Spicy Coconut Soup

Spicy Coconut Soup

If you are looking for a bold and spicy soup to excite your taste buds, try out our Spicy Coconut Soup.

Main Ingredients

  • 1 tbsp Coco House Organic Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
  • 1 can of Organic Coco House Coconut Cream
  • 2 tbsp chopped ginger
  • 1 stalk lemongrass, minced
  • 2 tsp red chilly powder
  • Salt & pepper to taste
  • 4 cups chicken broth/ vegetable broth
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • 1 cup fresh shitake mushrooms or any other preferred mushrooms
  • 1 cup of fried diced tofu.

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Cook time




  1. Add Coco House Extra Virgin Coconut Oil to a pan
  2. Finely chop the garlic and add them into the pan
  3. Slice the lemon grass and add them into the pan
  4. Add chilly powder, salt, pepper and stir them well
  5. Add chicken broth
  6. Stir well until the broth begins to boil
  7. Add fried tofu -Add mushrooms
  8. Add sugar
  9. Add Coco House Organic Coconut Cream
  10. Stir the broth for 3.5 minutes more


Coconut Dream Bars

Enjoy our Coconut Dream Bars.

Low Glycemic, Multi layered, Coconut Bar is ideal for the tea time.

Main Ingredients

  • 2 cups of biscuit crumbs
  • 1/2 cup melted butter
  • 300ml sweetened condensed milk
  • 2 cups Coco House Organic Desiccated Coconut
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/4 cups grated dark chocolate
  • 3 tbsp butter

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Cook time




Bottom Layer :

Put biscuit crumbs into a ball. Add melted butter and mix together. Press the crumb mixture firmly into the bottom of the baking tray. Bake for 10 minutes in a 175 C preheated oven.

Middle Layer :

While the bottom layer is baking, add sweetened condensed milk into a bowl.
Add Coco House organic desiccated coconut. Add vanilla. Stir together. Spread the coconut mixture evenly over the previously baked layer. Bake for another 10-15 minutes.

Top Layer :

Melt together grated dark chocolate & butter. Spread evenly over the cooled coconut layer. Wait for about an hour for the chocolate to set.

Voila !

5 Health Benefits of Using Coconut Oil in Food Prep

Coconut oil is becoming increasingly popular as a healthy oil. Aside from that, coconut oil is also considered as cooking oil, as it is stable at high temperatures and has a neutral flavor. But how can coconut oil help you stay healthy?

In this article, you will learn more about coconut oil and its benefits to your health.

What Are the Nutritional Components of Coconut Oil?

Coconut oil is composed of several different nutrients that can be beneficial to your health. The primary nutrient in coconut oil is saturated fat, which makes up around 90% of the oil.

Saturated fat has been demonized in the past, but recent research has shown that it is not as harmful as previously thought. Saturated fat is necessary for proper metabolism and can help to promote heart health.

In addition to saturated fat, coconut oil contains medium chain triglycerides (MCTs). MCTs are a type of saturated fat that is metabolized differently than other types of fats. MCTs are absorbed and used by the body for energy more efficiently than other fats.

What Are the Health Benefits of Coconut Oil?

1. Helps in Losing Weight

Coconut oil has been shown to help with weight loss in several ways. One way is by increasing energy expenditure. MCTs are absorbed and used for energy more quickly than other fats, so coconut oil can help you burn more calories.

2. Helps in Curbing Hunger

Coconut oil has also been shown to reduce hunger. Some say that when they consume coconut oil, they feel fuller and eat less throughout the day. This may be because MCTs help stabilize blood sugar levels, which can help reduce cravings.

3. Helps in Keeping the Heart Healthy

Coconut oil has been shown to help improve heart health by reducing bad cholesterol and increasing good cholesterol. Additionally, coconut oil can help reduce inflammation, a major risk factor for heart disease.

4. Helps with Indigestion

Coconut oil can help with indigestion and other digestive issues. The fatty acids in coconut oil can help to soothe the stomach and intestines. Additionally, coconut oil can help increase the good bacteria in the gut, improving overall digestion.

5. Helps with Brain Function and Alzheimer’s Disease

Coconut oil has been shown to improve brain function and cognitive performance in people with Alzheimer’s disease. Additionally, coconut oil can help protect the brain from damage caused by inflammation.

How Should You Consume Coconut Oil?

