What Is the Appropriate Way to Store Your Coconut Oil

Organic coconut oil has become quite popular recently, mainly because of the many benefits it provides. Contrary to popular belief, it’s not just for cooking and baking. Many people choose to consume extra virgin coconut oil directly, while others include it in their beauty routines.

Whichever way you choose to use organic coconut oil, you must know how to store it properly. Here’s what you need to know about keeping coconut oil in your house.

How Do You Keep Coconut Oil in a Liquid State?

Organic coconut oil can solidify in colder temperatures. So, if you want to keep your coconut oil in a liquid state, you must store it at the right temperature. 

At 74°F, coconut oil is solid since its melting point is 75°F. So, if you store your coconut oil at temperatures above that, you can keep it in liquid form. 

You can typically store your coconut oil somewhere in your home that is stably warm. However, if you live in colder climates or winter, the coconut oil could solidify.

If you want to liquefy solid coconut oil, place the container in warm water to bring the oil’s temperature up. Make sure you don’t use boiling water as organic coconut oil is sensitive to rapid heat changes.

Should You Refrigerate Coconut Oil?

If you want to keep your coconut oil in liquid form, you definitely shouldn’t pop it in the refrigerator. However, if you need your coconut oil to be in a solid-state, it’s safe to store it in the fridge. 

Solid coconut oil is most often used in baking to achieve a firmer butter-like texture. If you have liquid coconut oil you want to solidify for baking, you’ll have to wait at least one hour before it can harden inside the refrigerator.

Seeing as coconut oil can last for a while, some may keep a stock of bulk organic coconut oil in their homes. If this is the case, you can safely freeze them to prolong their shelf life.

Where Should You Store Coconut?

When you transfer your coconut oil into new containers, it’s best to go for air-tight glass or BPA-free containers. To avoid spoiling a large batch from constant reheating, you should store your coconut oil in smaller containers. 

If you’re storing your coconut oil for a long time, however, you have to check for mold growth in the bottom periodically. That’s why you should go for transparent containers over opaque ones. You can also go for transparent colored bottles so that you can block light exposure.

How Long Does Virgin Coconut Oil Last?

Fresh coconut pulp is processed to produce virgin coconut oil. In this process, manufacturers use cold compression and micro-expelling and do not expose the coconut oil to heat. Because of this, virgin coconut oil achieves a lower moisture content.

Thanks to this careful process, virgin coconut oil has a shelf life of up to two years and can even extend to five years if stored properly. On the other hand, coconut oil processed through fermentation typically has a shorter shelf life than virgin coconut oil.


Organic coconut oil can exist in both solid and liquid forms. If you need your coconut oil to be in a liquid state, store it at temperatures above 75°F. But if you need to bake with solid coconut oil, you can simply pop it in the refrigerator for at least one hour. Conversely, to liquefy solid coconut oil, you can submerge the container in warm water to allow it to heat up slowly. That said, make sure to keep this guide in mind!

Get a fresh supply of organic coconut oil from Ceylon Exports & Trading! We are Sri Lanka’s finest wholesale coconut exporters and suppliers, providing premium coconut products sourced directly from the Sri Lankan Coconut Triangle. Send a product inquiry now!

MCT Oil: Why It’s a Must-Include for Any Ketogenic Diet

If you’ve been following the world of modern-day eating for a while now, then chances are that you’ve heard about the ketogenic diet—simply known as “Keto”—and the kind of wonders it can do for the body.

Ketogenic Diet in a Nutshell

Characterized by its high-fat, high-protein, and no-carb philosophy, the Keto diet is undoubtedly one of the most unique eating methods commonly used nowadays. Through the help of this eating diet, millions have been able to eat with more flexibility and enjoy dishes that they actually like, all while losing a tremendous amount of weight and gaining more energy.

As someone that’s been looking into reworking the way you eat for the right results, following the Keto lifestyle is a route worth taking and looking into because of its benefits. Considering the rich array of available ingredients and items that you can incorporate into your daily diet, however, you’re probably wondering about what’s worth prioritizing and stocking up on.

