Everything You Have to Know about Desiccated Coconut

It seems that desiccated coconut is all the hype in today’s modern world of health and wellness. What seems like unassuming coconut shavings wrapped in plastic bags in the supermarket actually holds a lot of power in giving us our daily nutritional needs, and perhaps more. Yes, in the “desiccation” of coconuts, we might be able to have it all. 

Read on as we learn more about desiccated coconut and understand why we should all start including it in our health and fitness routines today.

Defining and Understanding Desiccated Coconut

Although the phrase “desiccated” is often linked with shredding, it actually refers to the process of “drying out and removing all moisture.” Thus, desiccated coconut is dried and grated coconut meat.

Desiccated coconut is created by thinly slicing mature white coconut flesh and drying it in hot air at 100°C. It is flavorful and dry to the touch. While the finely grated dehydrated coconut is the most common form, it is also available in shredded, flakes, granulated, and chipped forms.

The majority of desiccated coconut is unsweetened and unflavored, without any addition of preservatives for shelf life.

However, it may include defatted products which will reduce its natural flavor profile; thus, check the label carefully.

Desiccated coconut is commonly used to ‘top’ sweets, cereals, and baked items in the United Kingdom and Europe.

However, more people are incorporating desiccated coconut into their diets to reap the myriad health benefits described below.

Desiccated Coconut: A High-Nutritional-Value Food

Of course, desiccated coconut is helpful to health when accompanied by a nutritious diet and an active lifestyle. It not only improves the flavor of foods and beverages but also contains important vitamins and minerals.

Although coconut is high in fat, it is also high in nutrients. It is recognized as a fruit as well as a nut.

While you shouldn’t eat a whole coconut every day, adding desiccated coconut as a texture or topping to nutritionally balanced meals or beverages makes sense.

Instead of artificial sweeteners or unhealthy munchies, try a sprinkle of desiccated coconut. This way, you can enjoy something delicious without consuming extra calories and sugar.

In rough proportions, a 100g serving of desiccated coconut is only 605 calories, has 5.6g of protein, 6.1g of carbohydrates, 62g of fats, 6.1g of natural sugars, 21.1g of fibre, and so much more.

These are essential for the human body. You may easily meet your daily mineral requirements with a well-balanced meal without having to seek out additional sources.


If there’s a fruit you’d want to live on, let it be the coconut. With its abundance and high nutritional value, you can never go wrong with a serving of desiccated coconut a day (or whenever it’s available to you). Simply make sure you get it organic and sustainable-sourced. It’s also especially helpful for your health and fitness needs, so don’t hesitate to include this in your new diet!

Are you looking for an organic coconut supplier? Coco House is here to offer your organic, natural, and ethically-sourced coconut products. Shop our collection today!

Attending to the orphan crisis in the Wayamba District of Sri Lanka

In the Wayamba District of Sri Lanka, there are approximately 35 orphanages and over 900 orphans under the care of Child Development Centers. These development centers are directly under the supervision of the Department of Probation and Child Care Services – the State Ministry of Women and Child Development, Pre School and Primary Education, School Infrastructure and School Services.
The services of these Child Development Centers, as per the Department’s mandate, include the following –

  • Provide care as a warden and protection for orphans, abandons, misled and destitutes.
  • Rehabilitation and social reintegration of the institutionalized children;
  • Investigation, supervising providing aids to voluntary organizations and institutions engaged in children’s welfare services;
  • Pre childhood development;
  • Promote the rights of the children;
  • Adaptation / foreign and local;
  • Counseling and Training

As per the Warden – Mrs. Deepani Shanthikumar –  of the Dummaladeniya Child Development Centre in Wennapuwa (Wayamba District), there is currently an orphan crisis in the Wayamba District with the number of orphans increasing on an annual basis. Furthermore, the government has only allocated 4500 lkr (USD 15) per child per month. This is a paltry amount versus the actual cost of effective child development. Mrs. Shanthikumar claims that without private donations, the operation would have to shutdown.

