Coconut Oil for Weight Loss: How Does It Work?

Coconut is known as a miracle tree for varied reasons. One is how almost all of its parts can be utilized for many things. It is popularly known to be helpful in food, body products, and medical purposes. However, it’s also good for other things, including helping a person lose weight.

Here’s what you should know about coconut oil for weight loss.

How Organic Coconut Oil Helps You Lose Weight

1. Using Coconut Oil as a Cooking Oil

Organic coconut oil has all the good cholesterol. It’s great to use for cooking. It is high in medium chain triglyceride fat, a good type of fat that helps you increase your HDL (good cholesterol) levels and reduces your LDL (bad cholesterol) levels.

At the same time, coconut oil is excellent for giving your body heat. It helps to stimulate your metabolism and improve your thyroid function. Since it doesn’t raise your insulin levels, it is not as likely to make you put on weight.

2. Using Coconut Oil for Baking

Organic coconut oil is excellent for baking. It supplies calories without raising your insulin levels. When used in cooking or baking, the body absorbs it without breaking down and converts it to energy instead of being stored as fat.

Moreover, organic coconut oil is the perfect substitute for margarine or butter. You can use it for cooking fish and chicken or preparing a lovely dessert in place of the frosting on your cake.

Coconut oil has a nice tropical flavor that you’ll love to cook with and eat. If you like the taste of butter or margarine, you will love the taste of organic coconut oil.

3. Adding Coconut Oil to Your Drink

Organic coconut oil is perfectly suited to stir into a glass of hot water or add to your smoothies. It is also great to add to a cup of tea. It is an excellent fat-soluble vitamin source (E and K), which you can use to replace butter in your smoothies, stir into your hot tea, or even eat by the spoonful.

4. Taking Coconut Oil as a Daily Supplement

Coconut oil is excellent for taking on its own or other vitamins and supplements. Healthy fats are essential for good health. They help you absorb vitamins D, A, E, and K. Coconut oil also helps to increase metabolism and increase your body’s ability to burn fat.

Coconut oil is also easy to add to your daily diet. Just put a few tablespoons in your smoothies, hot tea, or some of your cooking. You can also buy it in capsule form as a nutritional supplement.

How Organic Coconut Oil Helps You Feel Great

Coconut oil is a well-known mood enhancer. It provides sustained energy that helps keep you in a good mood and focus. Since it doesn’t affect your blood sugar levels as sugar does, it keeps you from crashing and helps you avoid mood swings.

Organic coconut oil is an anti-inflammatory food. To reduce inflammation in the body and muscle aches and pains, you can use coconut oil as an external application. Simply rub a little on your sore muscles or skin to reduce inflammation and feel better.


Organic coconut oil as a nutritional supplement can help you lose weight and feel great. By adding it to your foods and drinks, you can gain the benefits of coconut oil while still getting the nutrients you need to be healthy. If you think you need extreme fat burning, try to add organic coconut oil to your diet. You will love how it tastes, and your body will love how it feels. 

Get your wholesale organic coconut oil from us at Ceylon Exports & Trading. We are Sri Lanka’s finest wholesale coconut exporter and supplier. We export and supply fresh organic coconut-based products, from cream to flour to oil. Browse our available products now.

UTI Treatment: Can Coconut Oil Actually Be Helpful?

When it comes to UTIs (urinary tract infections), symptoms are generally uncomfortable. This includes pelvic pain, burning with urination and frequent urination. Traditionally, antibiotics are the go-to treatment. In some cases, lifestyle choices may be of some assistance. 

This includes the simple yet very powerful act of drinking more water, as this will flush out bacteria. In order to best ward off infection, consuming cranberry juice is recommended. Another remedy is coconut oil, which is increasingly being considered as an alternative course of action.

Coconut Oil

Although there is no specific research on the use of coconut oil to treat urinary tract infections, there is a growing body of research, specifically on virgin coconut oil, that explores its antimicrobial properties.  There’s a long-chain lipid in coconut oil called lauric acid. It’s a fat that’s associated with antimicrobial elements which actively fight infections, just like a UTI.

In a 2013 study, researchers found that using coconut oil to fight antibiotic-resistant Clostridium difficile diarrhea was more effective than exposing the bacteria to plain coconut oil, although the bacteria did slow down their growth when the cells were exposed to 0.15 to 1.2 percent lipolyzed coconut oil.

It should be noted that the coconut oil used in the study was broken down. That way, the fatty acids could be more readily available to the body. This is a form of coconut oil that has yet to make its way into the mainstream, commercial market. No drugstore or store in general will have it.

Evidence has also come about to suggest coconut oil as an effective response to fungal infections such as yeast infections.

A 2009 study found that coconut oil was active against Candida in a group of Nigerian women. Since then, studies have cited this paper to show that the oil could be used to treat drug-resistant Candida infections, as well as preterm infants and certain types of strep.

That said, coconut oil as a UTI cure doesn’t have science to back it up just yet. For now, anecdotal evidence is all there is, which means the treatment isn’t tried-and-true just yet.