Well, we’ve got you covered with one item that you should start with: MCT Oil.

MCT Oil: What Is It? 

Medium-chain triglycerides (MCT) are a type of saturated fat that stands out from their counterparts (mainly butter and coconut oil) because of the wide range of positive health benefits it yields. The most commonly consumed type of MCTs comes in an oil form, usually derived from coconuts themselves, and works with other keto-staple ingredients to establish a healthy diet!

A Rising Ketogenic Staple

For anyone that follows a Keto diet, the term “MCT” is far from foreign because experts and health gurus have been talking more and more about it in recent years.

Commonly used as a supplement for daily routines, an alternative for butter, or an ingredient for cooking, this particular ingredient has been proven to help the body’s healthy fat intake in more ways than one. Over time, many have paid far more attention to it as a potential investment, thanks to the fact that it helps with all sorts of different tasks that aid the body—such as: 

  • Improving heart health
  • Assisting in metabolism enhancement
  • Aiding in recovery

Benefits to Watch Out For

With many exploring the ability of MCT oil to best complement the principles of ketogenesis and the benefits it provides, it’s clear that this coconut oil-derived ingredient is well worth looking into. The one thing that most people fail to understand about it as much as they should, however, is that its health advantages are a whole lot more than mere hullabaloo and sales talk. 

If you’re curious about the full-fledged effect of medium-chain triglycerides and why they belong in your cupboard, here are a few key points to keep in mind:

Better, Easy-To-Find Energy

Here’s the most unique aspect of MCT oil that any keto loyalist can be thankful for: it can help anyone think more clearly and give them even more energy at a much faster rate.

The ability of the body to greatly benefit from MCT oil lies in the fact that it does not have to be digested by the stomach for systems to greatly benefit as it goes straight to the liver. This streamlined process is a desired one because a regular helping of the coconut-derived product is quickly broken down into ketones and distributed to the bloodstream—creating instant energy! 

Improved Weight Loss

Another key reason MCT oil belongs in the cupboard of anyone following a ketogenic diet is that it has a significant ability to aid in any kind of weight-loss effort and make a larger-than-life impact. 

According to this Physiology & Behavior study, participants who consumed an MCT oil smoothie reported the highest levels of satiety out of the three oils after an overnight fast. This particular bit of scientific truth is important for anyone looking to shed some pounds the right way because it shows that the supplement in question is effective at controlling the body’s appetite—which leads to improved weight loss!


Although it may not be the first thing that comes to mind when building a ketogenic diet and stocking up on the necessary supplies, MCT Oil is definitely something that anyone should have in their diet. With the help of this wonder supplement, anyone looking to improve their health and turn their life around can easily do so with the power of supplementation!

Ceylon Exports & Trading is one of the highest-rated coconut suppliers in Sri Lanka that boasts an array of qualifications and countless numbers of happy customers and business partners. If you’re thinking about bringing top-quality organic MCT oil into your local market for your next business move, get in touch with us today!

Dark Chocolate Macaroons Recipe

Main Ingredients

  • 3 cups unsweetened shredded coconut
  • 1/4 teaspoon vanilla extract
  • 2 tablespoon maple syrup
  • 1/2 tablespoon Coco House Organic Coconut Sugar
  • 1/2 tablespoon Coco House Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
  • 1/2 cup dairy-free dark chocolate (chopped)

Total time


Prep Time


Cook time




  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F (176 C) and apply a light coating of butter on a baking sheet.
  • Add the unsweetened shredded coconut to a high-speed blender, scraping down the sides as required, until the mixture has a dough-like texture. If you blended for too long, add some more unsweetened shredded coconut and the mixture should firm back up.
  • Add maple syrup, vanilla and coconut sugar and blend once more.
  • Using a tablespoon, scoop out enough of the mixture to fit inside the spoon and squeeze the mouth of the spoon firmly with your hands to get an even shaped design. Then, use your fingers to slide it out into the shape of a half circle. Gently lay it on a baking sheet.
  • Brush the top of the macaroons lightly with coconut oil and sprinkle some shredded coconut on top. Bake for 8-10 minutes or until the bottom edges are golden brown. Then, set them aside for cooling.
  • While the macaroons are cooling, melt the chocolate in a microwave for 30 seconds.
  • Once cooled, pick up the macaroons and dip them into the chocolate. Allow the chocolate to come up over the edges. Be gentle as the macaroons can be fragile. Wipe away any excess chocolate with a spoon.
  • Place macaroons on a parchment-lined plate and repeat until all the macaroons are coated. Let them set.
  • Once set, peel away the macaroons from the parchment paper and transfer them to a serving plate. Will stay fresh at room temperature for several days or in the freezer for several weeks.