In Q1 of 2022, Ceylon Exports & Trading’s factory management partnered with Mrs. Shanthikumar to identify a few of the Dummaladeniya Child Development Center’s urgent requirements and purchased computer tables, chairs and stationery for over 50 children.

Coconut Sugar: Here’s How It Can Make Your Life Better

Contrary to popular belief, taking on a healthier lifestyle is not limited to drastic life changes. In some cases, consistent, smaller moves carry more of a weighted impact on human health as a whole. Switching out food ingredients for healthier alternatives, for example, are ideal for improved choices towards wellness.

Sugar Intake Awareness

Sugar is frequently found in many foods but is also linked to health issues. It can be found in some desserts and dishes. While sugar is generally good for the body, too much sugar in the wrong form can be dangerous. It’s this logic that has driven more and more people to make the shift to coconut sugar instead of going with the traditional sugar options.

Here are some of the top ways that coconut sugar can make your life better:

Coconut Sugar Can Make Your Life Better Because It Has Raw Antioxidants

Coconut sugar is made from the sap of the coconut palm tree and is full of healthy nutrients. It is high in antioxidants, which makes it a great way to invigorate the body’s cells and repair any damage due to aging.

Coconut Sugar Can Make Your Life Better Because It’s Environmentally Friendly

Coconut sugar does not have the bone char that is typically added during the processing of commercial sugar. This makes coconut sugar more environmentally friendly to produce and to consume. Additionally, the texture of coconut sugar is more natural than that of standard processed sugar, which means it can complement any dish.

Coconut Sugar Can Make Your Life Better Because It’s Good For the Immune System

Other than a moderate dose of vitamin C to support the body, coconut sugar is also packed with the nutrients needed for the body to grow and stay healthy. It also helps to even out skin tone alongside maintaining skin radiance.

Coconut Sugar Can Make Your Life Better Because It’s Great For Heart Health

The dangers of consuming too much sugar are well-documented; people with various heart and blood-related conditions should carefully control their sugar intake. Coconut sugar is low in fructose and hemoglobin A1C levels and contains the materials necessary to combat risks commercial sugar generally poses.

It has inulin, a dietary fiber that provides benefits for your gut health, including regulating blood sugar and removing waste. 

Coconut Sugar Can Make Your Life Better Because There’s Less Sucrose

There’s no question that commercial sugar is much sweeter than coconut sugar, largely owing to how it’s pure sucrose. Coconut sugar only has 75% sucrose; the remaining 25% has nutrients, fibers, short-chain fatty acids, and other healthy materials.

Coconut Sugar Can Make Your Life Better Because There’s More Health Value

Coconut sugar has a healthy dose of potassium, containing 400 times as much as commercial sugar. Potassium regulates the body’s water levels, promotes healthy heart and nerve functions, and supports proper electrolyte levels without raising blood pressure. 


Swapping out refined sugar in recipes for coconut sugar takes a little bit of work. However, it comes with a number of benefits. Coconut sugar can make life better since there’s less sucrose, more health value and raw antioxidants.

In need of the best coconut products? Shop at Coco House today! We export & supply fresh, organic products that are coconut-based.

MCT Coconut Oil and the Different Ways It Can Benefit You

MCT oil is made up of medium-chain triglycerides (MCT), which are a form of saturated fatty acids that are absorbed quicker by the body and metabolized faster than other kinds of fats. It is usually extracted from coconut oil, allowing you to use it as cooking oil. While it may seem like a simple substitution of your prime cooking ingredient, doing so will have a significant impact on your wellness.

If you have yet to try this revolutionary product, here are a few benefits that may convince you:

1. It May Improve Weight Loss

The body quickly absorbs the fatty acids present in MCT oil, and this is one of the most significant benefits of MCT oil. For example, foods rich in MCTs are also low-calorie and low-carb. More specifically, MCT oil has about 10 percent fewer calories than long-chain fatty acids.

2. It Can Be a Good Source of Energy

MCTs are metabolized very quickly into ketone bodies, which are used as a source of energy. This is ideal for you if you are looking to increase your energy levels. This can be useful whether you’re an athlete, a fitness enthusiast, or just a regular person looking for energy to help get you through the day.

