What to Know About Cooking With Organic Coconut Sugar

Organic coconut sugar has risen in popularity in the past few years. In fact, it has circulated Internet blogs and videos as a healthier and more sustainable cane sugar alternative. While coco sugar is a great sweetener, it does not react exactly as regular table sugar.

To get the most out of your coconut sugar, you have to understand what you can and cannot do with it in the culinary sense. Here are some cooking with coconut sugar essentials you should know:

It Is Not a Direct Swap for Regular Table Sugar

Because coconut sugar is so rich in flavor, you will need to reduce the amount you use to compensate for the stronger taste. Keep in mind that coconut sugar is about 3/4 the sweetness of regular sugar. So, if you are used to using 3/4 cup of white sugar in your recipes, try reducing it to 1/2 cup of the brown stuff.

It Will Not Taste Like Table Sugar

When it comes to making caramel, cane sugar, in this case, may be the better option. With its molasses content, coconut sugar will not caramelize like white sugar, making it taste more like honey. If you were thinking about making your coconut sugar caramel for your next dessert, consider coconut sugar’s more unique flavor profile!

It Burns Faster

Did you know that organic coconut sugar has a lower melting point compared to table sugar? This means that you can burn coconut sugar faster. However, you would not want to get a whiff of burnt coconut sugar, so keep an eye on it at all times.

Grind It Before You Cook with It

The crystals in coconut sugar are coarser than white or brown sugar. When using coconut sugar as a cane sugar alternative in a recipe, remember to blitz them up in a blender for a few seconds before using. Otherwise, whatever you are making will be grainy.

It Does Not Taste Like Coconut

Coconut sugar is made from the sap of coconut trees. This is why it will not taste anything like coconut meat. It does, however, have subtle caramel notes in it.

Boost It with Other Natural Flavors

Coconut sugar has a deeper and more complex flavor profile. If you have trouble with these coconut sugar characteristics, then try adding some other ingredients to it. Consider using cinnamon and vanilla to help bolster the flavor. The coconut sugar will absorb the other flavors and make for an overall better-tasting recipe.

Use in Recipes for an Exotic Twist

Coconut sugar adds a different taste that you can use in a variety of different recipes. It adds a unique sweetness to savory dishes and subtle caramel hints in sweet dishes. You can even try adding some coconut sugar to your next beef stew for a new twist on an old classic. It also goes well with chocolate desserts.

Add More Liquid When Cooking with Coconut Sugar

When using coconut sugar as a brown sugar alternative, always add more liquid than the recipe requires. Brown sugar has more moisture in it because it has more molasses. But adding a bit more liquid or wet ingredients to your mixture when using coconut sugar will compensate for it.


Organic coconut sugar is a great sugar alternative for a lot of reasons. It is rich in minerals, has less of an environmental impact than regular sugar, and is a great substitute for brown sugar.

However, you need to remember that coconut sugar and regular sugar are two different things. You can use coconut sugar as a substitute for table sugar in recipes, but you just have to do some tweaks to make it work.

Coco House is one of Sri Lanka’s leading coconut product exporters. They offer premium-quality bulk organic coconut oil, organic coconut sugar, and more. Browse our shop today for your coconut product needs!

The Effects of Coconut Oil for Cellulite and Stretch Marks

It’s no secret that we all want to look our best, which is why we do things such as watching what we eat, working out, and using skincare products. Our bodies are constantly going through changes, leaving stretch marks on several areas of the body. Many of us have trouble getting rid of stubborn fat and cellulite and the everlasting appearance of stretch marks. With this in mind, many people don’t intend to experience laser treatment.

Fortunately, nature has blessed us with the magnificent coconut oil that will do wonders for our skin when ingested and used topically. It has been used for centuries to treat various skin issues, including cellulite and stretch marks. Many people have a hard time believing it, but it works wonders.

This article will detail how coconut oil can help problems related to cellulite and stretch marks. Read on below to get started.

More about Coconut Oil 

Coconuts contain high levels of healthy saturated fats, which are rarely seen in other fruits. These saturated fats protect the cells to keep them healthy. They also help to keep the skin elastic and pliable. These healthy fats in coconuts are also said to help with the breakdown of stored fat and cellulite!

