market demands and investing in new technologies. 

“Aside from the fact that Sri Lanka produces high-quality coconut-based products, the local sector has been able to maintain its leadership position in the global coconut market by evolving and adapting to market needs,” says Tharanga Lanka Weerasinghe, Manager of the Coconut Development Authority’s Research and Development Division.

One example of such investment in new technologies is Sri Lankan activated carbon companies such as Haycarb PLC, which is actively investing in meeting the growing demand for hard carbon, as reported in its most recent annual financial statement.************

Ceylon Exports & Trading Co Pvt Ltd. is conducting R&D for new product developments that suit the global market trends. For instance, the company conducted a two-year period of testing to introduce the world’s first coconut smoothie, Nootz, made from an entirely organic coconut milk base combined with natural, tropical fruit and with zero preservatives. “Nootz is the world’s first plant based alternative from a coconut milk base, and we have been overwhelmed by the response the product has received”, says Dulara de Alwis, Chief Executive Officer of Ceylon Exports & Trading (Pvt) Ltd. 

As a result of these investments, Sri Lanka’s coconut industry has been able to tap into new markets, including the growing trend of plant-based milk beverages.

“Plant-based milk beverages are gaining global traction. The dairy alternative market is scheduled to grow as coconut milk drinks, which do not consist of soy or nut allergies, have become a customer favourite in this regard,” says de Alwis. 

Challenges Faced by the Industry 

According to Malintha Gajanayake, a representative of the Delegation of German Industry and Commerce in Sri Lanka (AHK Sri Lanka), “due to Sri Lanka’s sovereign debt default, the treasury has paused financial support for international trade fair participation, putting SME exporters at a disadvantage compared to larger industry exporters from other countries with more supportive export development policies.” Gajanayake claims that “international trade fairs provide an excellent platform for SMEs to not only understand market trends and the availability of cutting-edge technology, but also to meet new business partners and expand their export capacities. Many SMEs struggle to gain international exposure due to the current constraints.”

Additionally, several companies in the export industry warn that a corporate tax increase to 30% may reduce returns and incomes, making the export sector globally uncompetitive.*************

Sri Lanka is facing a mass of skilled and semi-skilled professionals leaving for better opportunities abroad, which may lead to bigger problems in the future.************** While the government encourages migration to increase remittances and support the economy, this strategy could have negative consequences. However, this trend is not new, as Sri Lankans have been migrating to various countries since the 1950s.

Asif Nanji, Director of Interplast Asia (Pvt) Limited, a manufacturer of HDPE packaging material for the Sri Lankan export industry, adds that the dollar shortage has led to spikes in costs and a low availability of packaging material and machinery spare parts.

According to Jason Samaranayake, the Sole Proprietor of Mathammana D/C Mills, notes that the large and sudden hike in utilities, such as electricity, is challenging to handle in the short term, especially since global prices for desiccated coconut have not increased.

There was also a sudden appreciation of the Sri Lankan rupee against the US Dollar in the first few months of 2023, which caused exporters many losses while reducing global competitiveness. 

Despite inflation and changes in tax policy, the coconut sector in Sri Lanka has shown resilience and continued to innovate and adapt to changing market demands.

Taking the Industry Forward 

According to a statement by the Director of the CCB, Deepal Priyanjith, by increasing the use of moisture conservation techniques in coconut plantations can boost the availability of coconut fertiliser in the market.

It is recommended that the Sri Lankan government continues to provide tax incentives for export promotions. The recent tax policy changes have eliminated tax incentives for marketing, and this should be reinstated to support efforts aimed at increasing foreign exchange inflows into the country, stated Hasitha de Alwis, current Director of Ranfer Teas and ex-Director of the Sri Lankan Tea Promotion Unit in the Tea Board.








*******Source: Coconut Cultivation Board

********Source: Coconut Research Institute


**********Source: Coconut Research Institute





Why Coconut Flour Is a Great Alternative for Almond Flour

Depending on your preferences, you can use either almond flour or coconut flour as a substitute for the other. You can use almond flour if a recipe calls for coconut flour. And if a recipe calls for almond flour, you can use coconut flour instead. This also means that you must adjust the recipe since coconut flour is slightly more absorbent than almond flour.