Coconut Cake Recipe

Main Ingredients

For the cake:

  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 2 cups Coco House Organic Coconut Flour
  • 1 tablespoon baking powder
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 1/2 cups Coco House Organic Coconut Sugar
  • 3 large eggs
  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla

For the frosting:

  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 5 ounces whole fat cream cheese
  • 5 cups powdered sugar
  • 1/2 teaspoon vanilla
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 cup whole or whipping cream
  • 1-2 cups coconut flakes

Total time


Prep Time


Cook time





  • Pre-heat the oven to 350° Fahrenheit (180° celsius), and grease the surface of two cake pans (8 or 9 inch/20 – 22 cm in size) with butter. Then add a very light layer of flour and continue to grease it around the surface of the pans.

For the cake:

  • In a medium bowl, beat together the butter and the sugar at a moderate pace for 2 minutes until the paste is slightly thickened. Then, add the eggs and continue beating.
  • In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder and salt at a moderate rate. Then, add milk and vanilla and continue to beat until the paste is stabilized.
  • Place the batter in the two pans. Bake for 30-35 minutes until the cake is golden brown (use a toothpick to test for stability). Take the cakes out of the oven and allow them to cool on a wire rack.

For the frosting:

  • In a medium bowl, beat together the butter and the cream cheese at a moderate pace for 1 minute. Then add powdered sugar 1 cup at a time, whilst continuing to beat the mixture at a moderate pace. Add half a teaspoon of salt, add half a teaspoon of vanilla and beat the mixture for 3 minutes until a fluffy texture is obtained.
  • To frost the cake, flip around one of the cakes and add a layer of the frosting mixture, and then place the other cake on top.
  • Cover the cake with coconut flakes. (we did it with a handful and packed it gently on top of the cake). Enjoy!

3 Potential Skin Benefits of Drinking and Using Coconut Water

Coconut is often referred to as a tree of life since every part holds a purpose. One particular element of coconut is coconut water. While rich and refreshing, coconut water may not just be for quenching thirst; it may also be beneficial for the skin.

Although further research must be done to better solidify the use of coconut water on the skin, current studies do show promising results. But for now, let’s uncover what we know so far about the potential skin benefits of coconut water.

Coconut Water Is Great for Dry and Sensitive Skin

Water is excellent for the skin. It helps cleanse and moisturize skin. But does coconut water have the same benefits on the skin as normal water?

Well, according to Dr. Marie Hayag, a board-certified dermatologist, coconut water may nourish and help moisturize dry and sensitive skin. Its high electrolyte content may also help soothe the skin, according to Diane Madfes, MD. Dr. Madfes is a board-certified dermatologist and an assistant professor of dermatology at the Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York City.

Coconut Water Can Help Fight Acne and Acne Scars

We’ve all had our fair share of run-ins with acne. But can applying coconut water to the skin help fight it?

According to a preliminary study in 2017, the antimicrobial properties of coconut water may help in fighting acne and acne scarring. However, current research is yet to yield significant evidence of coconut water’s healing powers against acne. So, instead of using coconut water alone to fight acne, it’s best to simply use it alongside your other skincare products to speed up the process. 

Coconut Water Promotes Anti-Aging

According to a study conducted in 2015 on rats, coconut water consumption was found to potentially boost the antioxidant system. This can lead to neutralization of free radical effects, promoting anti-aging.

However, the study focused only on the ingestion of coconut water. So, there is yet to be significant research on the topical application of coconut water for anti-aging.