Coconut oil contains several fatty acids that have been shown to have anti-inflammatory effects, promote blood flow, and strengthen the immune system. The fatty acids in coconut oil also help reduce acidity in the body and balance the pH levels in the cells. This can help with stretch marks because the elimination of acidity will help to make stretch marks appear less red than they naturally are.

Coconut oil is an excellent moisturizer and is rich in Vitamin E. It can penetrate the skin to bring anti-aging benefits and other health benefits. Coconut oil also aids in the reduction of stretch marks and cellulite by helping to bring new healthy tissue and collagen to the skin.

Coconut Oil For Stretch Marks

Coconut oil can be used as a treatment for stretch marks. Although it can’t erase the stretch marks, it can help even them out and make them appear smoother. The key is to apply coconut oil to your skin to treat stretch marks and cellulite. The more you use it, the better it will be.

How to use it:

  • Apply it to your stretch marks twice a day, before you go out and after returning home. You must let the oil soak in for a few minutes before beginning your daily activities.
  • Add a few drops of essential oils, such as lavender oil, to the coconut oil.
  • Massage the oil into your skin. This will help to improve the elimination of cellulite and stretch marks.
  • After you apply coconut oil, you can use this as your daily moisturizer. It will help to reduce the appearance of stretch marks and cellulite.

Coconut Oil For Cellulite

The best part about coconut oil is that it’s natural. Coconut oil contains medium-chain fatty acids. These are saturated, healthy fats that go directly to the liver for quick energy instead of the unhealthy fats that get stored as fat. These fats help to burn excess fat and impurities. In addition, they help to eliminate cellulite.

Using coconut oil on cellulite will help to reduce the appearance of cellulite. The coconut oil will help get rid of toxins and excess fat cells, which will cause cellulite.

You can apply the coconut oil directly to your skin or massage it in. It is best to massage the oil into the cellulite after a shower when the pores are open. This will help the oil to soak into the skin and work effectively.


Coconut oil is a highly effective treatment for cellulite and stretch marks. Simply follow the information noted above, and you’ll see nothing but positive results as time goes by.

If you’re looking for the best coconut products, Coco House has got your back! We offer a wide range of selections, such as flour, sugar, oil, and milk—all made from coconut at an affordable price. Simply go to our website and take your pick!

What You Need to Know About Using Coconut Oil in Your Hair

Did you know that you can use coconut oil in your hair? In fact, it’s the most popular and commonly used oil for the hair because of the amazing things it can do. If you’re curious about what those things are and how you can use coconut oil in your hair, read on!

What Are the Benefits of Putting Coconut Oil in Your Hair?

You’re probably here because you want to know the benefits of coconut oil in your hair. So, allow us to tell you more about it. Here are the benefits you can expect from coconut oil once you apply it to your hair: 

  • It Can Prevent Hair Damage – According to a study, mineral oil, sunflower oil, and coconut oil effectively prevent hair damage because they penetrate inside the hair shaft. 
  • It Can Prevent Hair Loss – Since coconut oil has the ability to retain protein, it can prevent hair loss, repair damage, and keep your scalp clean. 
  • It Helps Fight Dandruff and Lice – Just so you know, coconut oil has antimicrobial properties which help fight dandruff and lice. It also prevents dry hair by forming a fine layer of protection around your hair strands. 
  • It Can Serve as a Natural Sun Protectant – A study has also shown that coconut oil can be a natural sun protectant for your hair. 

What Kind of Coconut Oil Is Best to Use for Hair?

Note that not all kinds of coconut oil can bring you the benefits we mentioned. There are specific kinds of coconut oil that work best for hair. A classic example is the unrefined, cold-pressed, virgin variety. Meaning, if you shop for coconut oil to use for your hair, look for the pure and natural ones. 

While refined coconut oils can still give you the same moisturizing effect as unrefined ones, there might be additional chemicals that can harm your hair. Most brands add chemicals to extend the expiry date of the oil. So, be wary and choose the pure and natural ones to get the best results. 

How Long Should You Leave Coconut Oil in Your Hair?