Why Coconut Flour Is the Best Substitute for Almond Flour 

Some benefits of using coconut flour instead of almond flour are that it is gluten-free, high in fiber, and low in carbohydrates. Additionally, coconut flour can be a good option for nut allergies. If you have a nut allergy, you must avoid anything with almonds, and coconut flour is a good solution.

You might also be trying to make a recipe but missing an ingredient. It’s always helpful to have more than one recipe in your repertoire so you can still make the dish you want, even if you’re missing an ingredient.

Coconut flour is also a good alternative for people following a ketogenic or pro-metabolic diet. It is a healthier alternative to other types of flour because it is rich in MCTs and fiber. These nutrients promote good digestion, heart health, and stable blood sugar.

Coconut Flour Vs. Almond Flour Nutrition Facts

Almond flour is made from finely ground almonds, while coconut flour is made from finely ground coconut. Both flours are keto-friendly and can be used as substitutes for wheat flour. However, they have different properties, so you may need to experiment with different ratios when using them in recipes. Additionally, you can not substitute one for the other 1:1 in recipes, so it’s important to know the difference between the two flours before using them in your cooking.

When it comes to choosing between almond flour and coconut flour, it really depends on what your dietary needs are. If you’re watching your calorie intake, then almond flour is better. However, coconut flour is the way to go if you’re trying to keep your net carb intake low.

Coconut flour is made from coconut meat. The coconut meat is grated and soaked in water to make coconut milk. The water is then squeezed out of the coconut meat used to make coconut flour. Coconut flour is a good source of fiber, and it also contains some protein and fat.

The MCT oil in this product helps with weight loss by making you feel full, burning fat, and helping burn calories. The MCT oil is also heat-stable to withstand baking and cooking.

Coconut flour is also one of the most nutritious types of flour available. It is high in fiber, protein, and healthy fats. These nutrients are essential for maintaining a healthy weight, regulating appetite, and preventing chronic diseases.

How to Start Using Coconut Flour instead of Almond Flour

When adjusting a recipe from switching to coconut flour to almond flour, you need to make a few adjustments. You need to use 1/4 cup less coconut flour than the amount of almond flour called for in the recipe. You need to add an extra 1/4 cup of liquid for every 1/4 cup of coconut flour used. You may need to bake the recipe for a few minutes longer than the recipe calls for.

To make a 1:1 substitution of coconut flour for almond flour, you’ll need to use 1/4 cup of coconut flour for every cup of almond flour called for in the recipe, and you’ll also need to add one egg for every 1/4 cup of coconut flour used.


Coconut flour is a good alternative to almond flour for several reasons. Coconut flour is lower in calories and carbs and higher in fiber and protein than almond flour. Coconut flour also contains more healthy fats than almond flour. Additionally, coconut flour is more affordable than almond flour.

Ceylon Exports and Trading exports and supplies Coco House Organic Coconut Flour, a gluten-free alternative to regular and almond flour, in Sri Lanka. Coconut flour is produced from fiber and protein-rich virgin oil cake, ground and sieved into mesh-size particles to make the end product. If you’re looking for suppliers of organic coconut flour in Sri Lanka, we’ve got you covered! Browse our shop now!

How to Properly Store Coconut Sugar

Coconut sugar is a kind of sugar made from the coconut flower sap. It is a granulated form of sugar that can be used to replace other kinds of sugar in recipes. It has a caramel flavor and is considered a healthier alternative to other types of sugar. 

However, coconut sugar does have some unique benefits, including:

  • Contains inulin -Inulin is a type of soluble fiber that can help to regulate blood sugar levels. When your blood sugar levels are controlled, it can help to prevent spikes that can be harmful to your organs.
  • Coco sugar has a much lower Glycemic Index compared to regular sugar. The Glycemic index measures how much a food raises blood sugar. The lower the number, the less a certain food raises blood sugar.
  • It helps the body keep essential nutrients such as iron, zinc, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium.

Organic coconut sugar can last a long time if it is stored properly. Here are some tips on how you can keep your coconut sugar to ensure a longer shelf life:

Choose Your Coco Sugar Container Carefully

When choosing a coco sugar container, there are a few things you need to consider to ensure that you get the best one for your needs. 

Choose the Right Size

The first thing to consider is the size of the container. You must ensure that the container you choose is large enough to hold all the coco sugar you plan to store. If you go with a container that is too small, you run the risk of the sugar spilling out and becoming a sticky mess. 