Ways and Methods

Since there is no scientific evidence suggesting that coconut oil is effective for UTIs, there is no preferred or standard method when it comes to treatment, either. Some people have reported that they have used it in various ways, such as applying it topically to the infected area or ingesting pure coconut oil. 

Others say they’ve drunk coconut water, but the concentration of fatty acids to that end would likely be quite low.

Call a Doctor

It should be noted that any suspicions of a UTI should, first and foremost, be consulted with a doctor. Alternative remedies like coconut oil should only be sought after medical attention has been paid. 


Treating UTIs is traditionally done through antibiotics. Coconut oil is quickly becoming popular as a possible alternative remedy. While there is no particular scientific research on coconut oil as UTI treatment, there’s a lot to be said about coconut oil’s antimicrobial properties.

Trying to find organic coconut oil in bulk? Reach out to Ceylon Exports & Trading! We’re one of the finest wholesale coconut supporters and suppliers in Sri Lanka.

Coconut Oil: Better Alternative to Baking Using Butter?

Butter has about 80% milk fat. It is often used in recipes for its taste, appearance, and consistency. When you bake with butter, it can affect the flavor and texture of your baked goods. It also contains 20% water, so it can cause your baked goods to be more crumbly. It can also cause them to brown more quickly.

Why Is Organic Coconut Oil a Better Butter Replacement?

If you are not fond of baking using butter because of its taste and smell, or if you can’t use dairy or animal products, you can use organic coconut oil as a butter replacement. 

Organic coconut oil is a great butter replacement because of its similar texture to butter. Unlike other oils, it does not have any intense flavors, so it won’t affect the taste of your food.

How to Use Coconut Oil as Butter

Liquid Form

If you want to know how to use coconut oil like butter, you should keep in mind that it needs to be melted. So, you can use coconut oil as a butter replacement if you are making a sauce, pancakes, waffles, crepes, muffins, or cookies. Just use the same amount of coconut oil and butter in your recipe, and you will get results similar to those of the recipe using butter.

Solid Form

When using coconut oil in solid form, it can be used in recipes that require butter to be cut into pieces. Its solid form makes your baked goods extra lovely and flaky.

What Kind of Coconut Oil to Use

Virgin Coconut Oil

Coconut oil comes in different forms. It can be in the form of solid or liquid. Virgin oil is said to be the purest form of coconut oil. It has a light coconut aroma, and it is known to have a clean, fresh taste.

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil

Aside from virgin oil, there is another kind of coconut oil known as extra virgin coconut oil. Extra virgin coconut oil is said to be superior to its virgin counterpart. It is made from the first pressing of the coconut fruit and is unrefined.

Expeller-Pressed Coconut Oil

Expeller-pressed oil is extracted from the coconut flesh and produces a high-quality oil. This oil is high in lauric acid and has a high smoke point. It is also a great butter substitute.

Cold-Pressed Coconut Oil

Cold-pressed coconut oil is more expensive than the other varieties of coconut oil. That is because it produces a more limited amount. It is extracted using low heat and retains more of its nutrients. This oil is light yellow and has a strong coconut scent.

Raw Coconut Oil

Raw is considered the newest form of coconut oil on the market. It is made from fresh coconuts and is believed to retain more nutrients. It is said to be the healthiest form of coconut oil because of its high levels of lauric acid.


So, coconut oil works well as a butter replacement in your daily diet or favorite recipes. It has a similar texture to butter and will not alter the flavor of the food it is used in. When choosing coconut oil, make sure that it is organic and cold-pressed. That is to ensure that it will provide optimal nutrition.

Ceylon Experts & Trading is Sri Lanka’s finest wholesale coconut exporter and supplier. We export and supply fresh organic coconut-based products, from cream to flour to oil. If you need organic and pure coconut oil as butter for your recipes, start browsing our products now.

2021 Coconut Industry Update

Sri Lanka’s culture and agriculture production is strongly linked with the coconut tree, as the island has ideal conditions for coconut cultivation year-round. Having been involved in coconut exports since the era of British colonial rule (19th Century), Sri Lanka is now among the top exporters of coconut in the world. Over the years, the Sri Lankan coconut suppliers have evolved the local coconut industry to meet  the global demand by expanding the product range, improving quality, and increasing production volume. 

Sri Lanka’s Coconut Export Performance 

In the last decade, there has been steady growth in the export performance of the coconut industry in Sri Lanka, with a significant increase in export value between 2020 and 2021. The export earnings from coconut products in 2021 was USD836.1 million, which is a 25.80% growth compared to the preceding year. 

Apart from the expansion of the consumer class and the post-Covid pent-up demand for commodities worldwide, the main contributor to the increase in demand for coconut products is the trend for healthy and organic food and beverages. The gradual global recovery from the pandemic is proving a boon for many coconut suppliers.

A majority of coconut kernel products are also gaining a positive reputation as healthy alternatives for commonly consumed products, such as dairy milk. Active Carbon produced from coconut shells is one of the most successful coconut exports due to increasing demand from water, air, and mineral purification manufacturing. Furthermore, new trends in vertical farming and other forms of agriculture have contributed to the increase in demand for coco peat products and coconut coir products. 