There are different ways to apply coconut oil to your hair. Some often do it before they wash their hair, while others do it after. Many also use coconut oil as a natural hair mask, letting it sit in there for several hours before rinsing it off. But, the safest duration to apply coconut oil to your hair is for about 10 to 15 minutes. You can let it sit for several hours or throughout the night, but if you have fine hair, it’s best not to let it sit overnight. 

What Happens If You Leave Coconut Oil in Your Hair for Too  Long?

Coconut oil is generally considered safe for hair. However, letting it sit in your hair for too long could lead to excessive oil build-up in your scalp and hair. Remember, your hair already has some natural oils. If you introduce it to more oils, your hair will just look and feel greasy and dull. So, don’t let it sit for too long so that you can only experience its good effects. 


Coconut oil can truly do amazing things to your hair. But, knowing how to use it properly can give you more chances of experiencing its benefits. Hopefully, this guide has helped you learn more about using coconut oil in your hair. This way, you can buy the best coconut oil for your hair and know how to use it correctly. 

If you’re looking for organic coconut oil in Sri Lanka, get them at the Coco House! We are one of Sri Lanka’s finest wholesale coconut exporters and suppliers, supplying fresh organic coconut-based products to the world. Get in touch with us today to learn more about our products! 

6 Vegan Recipes With Coconut Milk You Should Try

If you can’t let go of dairy products but are in dire need of a milk substitute, coconut milk is your best bet. It’s excellent for making rich, indulgent sauces and creams while being healthy and vegan, making it a formidable ingredient in any recipe. It’s highly nutritious, with one cup containing 17 grams of healthy fats, 0.2 grams of protein, and other nutrients like vitamin C, magnesium, folate, iron, and potassium.

Coconut milk brings you all the fantastic tastes of cow’s milk without its adverse effects. You’ll be enjoying much healthier, tastier meals by using coconut milk in them. Here are six vegan recipes to try that use coconut milk:

1. Vegan Tom Yum Soup

Thailand is home to one of the world’s most flavorful cuisines that use a lot of coconut milk. Tom yum or tom yam is a spicy-sour soup that uses shrimp or chicken, but you can swap this out for tofu and mushrooms for the vegan variant. Add some coconut milk to offset the heat with some cream, and you’ll have the perfect bowl of soup to warm you up on a cold day.

2. Vegan Mac and Cheese

Mac and cheese is a crowd favorite due to its simplicity and comfort. The best part about vegan mac and cheese is that it’s guilt-free without surrendering the indulgent taste it is known for, as you’ll get just as much creaminess by swapping out cow’s milk for coconut milk. To add more creamy consistency, throw in soaked cashews to go with full-fat coconut milk, and you’ll unlock more flavor profiles in this deceptively simple recipe.

3. Greek Lemon Rice Soup

Known as avgolemono, this dish is light, refreshing, and delicious. It consists of lemon, rice, chicken, and egg, but you can swap these out with silken tofu, nutritional yeast, and your ever-reliable coconut milk for the vegan option. You’ll end up with another mouthwatering comfort food that is fundamental to Greek cuisine, so it’s definitely a recipe to try.

4. Coconut Rice Pudding

Giving up cow’s milk doesn’t mean you need to swear off creamy desserts, as there are plenty you can make with coconut milk. For instance, you can use coconut milk to make coconut rice pudding with ginger-flavored fruit toppings, like pineapples and berries. These ingredients make for a delectable, refreshing dessert that won’t leave you feeling heavy and overfull like many indulgent treats do. You’ll also enjoy a wide range of flavors and textures from these ingredients, leaving you wanting more.

5. Vegan Scalloped Potatoes

French scalloped potatoes made their mark through their unique use of cheese and the gratin technique, resulting in a beautiful golden-brown crust. The good news is that you can enjoy this dish vegan-style by opting for vegan cheese or swapping the dairy with coconut milk, adding more flavor and depth to this dish.

6. Vegan Chicken Tikka Masala

Many Indian dishes are vegan, and while this recipe involves meat, you can easily use meat substitutes or tofu. This recipe starkly resembles the original dish while being easy to prepare, making it an excellent meal for when you’re too busy to cook an elaborate dish. The savory combination of coconut milk and spices will result in a harmony of flavor, where your taste buds are sure to sing.


Coconut milk is a must-have for aspiring vegetarians and vegans or for those who need an equally delicious but healthier milk substitute. By trying these recipes, you’ll unlock a whole new gastronomic world.