Coconut oil can be used in cooking as a natural alternative to butter or other oils. It has a high smoke point, so it can be used for frying or sautéing without smoking or burning. Coconut oil can also be used in baking recipes or as a healthy alternative to butter in buttercream frosting or other recipes.

Coconut oil can also be consumed raw. It has a creamy texture and a mildly sweet taste, making it a great addition to smoothies or other drinks. It can also be used as a healthy alternative to cream or milk in coffee or tea.

Final Thoughts

There are many health benefits associated with using coconut oil in food preparation. When consumed in moderation, coconut oil can be a healthy and delicious addition to your diet.

Are you looking for the best organic coconut oil you can use for your meals? Check out our collection of products at Coco House. We export and supply Sri Lanka’s finest coconut-based products. Place an order today to experience it yourself.

Is It Possible For Coconut Flour to Go Bad: How to Tell

Coconut flour can be used as a substitute for wheat flour in many recipes. Just substitute 10% – 15% of wheat flour with coconut flour, and you will get similar results while making the meal you’re preparing slightly healthier.

Coconut flour can go bad if it’s not stored properly. Due to its high nut oil content, it can become rancid once exposed to oxygen. To prevent this, store coconut flour in an airtight container in a cool, dark place.

How to Tell If Coconut Flour Has Gone Bad

Coconut flour generally has a sweet, nutty aroma and is ivory or light cream in color. However, if the texture, taste, aroma, or color of the coconut flour changes, it is a sign that the flour has gone bad.

If the flour is very clumpy, it is best to throw it out. Also, if the flour starts to develop an unpleasant smell, it is time to get rid of it. Coconut flour can develop a slightly bitter taste when it goes bad, so be on the lookout for that as well.

If the best-by-date on a package of coconut flour has passed, it is usually still safe to use the flour. Many people have used coconut flour past the best-by-date with no problems.

Expected Shelf Life of Coconut Flour

Coconut flour is a relatively new product on the market. It is not as common as wheat flour, and as such, it has not been studied as extensively. However, there is some research available on coconut flour and its shelf life.

Most research suggests that coconut flour will last for about two years when stored properly. The best way to store coconut flour is in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. Some brands of coconut flour claim that their product will last for up to three years when stored properly. However, it is always best to err on the side of caution and use the flour within two years.

Different Ways to Store Coconut Flour

Let’s go through different ways of storing coconut flour.


The pantry is the most common place to store coconut flour since it’s dry and has a long shelf life. Be sure to keep your coconut flour in an airtight container, such as a mason jar, to prevent it from absorbing moisture or other aromas from your pantry.

If your pantry is particularly warm or humid, it’s best to store your coconut flour in the fridge or freezer to prevent it from going bad prematurely.


Storing coconut flour in the fridge can help extend its shelf life, especially if your pantry is warm or humid. Be sure to keep the flour in an airtight container to prevent it from absorbing moisture or other aromas from your fridge.


You can also store coconut flour in the freezer to help extend its shelf life. Be sure to keep the flour in an airtight container to prevent it from absorbing moisture or other aromas from your freezer.


Coconut flour is a healthy, gluten-free alternative to traditional wheat flour. It’s high in fiber and low in carbs, making it a great choice for those on a low-carb or ketogenic diet. Coconut flour can be used in various recipes, including cakes, cookies, pancakes, and breads.

When stored properly, coconut flour will last for up to two years. The best way to store coconut flour is in an airtight container in a cool, dark place, such as the pantry, fridge, or freezer.

If you want to experience the many health benefits of coconut protein powder, Coco House has a range of options available online. From organic coconut sugar to coconut flour, our collection of coconut products is sure to please everyone from the health fanatic to the coconut lover. Shop now and be part of our tree-to-table movement!

Understanding How Coconut Protein is the Best Protein

Coconut proteins are a type of protein that is derived from coconuts. They are a source of essential amino acids and are often used as a dietary supplement. Coconut proteins are also a good source of fiber and have been shown to aid in weight loss.

We all know that protein is essential for our health and fitness, but what kind of protein is best? Popular plant-based proteins include seeds, lentils, nuts, almonds, tofu, and tempeh. Coconut protein is another excellent source of plant-based protein and has been rising in popularity due to its many health benefits.

Read on to discover more about coconut protein and why it’s the best protein for your body.

Learning about Healthy and Clean Coconut Protein

1. No Heavy Metal Contamination

The “purity” of 134 top-rated protein powders was assessed by the Clean Label Project. They all had residues of more than 130 poisons and other substances.