Other Benefits of Coconut Water

While a topical application of coconut water to the skin may still be an area for further research, we do know that coconut water contains nutrients that can be beneficial when consumed. Coconut water contains many vitamins that may benefit the skin, such as vitamin B2, vitamin B3, and vitamin C.

When consumed, coconut water may increase collagen production and promote skin hydration and elasticity. This may reduce the presence of wrinkles and give the skin a healthy glow.

How to Apply Coconut Water on Your Face

There are many ways to include coconut water in your skincare routine. For one, you can use it to wash your face. You may also use it as a toner by applying it to the face using a cotton pad. Just make sure to follow it up with a moisturizer. You can also add a few drops of coconut water to your moisturizer for added hydration.

Coconut water can also be used in a mask. For this, you’ll need to combine two teaspoons of coconut water with half a teaspoon of honey and half a teaspoon of turmeric powder. Apply it to your skin and let it sit for 10 minutes before rinsing off.

Lastly, you may also use coconut water to refresh your skin. Place the coconut water in a mist bottle and spray it on your face throughout the day for that dewy effect.


While further research is indeed needed, current studies on coconut water’s benefits on the skin show promise. As long as you’re not allergic to coconut, consuming coconut water can be harmless and can even provide you with essential vitamins and electrolytes. For topical application, on the other hand, it’s best to simply use it alongside other skincare products and introduce it to your skincare routine gradually.

Whether for ingestion or topical application, Ceylon Exports & Trading can provide you with fresh organic coconut water. We are the finest coconut water exporters in Sri Lanka, providing quality coconut-based products sourced directly from the Sri Lankan Coconut Triangle. Contact us today to get started!

All About Coconut Sugar: A Nutritious Sugar Alternative

Treating yourself to some sweets can make you feel better and give you your much-needed energy boost. However, regular white sugar can increase your risk of different diseases. Fortunately, you can still indulge in delightful desserts while maintaining a healthy and balanced diet. You can do this by switching to organic coconut sugar.

What Is Coconut Sugar?

Coconut sugar is a natural sweetener sourced from the sap of coconut palm flowers. It has a unique caramel color and flavor that can boost the taste of any dish. To make this, there is a three-step process involved: extract, evaporate, and dehydrate. 

First,  the flower of the coconut palm is cut with its liquid sap collected. This sap is then evaporated completely to eliminate the water content. The residue left behind becomes coconut sugar.

Is Coconut Sugar Healthy? 

Coconut sugar is considered a healthier option than white sugar for several reasons. Unlike the regular sweetener, this organic option contains the following:

  • Vitamin C: The average adult is supposed to get a daily amount of 65-90 milligrams of vitamin C to effectively boost the immune system.
  • Antioxidants: Cells in your body can get damaged due to free radicals. Thankfully, this can be prevented or reduced by antioxidants.
  • Electrolytes: Coconut sugar is packed with natural electrolytes, such as magnesium, potassium, and sodium that regulate your body’s water content.
  • Nitrogen: Adding coconut sugar to your diet is beneficial for your cardiovascular system as it has some traces of nitrogen.
  • Minerals: You can get the minerals your body needs by switching to coconut sugar that contains zinc, iron, and calcium.
  • Short-Chain Fatty Acids: These are healthy fats that protect against high cholesterol and prevent different diseases, including type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and obesity. Additionally, they are the main source of nutrition for your colon.

What Are the Health Benefits of Coconut Sugar?

Besides the greater nutritional value your body receives, switching from white sugar to coconut sugar offers different health benefits. These include:

Low Glycemic Index and Less Sucrose Content

Satisfying your craving for sweets can uplift your mood, but having too much sugar can increase your risk of health conditions. The good news is that you can still enjoy desserts, smoothies, and other kinds of sweets as long as you use coconut sugar. Compared to white sugar, it has a low level of glycemic index, which means it has a less dramatic impact on your blood sugar levels.

Less Sucrose Consumption

Table sugar is considered pure sucrose, while coconut sugar only has 70-80 percent. This organic sweetener also has fiber and other nutrients to sweeten the deal. As you consume the same amount of sugar, you are increasing your nutrient intake when you use coconut sugar.