Coco House is a coconut business in Sri Lanka with the best coconut products around. We export and supply fresh organic coconut-based products, like coconut milk, coconut flour, coconut sugar, virgin coconut oil, and many more. Check out our products today!

Coconut Oil for Your Hair: Here’s What You Need to Know

Bust out the shampoo! If you’re reading this blog, chances are you already know that coconut oil is great for cooking, but did you know it can be used as a natural treatment for both skin and hair? Before you hop in the shower with a jar of our organic extra-virgin coconut oil or throw some of our coconut oil shampoos on your tresses, brush up on the benefits of using these everyday beauty helpers to make your tresses strong, shiny, and healthy.

The Benefits of Coconut Oil for Hair

Coconut oil can boost the hair’s lubrication to make it easier to manage. While it does this, it also helps increase its shine and prevent frizz. People with damaged hair use coconut oil to restore their hair back to health as it helps protect the hair shaft from being waterlogged, which can increase the chances of cuticle damage. 

The Truth About Hair Growth and Thickness

There’s a common misconception that coconut oil can aid with hair growth and thickness. The truth? It won’t. Coconut oil for hair can only strengthen it by helping reduce protein loss for both undamaged and damaged hair with regular use. It’s also essential to remember that this isn’t an alternative to medical treatments.

The Best Coconut Oil to Use 

Some use organic and unrefined coconut oil straight from the jar to the hair. Meanwhile, some use conditioners or deep treatment products that have coconut oil as their top ingredient. In case you want to use pure coconut oil, make sure you take the time to find a high-quality one on the market. 

How to Use Coconut Oil for the Hair

There are many ways you can use coconut oil for your hair. If you plan to use it as a hair mask, it’s best to choose raw coconut oil for this. You only need to smooth it onto your hair and comb it through dry hair. And then, leave it on for 15-30 minutes to let it absorb, then wash your hair thoroughly with shampoo. 

Now, if you want to use it as an overnight treatment to get the maximum benefits, then you can. Use raw coconut oil to your dry hair, comb through, and wrap your hair tightly in a shower cap or towel. Wash it out the next morning by shampooing twice to remove the oil fully. 

You can also use it to style your hair. Rub a bit of oil between your hands and comb or scrunch through the ends for a polished, shiny look. 

Better Hair for Days

Coconut oil can do wonders for your hair. However, if you have oily skin, you might want to explore other products instead of coconut oil because it can clog your pores and cause breakouts. Coconut oil is more than just a beauty product—it can also give you great hair! If you have dry, damaged, or dull-looking tresses, coconut oil can help you combat dandruff, repair split ends, and keep it looking shiny and healthy. Coconut oil is the next natural hair remedy to try.

Get your coconut oil from trusted suppliers like Ceylon Exports & Trading, the best coconut exporter in Sri Lanka. We export and supply fresh organic coconut-based products. Shop now!

Loco for Coco: 7 Coconut Butter Benefits You Need to Know

Yes, you read that right. Coconut butter is a real thing, and it’s a spread with amazing, natural benefits you need to know now! It is also immensely flavorful and a perfect addition to many dishes. But first, what is coconut butter?

Coconut + Butter?

No, coconut butter is not made by mixing organic coconut pulp and dairy. Good guess, though!

This type of butter is created by blending coconut meat into a juicy, fine pulp until it resembles the consistency of butter.

It’s easy to make as you only need a few coconut shells, a scraper, and a blender to make a jar of this healthy, yummy stuff. Coconut butter costs less, too; that’s why it’s become a popular dairy replacement in paleo circles! It’s one of the best coconut products around today!

Don’t want to make your own? They’re also available in physical and online food health stores!

The Benefits

Like organic coconut products (pulp, juice, and oil), coconut butter contains many health benefits! Some of which are:

1. Immunity-Boosting Properties

Coconut contains lauric acid, a component that helps regulate your immune system. It does so by redirecting good bacteria where they are needed most in your gut and rebalancing your stomach’s microbiome.

Lauric acid is found in only one other source (breastmilk), which is why this fruit is the next best way to get lots of it!