2. No Adverse Effects on Hormones

Soy was a popular protein substitute in the early 2000s. Soy eating on a daily basis causes physiological changes, reducing testosterone levels and causing male and female infertility.

3. No Stomach Issues

Other protein sources cause bloating, nausea, and vomiting. Thankfully, coconut protein has none of these adverse consequences. Coconut milk (from which coconut proteins are derived) may have gut health benefits and anti-inflammatory qualities.

What Coconut Protein Can Do For You

1. Coconut Protein Restores the Body

Coconut protein contains a high amount of glutamic acid. Glutamic acid accounts for approximately 61% of the amino acids in our muscles. Glutamic acid can be found in the lungs, stomach, liver, and brain.

Glutamine is stored in the kidneys and aids in the maintenance of acid-base balance. During exercise, the kidneys convert glutamine into ammonia, which regulates the pH of the body.

Because regular exercise depletes glutamine stores, many athletes supplement with glutamine. Muscle atrophy, weariness, and sickness can all come from a glutamine deficiency. Coconut protein reduces glutamine deficit, lowering the risk of the disorders stated.

2. Coconut Protein Offers Antioxidants

According to research, coconut protein has excellent antioxidant potential. Coconut protein was found to have DNA-protective and radical-scavenging capabilities in mice.

3. Coconut Protein is a Natural Immune Booster

Cyclophosphamide is used to treat lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and aplastic anemia. Immunosuppressant. Mice were given cyclophosphamide to test the immunostimulatory characteristics of coconut protein and were found to activate bone marrow cells. The bone marrow produces white blood cells. In immunocompromised persons, these cells can be encouraged to produce white blood cells.

4. Coconut Protein Improves Cardiovascular Health

Coconut protein’s arginine component raises nitric oxide levels in the body, lowering cardiovascular disease risk factors, total cholesterol, LDL+VLDL cholesterol, as well as reducing triglycerides and phospholipids. Lower signs indicate a more steady blood count.


Coconut protein is unique among plant-based proteins. It is high in amino acids, good for the heart, lactose-free, and aids in muscle development without adding calories. Coconut protein is a low-stimulation workout supplement that is now known not to have adverse effects. As such, if you’re looking for the best protein, this should be your number one choice.

Coco House is your go-to source for premium “tree-to-table” coconut protein products. With us, you get quality and ethically sourced Sri Lanka coconut. Shop our collection today!

Exploring the Healing Wonders of Coconuts

If you’re not already adding coconut to your daily routine, you should be! This amazing superfood has healing wonders in more ways than one. As a dietary addition, coconut can help you lose weight or manage your blood sugar levels. As part of your skincare regimen, coconut can help improve your complexion and protect your skin from the sun.

The health benefits of coconut are vast and diverse. Coconut is a rich source of many nutrients, including dietary fiber, vitamins C, E, and B6, and minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and copper. Coconut also contains lauric acid, which is known for its antibacterial and antiviral properties.

Coconut is a nutrient-rich, delicious superfood that has many fantastic health benefits. Here are some of the top reasons to add coconut to your daily routine:

1. Coconut Encourages Natural Fat Burning Capabilities

Coconut is a natural source of healthy fats that can help encourage your body to burn stored fat. These healthy fats are known as medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs), and they can help boost your metabolism and encourage weight loss. 

In fact, studies have shown that people who consume MCTs on a regular basis tend to lose more weight and body fat than those who don’t. Coconut is also a good source of fiber, which can help keep you feeling full and satisfied throughout the day.

2. Coconut Offers a Boost in Energy, Without the Crash

Coconut is a great source of natural energy that can help you get through the day without experiencing the usual crash associated with caffeinated beverages. Coconut provides a sustained source of energy that doesn’t leave you feeling drained or tired after eating it. 

This is because coconut is high in healthy fats and minerals, which help to keep your blood sugar levels stable and your energy levels consistent. So if you’re looking for an energizing snack that won’t make you feel lousy later on, reach for a piece of fresh coconut instead!

3. Coconut Offer Antimicrobial Effects

Coconuts offer antimicrobial effects due to the presence of lauric acid, capric acid, and caprylic acid. These fatty acids are known for their potent antimicrobial properties. They work by disrupting the cell membranes of bacteria, viruses, and fungi. This can help prevent or treat infections.