Sri Lanka’s bumper harvest of coconuts in 2021 could also have contributed to the increase in coconut exports during the year. 

In 2021, the Sri Lankan Rupee depreciated by 10%, leading to local products becoming significantly more competitive in the international market. This meant that there was increased demand for Sri Lankan coconut products, against competitor coconut producing countries.

Sri Lanka coconut industry exports last 10 years: 2012 - 2021
Source: Export Development Board

As a percentage share of Sri Lanka’s total merchandise exports, coconut exports have shown an increase in contribution in the past four years, with a significant surge recorded from 2019 to 2020, despite the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021, coconut exports accounted for 6.83% of total merchandise exports, a marginal increase from the 6.7% share recorded in 2020. 

Sri Lankan coconut industry as a percentage of total exports: 2012 - 2021
Source: Export Development Board

Snapshot of Global Coconut Producers 

In 2018, Sri Lanka was the fourth largest producer of coconuts in the world, behind Indonesia, the Philippines, and India*. As per data published by the Food and Agriculture Organization in 2020, Brazil surpassed Sri Lanka to reach fourth place, but Sri Lanka remained among the top five coconut producers in the world. 

Top coconut producers in the world
Source: The Food and Agriculture Organization

Portfolio of Coconut Products Exported by Sri Lanka

The key categories of coconut products exported by Sri Lanka are kernel products, shell products and finished fibre products. Kernel products were responsible for 52% of the total export value in 2021, at a value of US dollars 434.57 million. Fibre products made up 29.7% of the total export value with a contribution of US dollars 248.35 million, and shell products made up 18.3% of the total export value with a contribution of US dollars 153.18 million. 


2021 composition of Sri Lankan coconut export industry - kernel based, shell based and coir based
Source: Export Development Board

Looking at the export performance of individual product types, the highest year-on-year (2020 to 2021) export value growth was recorded by coconut cream at 44.70%. Desiccated coconut export value increased by 37.60%, and coconut milk powder export value increased by 30.50% within this same period.

Coco Peat, Fibre Pith & Moulded products recorded a growth of 27.84% in export value from 2020 to 2021, while activated carbon grew by 33.89% during the same period.

2019, 2020 and 2021 growth by coconut product - Sri Lanka exports
Source: Export Development Board

Coconut Export Markets 

At present, Sri Lanka’s largest coconut export market is the USA, with more than twice the market value of Germany, which is the second-largest. 

Looking at the export figures from 2021, the value of coconut products exported to the USA amount to US dollars 152.65 million, which is a 24.78% increase from the preceding year, while the value of products exported to Germany amount to US dollars 65.11 million, an 18.48% increase from the preceding year. 

The Dutch and Chinese markets too have grown in export value, recording US dollars 61.69 million and US dollars 51.17 million respectively in 2021. 

Major export markets for Sri Lanka coconut export industry: 2021
Source: Export Development Board

Increase in Demand for Coconut Products Globally 

Transparency Market Research has predicted rapid growth in the coconut industry from 2021 to 2031 based on recent studies on market behaviour. Increasing awareness of the health benefits of edible coconut products and growing demand from developed countries—such as North America and certain European countries are major factors that drive the growth of the industry. 

Increasing global awareness of the benefits of coconut oil, especially in comparison to other oils, is making it a more viable option for consumers, leading to coconut oil growing in popularity as a food ingredient. Furthermore, coconut oil is widely used in cosmetic products, such as hair oil and soap for its natural emollient properties. For example, multinational company Unilever launched its first sustainable beauty brand Love, Beauty and Planet in recent years, and a primary ingredient in the range is coconut oil**

Coconut water, which is high in natural nutrients and electrolytes, is gaining popularity among health-conscious consumers as a natural energy drink. Vita Coco, one of the leading global coconut water brands, conducted its Initial Public Offering (IPO) in 2021 on the back of strong demand for coconut water. 

Coconut milk is considered a healthy alternative to dairy milk, gaining immense popularity, especially among the vegan consumer segment. Other edible derivatives such as coconut sugar, chips and cookies are also growing in demand for associated health benefits. 

Looking at the non-edible range of products, the demand for horticulture related products such as coco peat continues to grow due to the global shift towards advanced soil conditioners and vertical farming. The demand for coconut shell based activated carbon is growing as a result of increased usage in water and air filtration, and precious metal extraction. Coconut shell activated carbon is also widely used in the manufacture of supercapacitors because it is considered to be low cost and environmentally friendly***

Sri Lanka’s Coconut Harvest in 2021

Sri Lanka’s coconut industry recorded a harvest of 3,383 million nuts in 2021, which is a 20% increase compared to the harvest of 2,818 million nuts recorded in 2020. 