2. Weight Loss Properties

Aside from lauric acid, coconut comes packed with medium-chain fatty acids (MCTs). The human body immediately uses MCTs as energy instead of storing them as fat reserves for later use. This type of fat also boosts your metabolism!

A study showed one to two tablespoons of coconut increased the number of calories burned by five percent! That’s roughly equivalent to 120 calories per day—in just one to two tablespoons!

3. Appetite Suppressing Properties

Another benefit of MCTs is their ability to make one feel more satisfied after eating. Therefore, you eat less and feel full, contributing to a calorie deficit that will make you lose weight over time.

4. Bacteria Fighting Properties

Aside from maintaining your immune system, lauric acid also is antibacterial, antiviral, and antifungal! Monolaurin, a chemical derived from lauric acid and glycerin, has been proven effective against stomach viruses such as E.coli, staph, and even urinary tract infections (UTIs)!

5. Brain Function-Enhancing Properties

Let’s move from the gut to the brain for just a second. Remember MCTs? Well, they not only manage your weight and curb your appetite, but they also work wonders for your noggin too! Researchers have discovered that ketones, a byproduct of ingested MCTs, reduce Alzheimer’s symptoms and increase brain function

In the absence of its primary energy source (glucose), the brain seeks out ketones as an alternative. The best coconut products containing MCTs could retain brain cells better and also improve brain function!

6. Cholesterol-Lowering Properties

Coconuts contain lauric acid, MCTs, and even HDL, AKA good cholesterol! Whenever you take a sip of coconut juice, a bite of coconut meat, or spread coconut butter on toast, remember that it doesn’t just contain the good kind of cholesterol, but it also lowers LDL, too, in just eight weeks!

Since LDL contributes to heart problems such as coronary artery disease, arrhythmia, heart valve disease, and heart failure, coconut butter could lower your risk for these conditions.

7. Performance-Boosting Properties

Since the body uses MCTs immediately as energy, you have glucose and ketone reserves that improve stamina and overall athletic performance!

Closing Thoughts

These seven amazing, natural benefits prove that coconut is indeed a superfood. This fruit regulates and even improves brain function, heart function, gut health, immunity, and physical performance. Remember those each time you spread a healthy serving of coconut butter on wheat toast or a wheat cracker!

Need the best coconut products delivered to your doorstep? Get in touch with Coco House right now! We’re one of Sri Lanka’s finest wholesale exporters and suppliers of fresh organic coconut-based products!

Why Coconut Sugar Is the Most Sustainable Sugar Alternative

Most people look for products with biodegradable packaging or those that do not pollute the water to practice their advocacy and call it a day. On the other hand, some look into the sustainability of how an item is made, like sugar, for example.

Sugar is an ingredient that almost everyone has in their pantries. It is excellent for cooking, baking, making desserts, mixing beverages, and more. However, sugar cane, the primary ingredient for table sugar, has a significant environmental impact that negatively affects an area’s biodiversity. There are a lot of more sustainable sugar alternatives to cane sugar. One of the most sustainable, not to mention healthiest, alternatives is organic coconut sugar.

How is coconut sugar a better and more sustainable sugar alternative? This article will discuss that and more.

What Makes Organic Coconut Sugar Sustainable?

Sustainability, in environmental science, aims to safeguard the natural environment and ecological health. All these are taken into consideration without compromising human health and way of life. In terms of sustainability, sugar cane may be one of the worst-performing sugar sources available.

Sugar cane is a water-intensive crop planted year-round and demands a lot of water regardless of the season. Irrigated canes draw more water away from water systems that reduce water flow for communities, animals, and other crops. Non-irrigated sugar canes still affect the water flow as it reduces water run-off from catchments into rivers and heavily draws water from groundwater sources.

Meanwhile, coconut sugar does not present the same problems that cane sugar does. Despite being available throughout the year like sugar canes, coconut trees require significantly less water and, therefore, do not reduce the water flow with or without irrigation.

What Makes Coconut Sugar Environment-Friendly?

Environmental destruction comes in two ways: pollution and extreme ecological manipulation. When making huge negative impacts on the environment, cane sugar production takes the cake.

Cane sugar production has resulted in pollution of water systems in the form of effluents and water sludge. Cane sugar planting also caused a great loss of habitat due to soil erosion and soil degradation in preparation for cane planting. The continuous need to uproot the crops and replant them for sugar production is not doing the environment any favors either.

