If you’ve been following the world of modern-day eating for a while now, then chances are that you’ve heard about the ketogenic diet—simply known as “Keto”—and the kind of wonders it can do for the body.

Ketogenic Diet in a Nutshell

Characterized by its high-fat, high-protein, and no-carb philosophy, the Keto diet is undoubtedly one of the most unique eating methods commonly used nowadays. Through the help of this eating diet, millions have been able to eat with more flexibility and enjoy dishes that they actually like, all while losing a tremendous amount of weight and gaining more energy.

As someone that’s been looking into reworking the way you eat for the right results, following the Keto lifestyle is a route worth taking and looking into because of its benefits. Considering the rich array of available ingredients and items that you can incorporate into your daily diet, however, you’re probably wondering about what’s worth prioritizing and stocking up on.

Well, we’ve got you covered with one item that you should start with: MCT Oil.

MCT Oil: What Is It? 

Medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) are a type of saturated fat that stands out from their counterparts (mainly butter and coconut oil) because of the wide range of positive health benefits it yields. The most commonly consumed type of MCTs comes in an oil form, usually derived from coconuts themselves, and works with other keto-staple ingredients to establish a healthy diet!

A Rising Ketogenic Staple

For anyone that follows a Keto diet, the term “MCT” is far from foreign because experts and health gurus have been talking more and more about it in recent years.

Commonly used as a supplement for daily routines, an alternative for butter, or an ingredient for cooking, this particular ingredient has been proven to help the body’s healthy fat intake in more ways than one. Over time, many have paid far more attention to it as a potential investment, thanks to the fact that it helps with all sorts of different tasks that aid the body—such as: 

  • Improving heart health
  • Assisting in metabolism enhancement
  • Aiding in recovery

Benefits to Watch Out For

With many exploring the ability of MCT oil to best complement the principles of ketogenesis and the benefits it provides, it’s clear that this coconut oil-derived ingredient is well worth looking into. The one thing that most people fail to understand about it as much as they should, however, is that its health advantages are a whole lot more than mere hullabaloo and sales talk. 

If you’re curious about the full-fledged effect of medium-chain triglycerides and why they belong in your cupboard, here are a few key points to keep in mind:

Better, Easy-To-Find Energy

Here’s the most unique aspect of MCT oil that any keto loyalist can be thankful for: it can help anyone think more clearly and give them even more energy at a much faster rate.

The ability of the body to greatly benefit from MCT oil lies in the fact that it does not have to be digested by the stomach for systems to greatly benefit as it goes straight to the liver. This streamlined process is a desired one because a regular helping of the coconut-derived product is quickly broken down into ketones and distributed to the bloodstream—creating instant energy! 

Improved Weight Loss

Another key reason MCT oil belongs in the cupboard of anyone following a ketogenic diet is that it has a significant ability to aid in any kind of weight-loss effort and make a larger-than-life impact. 

According to this Physiology & Behavior study, participants who consumed an MCT oil smoothie reported the highest levels of satiety out of the three oils after an overnight fast. This particular bit of scientific truth is important for anyone looking to shed some pounds the right way because it shows that the supplement in question is effective at controlling the body’s appetite—which leads to improved weight loss!


Although it may not be the first thing that comes to mind when building a ketogenic diet and stocking up on the necessary supplies, MCT Oil is definitely something that anyone should have in their diet. With the help of this wonder supplement, anyone looking to improve their health and turn their life around can easily do so with the power of supplementation!

Ceylon Exports & Trading is one of the highest-rated coconut suppliers in Sri Lanka that boasts an array of qualifications and countless numbers of happy customers and business partners. If you’re thinking about bringing top-quality organic MCT oil into your local market for your next business move, get in touch with us today!

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