Coconut harvest 2019, 2020, and 2021 - Sri Lanka
Source: Coconut Research Institute

The coconut tree requires a significant volume of rain for successful growth, and the island had great rainfall in 2021, which very likely contributed to the increase in harvest. Furthermore, Sri Lanka’s Coconut Research Institute encouraged cultivation and coconut land productivity in recent years with newer breeds, better intercropping strategies, better pest control mechanisms, improved fertiliser applications and other measures, which are beginning to bear fruit in terms of increased harvest. 

Sri Lanka’s Coconut Cultivation Board Chairperson, Senior Lecturer Madhavi Herath has stated that the Board’s objective is to increase the annual production of coconut to 3,800 million nuts in three years, and to increase coconut export income to US$ 1 billion****. As part of this initiative, the Board hopes to facilitate the planting of 7.5 million new coconut saplings in 2022, and further promote cultivation in the Central Province of the island. 

New Product Development

Apart from the fact that Sri Lanka manufactures coconut products of the highest quality, the local industry has been able to remain as a front-runner in the global coconut market because it has evolved and adapted to the demands of the international market. 

UHT coconut milk packaged in tetra packs is gaining traction in the global market, and a few local producers have expanded their offering to cater to this demand.

“We are installing both a UHT plant and a tetra line to meet the growing global demand for natural tasting coconut milk and its value added products”, says Jason Samaranayaka of Mathammana Factory. 

The demand for MCT coconut oil is fast-growing, as consumers become more aware of the health benefits of the product. MCT coconut oil is produced by separating the medium-chain triglycerides in coconut oil. The fatty acids in coconut that are more likely to deposit as fat—long-chain triglycerides are largely removed, and only the medium-chain triglycerides are maintained in the end product. Research suggests that MCT oil can contribute to increased energy and appetite control. MCT oil is also increasingly included in ketogenic diets*****

“The MCT Oil demand has been growing quickly in Japan in the last few years due to its health appeal. Currently, there is a shortage of suppliers in the market”, says Chandika Perera of Ceytea International, based in Japan. 

Ceylon Exports & Trading Pvt Ltd is a local coconut manufacturing and exporting company that is working on extracting plant protein concentrates from coconut by-products. 

“We wanted to introduce a ready-to-drink coconut milk fruit flavoured range under our Coco House brand and realised that the alternative dairy market was lacking many options with high plant protein content. Therefore, we have found a novel way to extract proteins from coconut kernel by-products. We believe at commercial scale, this will add tremendous value to the industry, as well as the country”, says Dulara de Alwis, Chief Executive Officer of Ceylon Exports & Trading (Pvt) Ltd.

Challenges Faced by the Industry 

While the industry continues to increase production and contribute to the export income of the country, it has also faced a large number of difficult challenges. 

Currently, one of the most challenging circumstances that the industry—along with the country’s entire agriculture sector is facing—is the loss of crop due to the organic fertiliser policy introduced by the government. 

Industry representatives have spoken to the local media stating, that Sri Lanka’s coconut production will be detrimentally impacted if much needed fertiliser is not made available to coconut suppliers urgently. If the change does not take place in a timely manner, many in the industry believe that the island will have to opt to import coconuts by 2025, instead of being one of the primary exporters of coconut to the world

As a result of this challenge, many coconut growers are looking towards alternative income sources, one of which is selling cultivation land for residential purposes and cutting down coconut trees******

Another burning issue faced by the industry in the current economic context is fuel and power shortages, which have a damaging effect on production capability. Daily power outages interrupt the production process, and although many factories are equipped with generators, the challenge of limited fuel supply in the country means that there is no consistent guarantee that generators can be utilised when needed. This makes the threat of losing business to producers in other countries an unfortunate possibility. 

“In the month of March 2022, we had to operate several days at lower capacity due to extended power cuts and lack of diesel to operate our generators,” says a manufacturer of coconut flour in Sri Lanka who wanted to keep his last name and company name confidential.

The world is currently facing a number of challenges stemming from the Russia-Ukraine war. For example, the production and trade of commodities which are predominantly exported by Russia and Ukraine, such as energy and fertiliser, have been severely disrupted*******. This impact is also felt rather strongly here in Sri Lanka, especially with regard to growing crops.  

In addition to these challenges, exporters also rely on imported packaging material to honour their orders. “The dollar shortage in the country means that imports for re-export purposes are also delayed, since banks either place restrictions on remittances or take longer than usual to source the foreign exchange,” comments Surangi Bullivant from Sula Pvt Ltd, an importer of packaging material for the Sri Lankan coconut oil export industry.

Taking the Industry Forward 

The critical needs of the industry right now are economic stability, access to fuel and energy for production, and fertiliser for farming.  

The following areas need to be addressed in the medium to long term, once the industry is able to stabilise and function more smoothly. 