Coconut sugar production does not pose the same issues that cane sugar production does. The production process does not develop effluents or water sludge as most productions are done inland. Soil erosion and degradation are not a problem since sugar production does not need to uproot and replant the trees every production cycle. In fact, coconut trees restore damaged soil.

How Is Coconut Sugar Sourced?

The way a sugar source is harvested also plays into its sustainability. Constant uprooting or retiring of crops can damage the soil’s protective layer and remove its nutrients—a common occurrence with cane sugar production.

Cane sugar production takes the whole sugar cane plant to be processed to produce table sugar. After harvesting the crops, workers would then strip the land in preparation for the new planting cycle.

Unlike cane sugar, the whole coconut tree does not need to be retired to produce the coco because the coconut tree’s sap is the raw ingredient. The sap is extracted by attaching a tap to a young coconut blossom. This only requires a small hole in the tree’s trunk and nothing more. The trees are left to mature, and as they grow, the sap is occasionally collected to be made into sugar.


Cane sugar is one of the cheapest and most available sugars in the market. However, it has a significant environmental impact throughout the production process. In contrast, coconut sugar does not have these issues.

Organic coconut sugar is a natural sugar that does not disrupt water flow to sensitive drought-prone areas, pollute the waters, and strip the land of its nutrients. Coconut sugar is a sugar alternative that can support your health goals and your sustainability and eco-friendly goals.

Ceylon Exports & Trading is one of Sri Lanka’s top coconut product exporters, offering high-quality organic coconut sugar, bulk organic coconut oil, and more. Browse our product catalog today!

The Benefits of Using Coconut Sugar in Your Daily Life

The coconut tree is dubbed the “tree of life” because coconuts offer many benefits. Some of the well-known applications of coconuts are the husks being used as cleaning materials and made into ropes. Aside from that, coconut fruit also offers various uses for food and oil extracts, which are proven to give a wide array of health benefits to the body, such as better skin and teeth. One particular benefit of coconut that has seen a steady rise in popularity in recent years is coconut sugar.

As the name suggests, coconut sugar comes from the coconut tree, specifically its sap. For this reason, it’s also called coconut palm sugar. A flower from the tree is cut to create it, and the sap is drained into containers. The sap is then heated, removing the water from the sap itself—resulting in brown granules that look very similar to brown sugar.

Coconut sugar offers many benefits, which we will learn of in this article. Read on below to learn more.

More about Coconut Sugar

There are two things that you should know regarding coconut sugar. First and foremost, it’s not refined like white table sugar. Since it’s not refined, coconut sugar does not contain any artificial additives or preservatives. It also doesn’t undergo any chemical treatments, so it’s as natural as it gets.

For the second thing, coconut sugar has a low glycemic index. To understand better, think about this: have you ever felt weak after eating too many carbs? This is because the sugar spikes your blood sugar levels—this instance is known as a sugar crash. It’s often linked to the food’s glycemic index. Coconut sugar having a low glycemic index essentially means that you’re not going to experience sugar crashes too often.

The Benefits of Using Coconut Sugar

The benefits of using coconut sugar are as follows:

Consistent Energy Levels

Since coconut sugar’s low glycemic index saves you from a sugar crash, you’ll have plenty more energy throughout the day. If you’re busy during the day, such as with work, chances are you might doze off in the afternoon. This can be attributed to the peaking and dipping of our blood sugar because of the food we eat, and this won’t be a problem if you use coconut sugar every day.

It’s Nutrient-Dense

It’s no secret that sugar is just calories that have no nutritional value and can do more harm than good in the long run. While coconut sugar contains the same amount of calories as table sugar, it also contains essential nutrients such as calcium, iron, potassium, and zinc.

Reduces Weight Gain

Another stark difference between coconut sugar and regular sugar is that the former contains less fructose than the latter. Fructose is turned into triglycerides, which are fat deposits. The low amount of fructose in coconut sugar essentially means that you’ll be safe from radical weight gain.