4. Coconut Helps Curb Your Appetite 

Coconut is a great food to help curb your appetite. It is high in fiber and helps to keep you feeling full longer. This can be helpful if you are trying to lose weight or just maintain your current weight. Coconut also contains healthy fats that help to regulate your blood sugar levels, which can also help with controlling your appetite.

5. Coconut is Healthy for Your Skin and Hair

Coconut oil is a natural moisturizer that helps to keep your skin hydrated. It also has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which can help to reduce the appearance of blemishes and acne. Coconut oil can also be used as a hair conditioner, helping to tame frizzy hair and add shine.

The Bottom Line: The Many Health Wonders of Coconut 

The health benefits of coconut are vast and many.  From coconut oil to coconut water, this versatile fruit can improve your overall health in a number of ways. Coconut is a rich source of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and healthy fatty acids, all of which can promote better health. 

Additionally, coconut has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can help keep you healthy. Indeed, coconut is a delicious, nutritious, and versatile food that can be enjoyed by everyone.

Where Can You Buy the Freshest Coconut-Based Products in the USA?

If you’re shopping around for diet-friendly alternatives, why not explore our fresh selection of organic coconut products exported from Sri Lanka’s finest wholesale coconut suppliers? Get in touch with us today and experience the tree-to-table movement with Ceylon Export & Trading! 

Protein and Coconut: Practicing a Healthy Diet

We all know by now that protein is a vital nutrient that our bodies require for a wide range of biological processes. It also aids digestion and promotes muscle growth.

Today, protein is the most sought-after nutrient because of the importance it plays in our eating patterns. However, some people’s diets do not contain enough protein. Due to this, protein deficiency could occur. Thus, it is important to identify protein deficiency and watch out for its warning signs.

Protein consumption can also help with weight loss and achieving fitness goals. This is why people all throughout the world are increasingly expressing their desire to consume more protein in their diets.

Luckily for those with protein deficiency and those with fitness goals, coconut is one of today’s most accessible and effective protein sources. 

Read on to discover more about protein deficiency, coconut, and how you can practice a healthy diet today.

Identifying Protein Deficiency

Protein deficiency symptoms are extremely common. Symptoms include obvious signs such as receding hair and a frail appearance.

If you don’t eat enough protein, you may get unhealthy, pale skin. Protein-rich diets promote the formation of beautiful, healthy skin.

Feelings of weakness and weariness are other indicators. People who eat a high-protein diet are more robust and active.

Without enough protein in your system, your wounds and injuries may take longer to heal. Protein amino acids promote healing.

Protein-deficient people may also crave sweets much more than the average person. Protein has the ability to regulate blood sugar.

It’s possible that not obtaining enough protein is causing you sleep issues as well. This is because the structure of protein contains amino acids. These acids have a soothing impact on the body.

It is likely that not obtaining enough protein will harm your immune system. As a result, you are more likely to catch infectious diseases.

The Expansion of the Protein Powder Industry

Almost on a daily basis, we witness people continually look for new ways to improve their daily protein consumption. As such, protein powder has expanded its market for a thriving industry.

Protein powder has made it much easier to meet the needs that must be addressed on a daily basis. To get enough protein, you don’t need to make any adjustments to your diet or routine as protein powder can go in smoothies, as well as other liquids.

With protein powder, you will no longer be protein deficient! 

Coconut Protein: Your #1 Protein

Given the abundance of other powdered protein sources, it is critical to understand the reasons for the extensive use of coconut protein. While it’s true that protein powder is convenient, some people are simply not a fan of this product. Instead, they can go the natural route and seek coconut protein.

Consuming coconut protein as a better choice can be defended in several ways. Perhaps its delightful flavor makes it easy to consume more protein on a regular basis. It is an excellent complement to practically any dish and it could give you the right amount of fruit servings per day.

Adding more protein to your diet by consuming coconut protein is a straightforward strategy, and you won’t have to give up anything in the process. Nowadays, it is also available in powder form and concentrates.


Some people may never get enough of consuming protein. This might be due to the fact that protein helps them function at their best on a daily basis. Protein can simply provide your body with the energy it needs, and more. Thus, allow yourself to enjoy the process by trying coconut protein (and sticking by it)!

If you want to shop for coconut protein powder, Ceylon Exports & Trading is your go-to source for premium “tree-to-table” Coco House products. You’re assured of quality and ethically sourced Sri Lanka coconut that caters to all your needs with us. Shop our collection today!

A Quick Crash Course on Coconut Powder and Its Benefits

Coconut is a very versatile fruit, with a hard shell on the outside and a jelly-like flesh on the inside. It is a highly nutritious food with a rich source of essential nutrients, including minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. And notably, it’s known best for coconut water.