Choose the Right Material

You also need to consider the material the container is made out of. You want to ensure that the container you choose can withstand the heat of the coco sugar. Some materials, such as plastic, can melt when exposed to high temperatures. This can cause the sugar to leak out and create a mess. 

Choose a Container That Suits Your Budget

Finally, you should consider the container’s price. Coco sugar can be expensive, so you want to ensure you get the best value for your money. There are various coco sugar containers on the market, so be sure to shop around and compare prices before making your final decision. 

How Long Does Coco Sugar Last?

Coconut sugar is made from the coconut tree’s sap. The sap is boiled down and then crystallized to create the sugar. Because it is a natural product, it does not contain any preservatives. 

This means that coco sugar will start to degrade and go bad over time. However, if it is stored correctly, it can last for twelve months or longer.

To extend the shelf life of coco sugar, it is essential to keep it in an airtight container. This will prevent the sugar from absorbing moisture from the air and from clumping together.

It is also essential to store the sugar in a cool, dry place. Heat and humidity both can cause the sugar to degrade faster.


Coco sugar is a healthier alternative to regular sugar, but it does have a shorter shelf life. To ensure that coco sugar stays fresh and retains its nutritional value, it is crucial to store it properly. When stored in a cool, dry place, coco sugar can last up to six months or even longer. However, if coco sugar is exposed to moisture or heat, it will spoil more quickly. With proper storage, coco sugar can be a healthy and delicious addition to your diet. 

Coco House Organic Coconut Sugar is a high-quality 100% organic coconut sugar with low glycemic content, making it a better option for people watching their sugar intake.

Get your Coco House organic coconut sugar from Ceylon Exports & Trading today!

A Comprehensive Guide to Storing Coconut Oil the Right Way

Coconut oil is known for its many uses, but did you know that it also has a very long shelf life? If you’re wondering how to store coconut oil to ensure that it lasts as long as possible, look no further! This guide will teach you everything you need to know about keeping coconut oil.

Defining Coconut Oil

Coconut oil is made from the meat of the coconut, which contains a high amount of oil. The oil is then extracted from the coconut meat and is very high in saturated fat. This makes it stable and resistant to oxidation and rancidity. It has a melting point of seventy-eight degrees Fahrenheit and a smoking point of around 440 degrees Fahrenheit.

Coconut oil is a type of oil that solidifies at room temperature. This quality makes it a good choice for recipes that require no baking, such as chocolate truffles. Coconut oil is also popular as a skincare product and has numerous health benefits, making it a valuable item to have on hand in the kitchen.

Coconut Oil Going Bad

Coconut oil can last a long time, but it will eventually go bad. Keeping it in a cool, airtight container will help it last longer. Only use coconut oil if it’s still good–using expired coconut oil can be harmful to your health.

Watch out for these signs that your coconut oil has already gone bad:

1. Discolored

The oil should be a pale-white color. If it starts to turn black or green or has any dark oil spots or signs of mold, it has turned rancid.

2. Foul-Smelling

Coconut oil will go bad eventually, just like any other oil. When it goes bad, it will smell sour or bitter.

3. Expired 

Make sure to check the expiration date of your coconut oil before using it. If it has passed the expiration date, it is no longer safe to use.

4. Sour 

Coconut oil will go bad if it starts to taste sour or bitter. This is because the oil has oxidized and is no longer suitable for consumption.

Storing Coconut Oil Properly

When you’re finished using your coconut oil, make sure to clean your utensils thoroughly. Any food left on them will contaminate the oil and cause it to go bad. Here are other ways to prolong the shelf life of your coconut oil:

1. Keep it in a sealed container.

Coconut oil can go bad if exposed to air, so it is important to keep it in a sealed container.

2. Put it in the fridge.

Coconut oil will last longer if kept in the fridge, but it can be difficult to use if it hardens. However, it can still be used for baking.

3. Store it in a dark area.

Coconut oil will last the longest when stored in a dark place at room temperature. Keeping it out of direct sunlight will help it stay fresh for longer.


The shelf life of coconut oil depends on what type you have on hand. Follow the tips above to ensure your coconut oil stays fresh for as long as possible.

Are you interested in bulk organic coconut oil? Check out Coco House, one of Sri Lanka’s finest wholesale coconut exporters and suppliers. We export and supply fresh organic coconut-based products. Shop now!

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