Regulates Blood Sugar

Our bodies rely on glucose for energy, which can be found in sugar. Like any other type of sugar, coconut sugar raises blood sugar to prevent low blood sugar and hypoglycemia, making a person feel nauseous, shaky, and sweaty. The worst-case scenario is that it can lead to seizures and, eventually, coma. If you want to regulate your blood glucose and fructose levels, coconut sugar is the best choice for you.


Coconut sugar is way healthier than other types of sugar. Despite its benefits, however, it should still be taken moderately since it’s still sugar. The recommended amount of coconut sugar to take is at least one teaspoon. It may be less, but you will still feel the sweetness and nutrition.

Ceylon Exports & Trading provides organic coconut sugar in wholesale and retail options. We believe that everyone should have access to healthier alternatives to food, so we also offer other products such as coconut oils, cream, and desiccated coconut. Simply go to our website and take your pick!

Creamed Coconut: Health Benefits, Nutrition Facts, & Uses

Coconut cream, made from organic coconut products, is a thick, creamy, plant-based product. After the white flesh of mature coconuts is shredded and steeped in water, the cream rises to the top of the mixture, which suppliers skim off and package for many different uses. 

It is a thicker version of coconut milk used in Indian, Indonesian, Thai, and Polynesian cuisines. Squeezing the meat of ripe brown coconuts and preserving the liquid that emerges is how general coconut milk and cream are created. 

Coconut cream and coconut milk have very little in common: coconut cream has more coconut fat and less water than coconut milk. Because of this, coconut cream may be used in place of dairy-heavy cream in a variety of recipes.

The rich flavor and thick texture aren’t the only advantages. When taken in moderation, coconut products provide many different health benefits. Learn the benefits as you continue reading below. 

Nutrition Facts

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, 2 tablespoons of coconut cream contain:

  • Coconut cream calories: 100
  • Protein: 1 gram
  • Fat: 10.5 grams
  • Carbohydrates: 2 grams
  • Fiber: 0.6 gram 

Coconut cream is an excellent source of potassium as well. Potassium is essential for the health of every cell in your body, according to research. High blood pressure, salt sensitivity, tiredness, and muscular cramps are all linked to a lack of potassium in the diet.

Fat Content

The medium-chain fatty acids in minimally processed coconut cream and coconut oil may offer health advantages. According to nutritional therapist Jo Lewin, the human body can convert lauric acid from coconuts into monolaurin. This antiviral and antibacterial molecule helps protect against skin infections, yeast infections, and influenza.

Coconut cream’s fatty acids are also processed by your liver more quickly than animal-based saturated fats, which have a distinct cell composition and are more prone to be stored as fat. Coconut cream is also cholesterol-free. While more research is being done, those at risk of heart disease should speak with their doctor before adding coconut cream to their diet.

Micronutrient Content

Coconut cream is high in fiber and contains vitamin B, C, E, and essential minerals such as iron, selenium, salt, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus in a modest serving size. Vitamin B aids in forming red blood cells, converting dietary calories into usable energy, and preventing anemia. Vitamins C and E are antioxidants that promote tissue development and repair while protecting healthy tissues from free radical damage. 

Essential minerals are minerals that your body can’t make on its own, and they help boost immune function and prevent illness.

Health Risks 

Despite its possible health advantages and absence of cholesterol, Harvard School of Public Health experts advise limiting coconut cream in your daily diet due to its high saturated fat level. 

It’s also worth noting that not all coconut cream products are the same. Vitamin and mineral content are likely lower in highly processed, sugar-sweetened variants than in unprocessed, unsweetened varieties. 

Make sure to look for coconut manufacturers in Sri Lanka whose products have minimal additives, no added sugar, and have “coconut” or “coconut extract” listed as the first ingredient.


Creamed coconut is heavy in calories and saturated fat, so it’s better to consume it in moderation, but it does provide significant health benefits. To get the optimal benefits from coconut cream, only look for reputable coconut suppliers in Sri Lanka. 

Ceylon Exports & Trading is one of the most exemplary wholesale coconut suppliers in Sri Lanka. We export and supply fresh organic coconut-based products. Contact us today! 

Learning the Difference Between Coconut Milk and Coconut Cream

Coconuts can be found in everything these days, from classics like coconut cream and coconut milk to trendy newcomers like coconut vinegar and even coconut chips. Today, coconut is widely touted as a miracle weight-loss meal. 