Provides a Better Alternative For Diabetic Patients

People with diabetes have to be extra careful about their sugar intake to decrease the risk of blood sugar spikes. Thankfully, coconut sugar has inulin that prevents a significant blood sugar level spike in the body. 


In the world of sweeteners, coconut sugar can be a good replacement for your regular store-bought option. But just like any other sugar, you should use it in moderation and consider its amount in calories and carbohydrates. This is why it’;s important to compare brands and purchase only from credible vendors.

Source your organic coconut sugar only from Ceylon Exports & Trading. We have a tree-to-table approach, which makes us the best organic coconut product supplier and exporter. Contact us to order a sample or schedule a free coconut consultation!

Everything You Need to Know About Creamed Coconut

Coconuts and coconut products have always held a special place in the culinary world. This is especially true for the best coconut products, as they can really enhance a dish when used correctly. Whether it be the fruit itself, the leaves, or the oil, people have always been able to use coconut in a variety of ways. 

Recently, one coconut product has been gaining popularity. Indeed, creamed coconut is slowly but surely becoming a mainstay in just about any kitchen. This is why we thought it would be helpful to have a short discussion about it. Today, we’ll be talking about what creamed coconut is, how it differs from other coconut products, and the best ways to use it. 

If this is something you’re interested in, read on as we break down everything you need to know about creamed coconut.

What is Creamed Coconut?

Creamed coconut is a jam-like ingredient that’s made by grinding the flesh of a coconut. This process is largely similar to that of peanut butter, which is why creamed coconut is often compared to coconut jam. However, one key difference is that creamed coconut does not make use of any sugar.

Another difference is that when it’s at room temperature, creamed coconut can be relatively firm. It only becomes cream-like when it’s exposed to gentle heat. Given its texture, you’d expect some form of stabilizers to be present, but real creamed coconut is entirely natural. It doesn’t make use of any additives, preservatives, or dyes. 

How Does It Differ From Other Coconut Products?

As we’ve mentioned above, creamed coconut share similar properties to other coconut ingredients and products. For the sake of clarity, we thought it would be useful to go through the list of similar products and point out what makes creamed coconut different.

While creamed coconut shares similar properties with coconut jam, creamed coconut looks more like coconut butter due to its firm texture. The flavor is also quite different as creamed coconut isn’t as sweet as coconut jam.

Speaking of coconut butter, creamed coconut is pretty much the same thing as coconut butter. In some recipes, they can even be used interchangeably. One key difference is that creamed coconut has fewer amounts of solidified coconut oil in the pack.

How Is It Used?

Due to its flavor profile, creamed coconut is used in desserts and other sweet dishes. In fact, it’s excellent to use as a cake topping. It’s also great on pancakes and can be used as a substitute for butter. All you need to do is scoop a tablespoon of creamed coconut and let it melt on top of the pancake.

Another great use of creamed coconut is making coconut milk. Just use a blender to mix 7 to 8 tablespoons of creamed coconut with a cup of water. For the best result, use water that’s at room temperature.


We hope this article has helped you better understand creamed coconut. While you still might not be familiar with how to use it, we suggest you give it a try. Learning how to use this ingredient effectively will improve just about any dish you make. Be sure to look back on this article if you are ever confused about handling this ingredient. 

If you’re looking to purchase bulk organic coconut oil and other coconut products in Sri Lanka, Ceylon Exports and Trading is here for you. We provide premium coconut products that are sourced directly from the Sri Lankan Coconut Triangle. Contact us today!

4 Ways You Can Use Medium Chain Triglyceride Coconut Oil

The world has always been abuzz about virgin coconut oil. This isn’t very surprising as it offers a wide variety of positive effects and uses that can benefit your health on a daily basis. Indeed, this substance can be used for pretty much anything. Whether it be for your skin or your hair, virgin coconut oil has cemented its place in the world as a versatile substance that is excellent for your overall well-being. Given how popular virgin coconut oil is, it’s a little disappointing that a similar substance that is just as beneficial isn’t really getting enough attention.