Meanwhile, coconut powder is quite underrated even though it is a great ingredient that makes dishes more nutritious. Continue reading for a crash course on coconut powder’s wonder and its benefits.

What Exactly Is Coconut Powder?

Coconut powder is a concentrated form of coconut nut meat that’s been dried into a powder. Traditionally, it was used to preserve coconut meat throughout the year. Today, people are consuming it on top of cereal, pancakes, smoothies, muffins, and more. Like most dried food products, coconut powder is produced through a dehydration process.

How Is Coconut Powder Used?

Many people use coconut powder to make a variety of dishes that require coconut. Mix the additive with some water to form a paste and use it to thicken soups and curries. Or even add it to smoothies, shakes, and other drinks. If one wants to go back to basics, mixing coconut powder with milk can make another popular variant of this delicious fruit: coconut milk.

What’s the Ample Dosage of Coconut Powder?

To start, one can easily consume one teaspoon of coconut powder a day in their chosen food or drink, but this can be increased gradually up to about two teaspoons a day for one serving. Do keep in mind that consuming large amounts of coconut powder can result in stomach discomfort, cramps, and nausea, so take everything in moderation.

What Are the Benefits of Using Coconut Powder?

Coconut powder is loaded with several minerals, including potassium and calcium. Along with that, it’s also rich in antioxidants, amino acids, and vitamins, including vitamin C, vitamin B1, thiamin, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, and vitamin E. Other benefits also include:

  • Consume Healthy Saturated Fats. Coconut powder is a good source of saturated fats that are a significant source of energy daily. It can improve one’s metabolic rate and even support weight loss in the long run, which is better than other kinds of fats found in other foods.
  • Increase Overall Fiber Intake. Coconut powder is loaded with various nutrients, including dietary fiber, which can help you maintain normal cholesterol levels. It can also keep your digestive system working properly by absorbing water and assisting food in moving through your digestive tract.
  • Stabilize Blood Sugar Levels. Once again, coconut powder is an excellent source of magnesium, an essential mineral that’s often missing in most diets. Magnesium is a good nutrient that helps the body maintain stable blood sugar levels and reduces the risk of developing diabetes, which is very helpful in preventing diseases and supporting healthy heart function.


Coconut powder is a great additive loaded with many essential nutrients that can keep the body healthy and strong. Therefore, try this ingredient if you’re looking for an excellent source of fiber, fat, and even protein.

Seeking coconut protein powder? Ceylon Exports & Trading is one of Sri Lanka’s finest wholesale coconut product exporters and suppliers. Order today!

How is Coconut Protein Powder Good for Your Body?

In the last decade or so, there’s been a major shift in how we consume protein on a daily basis. Aside from our daily meals, there’s been a huge boom in the way we supplement our diets with protein, particularly the use of plant-based protein powder supplements. Coconut powder, in particular, has been making a huge splash in the world of protein consumption. It’s now commonly used in protein shakes and other recipes to create tasty and healthy plant-based recipes. But what does it mean to add a plant-based product like coconut protein powder to your diet, and how can it possibly help your health?

Plant-Based vs. Animal-Based Protein

Protein is an essential nutrient for the human body. It is the required building block for our body tissues, hormones, muscles, hair, and nails. Overall, our bodies use protein for everything from building muscle, to repairing tissues and organs, to regulating hormones and the production of neurotransmitters and enzymes.

There are two primary sources of protein: animals and plants. Animal protein is found in meats and dairy products and includes meats such as beef, chicken, fish, and pork. On the other hand, common plant sources of protein include legumes, nuts, seeds, and beans.

The problem with animal-based protein is that it can be high in fat and cholesterol. In fact, some meats and dairy products are very high in fat and cholesterol, making them a less than ideal choice for your diet.

Luckily, plant-based protein is a great substitute for those who aren’t looking to add animal-based protein sources to their diets. Plant-based protein powder has become a popular substitute for milk and other animal products.

What is Coconut Protein Powder?

Coconut Protein Powder is made by processing dried coconut meat. The meat is ground up, dehydrated, and then turned into powder. The end result is a simple, highly accessible source of plant-based protein.

How Many Calories Are In Coconut Protein Powder?

Coconut protein powder is a plant-based source of protein, meaning it’s low in fat and high in plant protein. It has a very low-calorie count at only 120-140 calories per serving. It’s also a good source of medium triglyceride fats, containing approximately 10g per 100g serving. 