  • Seedling plantation – Sri Lanka planted 2.28 million seedlings in 2021, which is an increase from the previous year (1.98 million seedlings). However, when you consider the number of seedlings issued about a decade ago (9.73 million in 2012, 6.81million in 2013), it is apparent that the numbers are lower than they ideally should be********. The fact that Sri Lanka had a bumper crop of coconuts in 2021 could be linked to the large number of trees planted in the past ten years.If the harvest is to increase, planting more seedlings each year is imperative. Increasing effectiveness of breeds planted is also important, and as per Sri Lanka’s Coconut Research Institute, the year 2021 saw the introduction of more effective breeds such as CRIC 60, CRIC 65, SL 98, SL 2020, Kapruwana, Kapsetha and Kapsuwaya.
  • Research and development – in terms of coconut cultivation, we need research and development to introduce better breeds, better pest control management, use of more effective fertiliser, better intercropping strategies, and more effective soil improvement techniques. From a manufacturing perspective, we need to invest in product innovation and value addition.
  • Cash transfer incentives – better incentives from those more downstream in the industry (manufacturers, retailers) to those upstream (coconut growers) can drive more equitable and sustained growth.
  • Innovations in processing and new product development – with consumers around the world becoming more aware of the quality of the food they eat, turning towards more plant-based alternatives to meat and dairy, and becoming increasingly more conscious of the source of origin of the food they consume, there is a wonderful opportunity for organic and sustainable coconut product manufacturers to meet global demand.High value categories such as MCT oil and coconut proteins are some of the emerging areas that the local industry needs to expand into.
  • Building global brands – building brands around fair trade and transparency of Sri Lanka’s coconut supply chain is a great opportunity to cater to the increasing global demand for sustainable, ethical food products.Furthermore, local manufacturers can also extend their brands to include products developed from high value coconut ingredients such as water purifiers using activated carbon, dairy free cheese using coconut milk, etc.

“Building another USD1B export industry is a need of the hour in Sri Lanka to support the balance of payment, kick-start economic growth and increase worker incomes. Despite the near term challenges, many of us in the industry believe that Sri Lanka’s coconut industry has what it takes to achieve that mark within the next few years,” states Dulara de Alwis.









********Data Source: Coconut Cultivation Board

Why Coconut Sugar Is the Healthier Alternative to Sweeteners

Coconut sugar is an excellent sweetener choice for those looking to keep their blood sugar from spiking after eating. Because it contains fewer simple sugars than white granulated sugar, it does not cause the same high blood sugar spike as traditional table and cane sugars.

Coconut sugar can also be digested more quickly because of its chemical makeup. It’s less refined, and a bit of the natural fructose remains in the crystal structure. That makes it a better choice for people who are sensitive to white sugar or just trying to clean up their diet. Plus, coconut sugar contains some trace minerals that the body needs.

What Is Coconut Sugar Good For?

Coconut sugar is one of the healthiest sweeteners you can use for baking, cooking, and mixing in various drinks. It’s very versatile and goes well with a wide variety of ingredients. Try replacing table sugar with coconut sugar in your iced coffee, or use it to sprinkle on oatmeal or baked goods. You can even make a coconut sugar hot chocolate recipe by replacing the sugar in your favorite recipe with coconut sugar instead.

One of the best things about coconut sugar is its lower glycemic index (GI) of 35, meaning it will not affect blood sugar levels as heavily as regular table sugar and other sugars. 

As an added benefit, people with a sweet tooth trying to lose weight will find that coconut sugar does not trigger a sugar craving as white sugar does. Moreover, coconut sugar has also been known to ease digestion, which is excellent for people with sensitive stomachs.

Benefits of Using Coconut Sugar

Coconut sugar is a versatile, healthy, and natural sweetener that you can use in many recipes, from cookies to desserts to drinks and meals. It’s one of the safest natural sweeteners out there, and you can use it in all sorts of ways to replace table sugar, cane sugar, and other sweeteners.

It’s very versatile and used in various recipes, making it a great choice if you’re trying to clean up your diet and want to replace your white granulated sugar with a healthier alternative. You’ll also find that because this sugar is less refined than other sugars, it’s the best choice for people trying to lose weight.

Using coconut sugar instead of refined sugar will aid in your weight loss goals, make your skin look better, and help your body digest better. However, you can still enjoy your favorite treats without worrying about calories or your blood sugar.

Since it still contains some of the natural fructose found in cane sugar, you don’t have to worry about your body getting too much fructose, which can be harmful to your health.


Coconut sugar is a healthy alternative to regular sugar. Consider switching to organic coconut sugar if you want to live a healthier life. Try to avoid buying refined coconut sugar since it can still be high in natural fructose compared to regular sugar. Organic coconut sugar is the best choice, and if possible, buy it in its raw state.

If you need a good source of organic coconut sugar, you can get some from Ceylon Exports & Trading. We are Sri Lanka’s most exemplary wholesale coconut exporter and supplier. We export and supply fresh organic coconut-based products, from flour to oil to sugar. Browse our products now.

Everything You Have to Know about Desiccated Coconut (Part 2)

In the first part of this series, we gave you a quick yet very impressive overview of what desiccated coconut is and its nutritional benefits. Now, we’ll move on to the benefits one can really get from desiccated coconut. 

The coconut palm tree (Cocos Nucifera) produces coconuts rather than nuts. Coconut, other than being high in sugar, offers more surprising benefits. When you find out about the health benefits of coconut, you’ll want to eat it more often. Read on to learn more.