The product in question is medium-chain triglyceride coconut oil or MCT coconut oil. It is made from processing palm oil and coconut oil. Because of this process, MCT coconut oil only contains medium-chain triglycerides. So what does that mean? Basically, it means that these fatty acids are more easily absorbed into your body. This makes it a great source of energy as it has to go through fewer digestive steps. 

Like virgin coconut oil, MCT coconut oil also has an impressive list of uses and benefits. If you want to know more about this, read on as we list down four ways you can use MCT coconut oil!

It Can Help You Lose Weight

One of the more surprising effects that MCT coconut oil has on the body is its ability to promote weight loss. Studies have shown that people who take two tablespoons of MCT coconut oil at the start of the day end up feeling more full and eating less for lunch. This is because consuming the oil increases the release of hormones that make you feel more satiated. Moderate eating leads to sustainable weight loss in the long term.

It Can Give You a Burst of Energy

As we’ve already mentioned, MCT coconut oil, by nature, is absorbed by the body relatively quickly. Because of this, it can be used as an easy energy boost whenever you need it. This can be especially helpful for people on a ketogenic diet, as the MCTs can be converted into ketones in the liver. These ketones can then be used as an energy source for your neurons and other cells in the body.

It Can Help Athletes Perform Better

Aside from providing a boost of much-needed energy, MCT coconut oil can even help athletes perform better. This is because it reduces lactate buildup. In fact, cyclists who took 6 grams of MCT coconut oil had lower lactate levels while exercising. Couple this with the aforementioned energy-boosting capabilities, and it’s easy to see why MCT coconut oil can be great for athletes.

It Can be Used for Hair and Skin

Aside from increasing your energy levels and improving overall health, MCT coconut oil can also improve your hair and your skin. It is a fantastic skin moisturizer, and it can help reduce wrinkles and stretch marks. It can also act as a conditioner that will have your hair looking lush and healthy. All you have to do is leave it on for a few minutes before shampooing.


We hope this article has helped shed some light on the many benefits of MCT coconut oil. As you can see, this oil can help boost your overall health and help you take better care of your body. Now, before you try this, just be sure to clear it with your doctor to avoid allergic reactions and other side effects. 

If you’re looking to buy bulk organic coconut oil in Sri Lanka, Ceylon Exports & Trading is here for you. We provide premium coconut products that are sourced directly from the Sri Lankan Coconut Triangle. Contact us today!

The Magic of Coconut Oil: How Good Is It for the Hair?

You’ve seen and heard of it—coconut oil. It’s the latest buzzword in the health and beauty industry. Coconut oil is the go-to everything product. It can help with dry skin, remove makeup effectively, and some even go to the extent of using it as an alternative to a highlighter on the face. Why is it so good? 

Coconut Oil: The Benefits

There are many uses of coconut oil and many benefits, too. For one, it’s widely available—you can get it almost anywhere. Aside from that, it’s packed with healthy omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. That’s why it’s the perfect remedy for dryness. 

Coconut oil also has high lauric acid content that can help reduce inflammation and can even treat acne. It has also been linked to burn fat due to the presence of medium-chain triglycerides. Finally, coconut oil can help kill bacteria and help with eczema. 

Coconut Oil and Hair Growth

You might have also heard about the effects of coconut oil on hair growth. The truth is, it doesn’t have a direct effect on hair growth, but it does bring some benefits that can improve hair health. Coconut oil can strengthen hair and nourish the scalp. Trust that it can help reduce hair breakage and make it less brittle. As a result, it can make your hair look healthier. 

Also, if you’re looking for a way to lengthen your hair, then you can count on coconut oil to help you with that. 

There are many ways you can use this wonderful oil on your hair. A popular method is using it as a hair mask. The good news is, making your own coconut oil hair mask is easy: 

  • Comb a generous amount of oil from the midsection of your hair to the tips. 
  • Wrap your hair in a bun and let it sit for a few hours. If you can, have it overnight. 
  • Rinse it off.