While full-fat coconut milk and coconut oil may help you feel satiated for longer periods and consume fewer calories overall, they are high in fat and calories. Consuming high-calorie coconut products may cause weight gain if you struggle with overeating, mindful eating, or responding to your hunger and fullness cues. 

Coconut-based foods, on the other hand, are high in nutrients. Read on to discover the distinctions between coconut cream and coconut milk, as well as when to use each.

Differentiating Coconut Milk and Coconut Cream

What’s similar between coconut milk and coconut cream is that they both contain coconut, water, and a stabilizer such as a guar gum. Guar gum is added to some types of coconut milk to help with emulsification and smoothness. As early as now, you must know that coconut milk has a higher fat content than cream.

Coconut cream, on the other hand, has a much thicker consistency than coconut milk. It is used to make vegan whipped cream, cake frosting, and ice pops. Although, as a result of its consistency, it is higher in fat and lower in water content. When it comes to coconut products, coconut cream and coconut milk are commonly packaged in cans or boxes.

In canned coconut milk, the cream layer separates from the liquid. Useful in a pinch, it is recommended to use pure canned coconut cream for recipes that call for it, such as curries and vegan ice cream recipes. The boxed variety is commonly used as a milk substitute in coffee shops, and it’s wonderful in smoothies and soups.

When buying canned coconut milk, you can select between regular and light variants to gain control over its calorie and fat content. Boxed coconut milk is available in refrigerated and unrefrigerated varieties, as well as sweetened and unsweetened varieties. Vitamins A, B12, D2, calcium, magnesium, selenium, and zinc can also be found in unsweetened coconut milk.

What to Look For in Coconut Products

Look for coconut milk with low to no added sugar. You may obtain naturally sweetened vanilla-flavored coconut milk if you want a sweeter plant-based milk alternative. Additionally, coconut cream, also known as creamed coconut, is frequently sugar-free. Nevertheless, look for the phrase “unsweetened” on the label to be sure.

Consider whether you need canned or carton coconut milk. Using canned coconut milk usually means you will get a thicker product and higher in fat and best as a recipe ingredient. It is best to acquire one in a carton if it is straight-up consumed.

Comparing Nutritional Values

Coconut cream has a different nutritional profile than coconut milk due to its viscosity. Take a look at their nutritional profiles below, which include daily values (DVs):

Coconut Milk (¼ cup measurement)

Calorie count: 120

1g of protein (2% DV)

Carbohydrate content: 2 g (1% DV)

12g of lipid (15% DV)

8g of saturated fat (40% DV)

0g of fiber (0% DV)

0.00mg of Calcium (0% DV)

1 mg of iron (6% DV)

10mg sodium (0% DV)

Coconut Cream  (¼ cup measurement)

Calorie count: 78 caloric units

1g of protein (2% DV)

Carbohydrate content: 7 g (3% DV)

5g of lipid (6% DV)

5g of saturated fat (25% DV)

0g fiber (0% DV)

459mg calcium (35% DV)

1 mg of iron (6% DV)

46mg sodium (2% DV)


The Health Benefits of Coconut Milk and Coconut Cream

Both coconut cream and coconut milk are high in minerals, including protein and iron. Iron, magnesium, and phosphorus are abundant in coconut cream. Coconut cream is normally taken in trace amounts due to its high-fat content. As a result, it will not be a substantial source of these nutrients in most people’s diets. 

Both coconut cream and coconut milk are high in saturated fat: A quarter-cup of coconut cream contains eight grams of fat, while a cup of coconut milk contains five grams of fat. The fat in coconut cream and coconut milk, when ingested in moderation, can help people feel fuller for longer periods.


Coconut milk has more fat than other kinds of milk, which isn’t always a bad thing, especially because its fat content is more satiating and keeps you fed for longer. Furthermore, coconut milk may be an antioxidant and may help to reduce inflammation. Because they both offer health benefits, choosing between coconut milk and coconut cream simply boils down to what you will be using the coconut products for.

If you want to shop for the best coconut products, Ceylon Exports & Trading is your go-to source for premium “tree-to-table” Coco House products. You’re assured of quality and ethically sourced Sri Lanka coconut that caters to all your needs with us. Shop our collection today!

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