The Health Advantages of Consuming Desiccated Coconut

1. The Fiber Content

Dietary fiber is made up of plant stuff that the body is unable to process. The fiber reacts with liquids and changes into a gel-like substance as it goes through the stomach and intestines.

This slows the metabolism and allows food to enter the stomach more slowly, improving satiety and keeping you fuller for longer.

Consuming fiber reduces the danger of “visceral” abdominal fat and promotes fat reduction, leading to less belly fat. This also provides diversification of gut bacteria and microbiome diversity that reduces the incidence of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

2. The Iron Content

Coconuts have high iron levels. Iron can be found in cattle, liver, and beans. It is a mineral that aids red blood cell oxygen transport and prevents anemia. To keep organs healthy and functional, red blood cells deliver oxygen from the lungs to them.

People who are on restrictive diets may need to supplement with iron to maintain a healthy iron level and produce enough hemoglobin. When a shortage of iron is present, Anemia develops.

Anemia results from a lack of red blood cells. It causes pale skin, weariness, dizziness, shortness of breath, and heart palpitations and is often detected after a person passes out or falls.

To avoid anemia, eat a well-balanced, iron-rich diet and meet your RDI (Recommended Daily Intake). Iron levels are increased by consuming dry coconut together with meals or beverages.

3. The Prevention of Osteoporosis and Arthritis

Coconut fatty acids promote bone growth and prevent bone deterioration in animal studies. The effect of coconut eating and topical application on the brittle bones of osteoporosis patients has been shown to be so effective that coconut oil is now frequently utilized as a treatment!

Coconut antioxidants make it anti-inflammatory and analgesic. Gallic acid, caffeic acid, salicylic acid, and p-coumaric acid are their principal antioxidants, which destroy free radical cells and prevent them from causing damage to other cells.

Consuming desiccated coconut (or other coconut products) can help relieve arthritis symptoms and prevent flare-ups. It is rich in minerals that are difficult to find.

4. The Manganese and Copper Content

Dried coconut contains manganese and copper, both of which are uncommon in diets.

Manganese is required for bone health (particularly spinal health, but also overall bone health) as well as protein, carbohydrate, and cholesterol metabolism. In conjunction, it also lowers the risk of diabetes since diabetics have lower manganese levels.

Furthermore, because individuals with these disorders have lower brain levels, it can reduce the likelihood of seizures and convulsions.

Copper is another significant mineral that scientists are interested in because of its ability to treat Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and Creutzfeldt-Jakob diseases (or CJD, the human form of mad cow disease).

Copper is being studied as a cancer treatment, and preliminary research suggests that it may be as effective as the chemotherapeutic medication cisplatin.


Coconuts are tropical fruits that have a particular flavor, texture, and nutritional profile. Desiccated coconut is dried and grated coconut flesh that adds flavor, texture, and nutrients to food and drink. As an important dietary supplement, desiccated coconut should be unsweetened and free of artificial ingredients.

Are you looking for an organic coconut supplier? Coco House is here to offer your organic, natural, and ethically-sourced coconut products. Shop our collection today!

Reasons You Should Be Putting Coconut Oil on Your Hair

Your scalp and hair deserve the right treatment. Poor scalp and hair care could lead to annoying bouts of dryness and itchiness. Fortunately, you don’t need to turn to chemicals to keep them healthy. You can try a more natural way to solve your problems.

While commercial haircare products typically contain natural ingredients, they still tend to lean heavily on chemicals. Instead of these tried and tested formulas, you can use coconut oil as an alternative to take care of your scalp and hair.

What is Coconut Oil?

Coconut oil is a natural oil pressed from the flesh of the coconut. It contains nutrients and vitamins needed to keep your hair and scalp healthy. Coconut oil is prized for the high percentage of saturated fats included in it. It’s these fats, known as medium-chain triglycerides, that give coconut oil its soft and solid consistency.

Why Use Coconut Oil for Scalp and Hair Care?

Coconut oil is a wonderful all-around product. Before ordering yourself a bottle, you should know more about what coconut oil can do for you. There are a lot of reasons you should adopt a coconut oil regimen.

1. Keeps Your Haircare Expenses Low

Coconut oil is an affordable option when you consider the long term. It’s an effective treatment that doesn’t cost much. Depending on how often you use coconut oil, a bottle could last you a while.

2. Protects Your Hair

Coconut oil is proven to protect your hair from damage because of its strengthening properties. Applying coconut oil to your hair can help prevent problems such as split ends and breakage. It’s definitely a must-have for people with long hair.

3. Fights Scalp Dryness

Coconut oil is effective in treating your dry scalp. It nourishes your hair and keeps your scalp well-hydrated. Coconut oil is great for people with dandruff, psoriasis, and seborrheic dermatitis. It helps treat skin conditions because of its antifungal and antibacterial properties.

4. Perfect for Pre-Wash and Post-Wash Care

Using coconut oil before washing your hair is a great way to prepare it for a good cleansing and protect it from harmful chemicals. It can also be used after washing to add shine to your hair. Add just a dab of coconut oil, and you’ll also be able to tame unsightly frizz.