You can use a detangler if your hair is prone to tangles. With that, you can also use coconut oil as a regular hair conditioner. However, you need to wash it thoroughly to eliminate grease completely. 

Generally, coconut oil is safe for the hair, but it’s crucial you use the right amount. This is more important if you have fine hair; so, make sure you only apply enough amount of coconut oil on your hair. Otherwise, the oil can build up on your scalp and make your hair greasy. 

That’s why you only need to distribute it through the midsection of your hair and down to the ends. Also, make sure to avoid applying coconut oil to your roots and scalp. 

Moderation Is Key

Sure, coconut oil is good to use for the hair, but that doesn’t mean it will bring results overnight. Just like most things in this world, patience is the key. All you need to do is use it continuously to soften, soother, and nourish your scalp and strands. Over time, this can lead to healthier hair. 

If you’re looking to buy bulk organic coconut oil in Sri Lanka, Ceylon Exports and Trading is here for you. We provide premium coconut products that are sourced directly from the Sri Lankan Coconut Triangle. Contact us today!

The Snack You’ve Been Missing: 3 Benefits of Coconut Chips

The coconut is indeed the wonder fruit of the world! From its brown and tough surface down to its white and soft flesh, every part of the coconut can be used to build homes and furniture, cleaned and crafted into various tools, and are considered indispensable ingredients in several Asian cuisines. 

Thanks to its extreme versatility and wide availability, it’s no exaggeration to say that the coconut has had a significant impact on various countries worldwide.

The Coconut Chip

The coconut is indeed a wonder fruit that has many uses—the possibilities are endless! However, with the many things you can do with the wonder fruit, not many people would likely be aware of the scope of what you can do with it. 

Especially when it comes to food, you can do so much with the coconut’s flesh and juice. But, what many don’t know is that you can make more with this fruit. For example, did you know that you can also enjoy coconut meat by making them into chips?

These crispy, healthy goodies are produced from the fresh white meat of the coconut kernel and baked to turn it into a crisp, golden-brown snack. Coconut chips, such as ours at Ceylon Exports & Trading, are considered one of the best coconut products that you can eat straight up.

What Makes Coconut Chips the Perfect Snack?

When one thinks of “chip,” an image of the greasy, salty, and oily grocery-bought chips may come to mind. Well, coconut chips are pleasantly different! With toasted coconut meat, having a snack has never been better and healthier.

Slightly browned and sweet, these crunchy, healthy chips put a whole different meaning to what it means to snack! Apart from delighting in the enhanced flavor of coconut meat, coconut chips have countless benefits you can enjoy!

Rich in Dietary Fiber

Dietary fiber refers to the parts of plant foods that your body can’t absorb. Unlike fats, proteins, or carbohydrates, fiber can’t be broken down and absorbed by your body. 

Besides relieving constipation, eating fruits and snacks rich in dietary fiber can help you maintain a healthy weight, lower your risk of heart disease and some types of cancer. Since coconut chips are derived from coconut fruit, it’s one of the best snacks to eat if you’re looking for dietary fiber-rich foods.

An Excellent Source of Beneficial MCFAs

Coconut chips contain beneficial medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), which are the good type of saturated fat that is later used by the body as energy. Unlike other types of fat that are just stored in your body, MCFAs support gut health and leave a well-rounded coating in the mouth, so you feel satisfied for a long time.

Easy to Carry Anywhere

Healthy snacking has never been this easy! Since coconut chips are super portable, you can have them anywhere and anytime. Depending on how much you bring, you can put them in your bag or just carry them in your hand. You can even share them with your friends to enjoy together!


Coconut chips are undoubtedly one of the best coconut products to ever come from the world’s wonder fruit! Healthy snacks don’t need to be complicated or expensive, and coconut chips prove just that. As long as you source your chips from a trusted supplier, you’re sure to have an enjoyable snack time every time!

Have you been looking for the best coconut products? At Ceylon Exports & Trading, we have everything you could ever want and more! As Sri Lanka’s finest wholesale coconut exporters and suppliers, we can guarantee that the coconut-based products we export and supply are fresh and organic. Shop our products today!

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