What Are the Health Benefits?

Coconut Protein Powder consists of in all the essential amino acids. It contains the the amino acid lysine, which is great for building muscle. Coconuts are also known to contain arginine, which is known for its ability to build muscle and reduce body fat, and leucine, which plays a huge role in helping the body create proteins, enzymes, and hormones.

Coconut protein powder is also a good source of iron and Vitamin B12. Like most plant-based protein powders, coconut protein powder doesn’t contain much carbohydrates.

Coconut Protein Powder and Cooking

Coconut protein powder is a very versatile product, making it a must-have for any plant-based cook. Coconut protein powder is great for making everything from smoothies, protein shakes and other recipes. Coconut protein powder is also great for adding flavor to recipes and cooking. Find out how to make your own healthy protein shakes with coconut protein powder here.

It can be used as a substitute for flour in pancake and waffle recipes. It also works great to thicken and add flavor to soups and other recipes. Coconut protein powder also works great in smoothies and protein shakes. Find out how you can use coconut to create healthy protein shakes here.


Coconut protein powder is a great way to add protein to your diet. It’s a plant-based protein that contains little carbohydrates and fat. It is a sought out ingredient in the dairy free and vegan meat industries. If you’re looking to start adding more plant-based protein to your diet, natural coconut-based products can be a great place to start.

If you want to experience the many health benefits of coconut protein powder, Ceylon Exports and Trading has a range of options available online. From organic coconut sugar to coconut flour, our collection of coconut products is sure to please everyone from the health fanatic to the coconut lover. Shop now and be part of our tree-to-table movement!

Things You Need to Know before Using Coconut Flour

Coconut flour is a great-tasting flour that you can use in most recipes. However, it is not the same as the usual flour you ,and it may be a little more complex to work with. If you are thinking of using coconut flour, there are a few things you need to know first.

What Is Coconut Flour?

Coconut flour is created by taking the flakes of the coconut and grinding them down until they become a fine powder. The flour is then used in cooking and baking in place of other types of flour that are typically used.

Is Coconut Flour Healthy?

Coconut flour is gluten-free, low-carb, and high in fiber. It is perfect for those with specific conditions that prevent them from eating gluten and would need higher fiber in their diet. It is also perfect for those who are trying to limit the carbs they consume.

What Are the Things I Need to Know about Coconut Flour?

As mentioned above, coconut flour is not the same as most other flours. There are certain things that you would need to know about it, which are listed below.

  1. When using coconut flour, it cannot be substituted at a 1:1 ratio for other flour. Most of the time, there is no common formula to use when substituting with coconut flour and it may vary depending on the recipe.
  2. Coconut flour is very thick and works well as a thickening agent. This is great to know as you can use it in soups and sauces.
  3. Because coconut flour is highly absorbent, you may need a smaller amount of coconut flour in most recipes. It will easily absorb any liquids that you are mixing in batters, doughs, etc.
  4. When using coconut flour, be prepared to also use a lot of eggs. It uses a lot more eggs than the standard and traditional flour because coconut flour will rely on eggs as a binding agent.
  5. Aside from the eggs, because of how absorbent coconut flour is, it may require more liquids in general. Depending on what you are cooking, these liquids may vary from lemon juice to apple cider vinegar.
  6. If you are not a fan of the taste of coconut, you may not do so well working with coconut flour. It has a distinct taste that would make it stand out in most recipes. The best way to deal with this is to add another strong and distinct taste like cacao, onion, garlic, etc.
  7. If you are trying to achieve a crispy recipe, then you should not use coconut flour. It absorbs moisture and your food will easily turn soggy.
  8. As mentioned above, coconut flour absorbs a lot of moisture. This means that when you are storing coconut flour, you have to make sure that it is placed in an airtight container. Otherwise, you will get ruined and lumpy coconut flour, which you may be unable to use in the long run.


Coconut flour is a great alternative to traditional flours used in cooking and baking. There are some things you need to know about using coconut flour and it may be a little bit harder than using the ordinary flour you normally use. However, the taste is distinct, and the results are great for specific recipes.

If you are looking for coconut products like organic coconut oil, organic coconut flour, and more, you can purchase them from us at Ceylon Exports & Trading. We are one of the top wholesale coconut exporters and suppliers in Sri Lanka. Shop from our extensive line of organic, coconut-based products and try them out.

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