5. Promotes Healthy Hair Growth

Coconut oil can help stimulate hair growth by nourishing your hair and stimulating the scalp. It can even help prevent hair loss. Apply it regularly to help strengthen your hair from the roots.

6. A Natural Solution

Coconut oil is an excellent alternative to chemical-filled products that can harm your hair and scalp. It’s readily available and natural, so it’s good for the environment. By using coconut oil, you get to do your part in maintaining a sustainable world for everyone to live in.


As you can see, there are many benefits to using coconut oil as part of your regimen. Give it a try, and you’ll see the magic this natural product can provide. It is one of the best natural treatments and remedies you can use, and its benefits extend past hair and scalp care, but that’s a story for another day.

Your hair and scalp deserve proper care. Order your coconut oil in bulk by buying our Coco House products! Let us provide you with different coconut products that can benefit your daily life. Try getting yours today, and see just how revolutionary coconut products truly are.

All the Important Things You Need to Know About Coconut Aminos

Coconut aminos are a commonly neglected condiment that not many people know about. It provides an array of health benefits and can be used as a substitute for regular soy sauce. In this article, we’ll explore just what coconut aminos are, how they’re made, and their numerous health benefits.

Coconut Aminos: What is It?

Coconut aminos are a fermented liquid made from the sap of mature coconut flower blossoms. They’re similar to soy sauce because they provide a salty taste, have no cholesterol or trans-fats, and, like soy sauce, are high in salt and sodium.

The Health Benefits of Coconut Aminos

Coconut aminos provide numerous health benefits. Let’s look at some of them:

Heart Health

Perhaps the most well-known health benefit of coconut aminos is their role in helping to maintain cardiovascular health. With lower sodium content, coconut aminos is a better alternative to soy sauce and could be better for heart health in the long run. Coconut aminos also help to prevent LDL (bad) cholesterol from oxidizing and becoming damaged. 

These two factors are important in preventing cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis, in which cholesterol-coated arteries cause blood to back up, increasing the risk of heart attacks.


Amino acids are the building blocks of protein and are therefore necessary for maintaining a strong immune system. All amino acids, including the 16 found in coconut aminos, are important in immune system health.


Coconut aminos are high in the amino acid glutamine. Glutamine helps to break down and convert fat into energy, which aids in weight loss, a healthy metabolism, and the prevention of certain cancers and type 2 diabetes.

Digestive Health

The amino acids found in coconut aminos are also critical for healthy digestion. The amino acids help aid the digestive system’s natural production of enzymes, which aid in breaking down food and fighting against indigestion and constipation.

Joint Health

Glutamine is particularly important in maintaining joint health. It has been proven to help heal and regenerate cartilage, which makes it especially helpful in preventing osteoarthritis. Coconut aminos also contain several other amino acids that help aid in the production of collagen, which also helps support joint health.

Nerve Function

Coconut aminos contain an abundance of the amino acid, glutamic acid. Glutamic acid is an excitatory neurotransmitter that plays an important role in nerve function and maintaining a healthy nervous system.

Where to Get Coconut Aminos

It used to be that you could only get coconut aminos in specialty health food stores, but now they’re becoming more commonplace. Coconut aminos can be purchased online or at health food stores. Many Asian restaurants also use coconut aminos, so you can either ask your server if they have it.

A Word of Caution: Coconut Aminos vs. Soy Sauce

As mentioned before, coconut aminos still contain sodium. However, unlike soy sauce, which contains wheat and gluten, coconut aminos contain neither. So for those with soy or wheat allergies or those looking for an alternative to soy sauce, coconut aminos are an excellent choice.

Get Your Coconut Aminos

Coconut aminos provide numerous health benefits, smell and taste almost exactly like soy sauce, and are becoming more and more of a common ingredient in many people’s kitchens.

Coco House is the best coconut supplier and is one of Sri Lanka’s finest wholesale coconut exporters and suppliers. Get fresh and organic coconut-based products here with us. Get in touch with us.


Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil & Other Essential Facts

The coconut tree is a member of the palm tree family (Arecaceae) and is botanically a drupe rather than a nut. Coconut oil is an edible oil derived from the kernel of mature coconuts that has grown in popularity in recent years due to its numerous health advantages.

Thousands of research have shown that coconut oil is one of the healthiest foods. Coconut oil’s numerous applications and therapeutic advantages far exceed people’s expectations; coconut is truly a superfood.

The Nutritional Facts on Coconut Oil

According to the United States Department of Agriculture, these are the dietary information for a 1 tablespoon serving of coconut oil.

  • 121 calories
  • 0 gram protein (g)
  • 13.5 g fat
  • 11.2 g Saturated fat
  • 0 g Carbohydrates
  • 0 g fiber
  • 0 g sugar

This is comparable to other oils. A tablespoon of olive oil, for example, provides 119 calories and 13.5 g of fat.

Uses of Coconut Oil

Coconut Oil has the ability to stabilize blood sugar, increase energy and improve digestion. It is loaded with medium chain triglycerides (MCTs), which have anti-viral, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-parasitic properties.

Coconut Oil can be used for both cooking and cosmetic purposes as well. A study published in the Journal of Dermatological Treatment revealed that coconut oil could also prevent hair loss.

Many people also use coconut oil to reduce their blood cholesterol levels, prevent Alzheimer’s disease, improve thyroid function, lose weight, reduce inflammation, prevent yeast infections, etc.

Health Benefits of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil can heal many diseases because it is composed of saturated fats easily digested by the body. It has the following health benefits:

Weight Loss

A research revealed that coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids, which stimulate metabolism, thereby increasing the body’s ability to burn fat.

Furthermore, coconut oil increases the body’s ability to burn stored fat and improves its ability to process sugar. It boosts the metabolic rate and helps in weight loss.

Proper digestion

Coconut oil helps in the proper absorption of fat-soluble vitamins like vitamins A, D, E, and K. It helps in the proper digestion of food.

Prevents Heart Diseases

Coconut oil helps in preventing various heart-related diseases. It lowers LDL or bad cholesterol levels while increasing levels of HDL or good cholesterol.

It also prevents cholesterol from sticking to the walls of blood vessels, thereby preventing heart attacks and strokes.

The saturated fats in coconut oil can also help in preventing the buildup of plaque in the arteries, thereby reducing the risk of a heart attack.

Coconut oil contains caprylic acid that inhibits the growth of bad bacteria in the gut, thereby protecting against gastrointestinal infections and other diseases.

Increase Brain Function

Coconut oil increases the production of ketones in the brain, which can easily be converted into energy.

Coconut oil improves the brain’s functioning and increases the brain’s metabolic rate, and it can reduce the risk of brain diseases like Alzheimer’s and dementia.

Cures Dental Problems

Coconut oil contains Lauric acid, which can be a good replacement for common antiseptic mouthwashes. The coconut oil can also be used as a substitute for regular toothpaste as it prevents cavities and helps fight bad breath.


Coconut oil has many health benefits, and it can be used in various ways and can be taken as a supplement. It is a highly recommended food for a healthy body and to avoid any disease.

It can be used as a cooking oil, a hair oil, a skin oil, a massage oil, and for many other purposes, and it is found to be safe for the body and can be used even by children and pregnant women.

It is found to be used by many of the Western countries and by the people in the East for ages together.

If you are looking for bulk organic coconut oil, check out Coco House. We export and supply fresh organic coconut-based products. Schedule a meeting with one of our specialists today! 

4 Health Benefits Of Using Coconut Flour For Baking

Coconut flour is made from dried coconut meat, which is done by drying it at low temperatures and then grinding it into flour. This flour is typically used for baking, from bread to cookies and more.

Regardless of how coconut flour is used, a common expectation with coconut flour is the health benefits it has to offer, especially in baking. Let’s talk about these coconut flour health benefits to give you a reason to try it out for baking:

1. It Is Gluten Free

As more and more people have begun to reduce the amount of gluten they consume, the popularity of coconut flour has grown. This flour is packed with nutrients and minerals, which are all great for your health, with one of its most prominent benefits being that it is gluten-free.

This is in part due to it being made from a natural source and having numerous antioxidant properties. It is best to consume at least a teaspoon of coconut flour every day.

2. It Helps with Blood Sugar Levels

Coconut flour is a great alternative to harsh grain flours, as it helps with blood sugar levels. This is because it helps to keep blood sugar levels regulated and stable. It also helps to reduce the amount of insulin your body is producing.

You can use rice flour to replace regular white flour. You can also add ground flaxseed to some of your baked goods to improve this effect. Maintain good digestive health to keep your blood sugar levels stable.

3. It Is Versatile

Coconut flour is great for baking, but it is also well known for being used in numerous other ways. Coconut flour is well-known for being used to make delicious cakes, but this is not the end of its versatility.

Coconut flour can be used for making noodles and pasta, as well as for making pancakes, muffins, pancakes, cookies, and even bread. Topping off your baked goods with coconut flour makes for a beautiful color, which is what makes it great for making cakes. The best part about this is that, because of how healthy coconut flour is, you can enjoy these treats without guilt.

4. It Contains Healthy Fats

Coconut flour has a lot of protein, with over quarter of the calories found in coconut flour coming from protein. Half of the calories in coconut flour come from fat, and it is mainly medium chain triglyceride (MCT) fats. This is great news for those who enjoy coconut flour.

For those who are health conscious, MCT fats are considered to be a “good fat” that helps to reduce your risks of heart disease, so this is great news for those who are trying to be healthy.


Coconut flour is a great alternative to regular flour for people who are looking for healthy and delicious flour. There are lots of ways to incorporate this flour into your diet, and adding it to your baking can be a great way to replace regular flour to not only make your food tastier but also healthier!

Coco House under Ceylon Exports & Trading is one of Sri Lanka’s finest exporters and wholesalers of coconut products. If you are looking to buy organic coconut flour, check out what we offer!

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