3. It’s Keto Friendly

Ketosis is a natural metabolic state that the body enters when it burns fat for fuel. Having this state of ketosis can have numerous health benefits, including weight loss. Since MCTs have a higher fat content than LCTs, yet only contain about half the amount of calories. This will be a valuable ingredient for maintaining a ketogenic diet.

4. It May Help Improve Cognitive Function

Alongside its ability to provide your body with the necessary energy, MCT oil also has anti-stress and cognitive benefits. Ketones are the brain’s preferred source of energy when glucose isn’t around. The ketone produced with the help of MCTs can easily reach your brain and provide it with the fuel it needs.

5. It’s Good for Your Heart

MCT oil has been shown to have a positive effect on the levels of blood cholesterol. It is rich in healthy fats, which can help reduce your cholesterol levels and lower your risk of developing heart disease. It also has the potential to boost good HDL cholesterol while lowering inflammatory proteins, which have been known to increase the risks of heart disease.

6. It’s Antimicrobial

MCTs have a structure that makes it harder for bacteria to stick to them. Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, it can help you fight off infections and keep your gut healthy. This can be especially useful if you suffer from digestive issues.


MCT Coconut oil is a product that is swiftly gaining popularity. It can be useful either as a dietary supplement or as an ingredient in cooking. However, it is important to note that it’s not for everyone. For one, people allergic to coconuts should steer clear of the product. It is also important to note that, because MCTs are metabolized very quickly, people with gallbladder or bile duct problems should consult with their doctor before use.

Get your coconut oil in bulk when you buy our Coco House products! With our healthy alternatives, you can experience the wonder of various daily benefits from natural ingredients. Order today, and see for yourself the wonders that MCT coconut oil can bring!

Top 6 Ways to Use MCT Oil and Maximize Its Benefits

MCT, or medium-chain triglycerides, is one of the most versatile supplements on the market today. These fatty acids are naturally found in organic coconut oil. They have been popularized by people doing keto and low-carb diets for their ability to burn fat and reduce cravings.

Are you interested in trying out MCT oil? Here are the best uses for this revolutionary oil.

Why Should You Use MCT Oil

MCT Oil is a perfect addition to your diet, either in its original form or in a capsule. These ingredients have been used in the culinary industry worldwide for centuries to produce some of the tastiest foods, including curries and desserts.

MCT is an ideal ingredient to help you burn fat most effectively. Also, if you’re looking to boost your metabolism, this oil is an excellent choice, as it can increase your energy expenditure and curb your appetite.

Additionally, if you’re looking for a way to improve your cognitive functions, MCT oil has been found to enhance learning and memory in people with Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

How to Use MCT Oil

MCT oil is one of the most versatile food ingredients, providing a wide variety of health benefits. Here are some things you can do to introduce MCT oil to your diet.

Compound Butter

Compound butter is one of the best ways to incorporate MCT oil into your diet. You do this by creating a mixture of butter, herbs, spices, and an emulsifier. Compound butter is excellent for cooking, whether you’re grilling meats, baking desserts, or simply adding some flavor to your morning eggs.

Bulletproof Coffee

If you’d like to reap the benefits of MCT oil even before breakfast, one of the best ways to do so is by whipping up a cup of bulletproof coffee. This beverage is made by blending freshly brewed black coffee with grass-fed butter and MCT oil. It’s very rich, but many people enjoy it immensely.

Smoothies and Smoothie Bowls

You can also use MCTs to make smoothies more satiating and delicious. Just replace your usual ingredients with MCT oil, various berries and other fruits, and the addition of herbs, spices, and different mixtures of your choice, and you’ll have yourself a great-tasting and nutritious smoothie.


If you’re into cooking, you can use MCT oil to substitute for butter or ghee. It also makes an excellent ingredient for sautéing vegetables and meat.

Salad Dressing

Salad dressings typically have various ingredients, but you can use MCT oil to replace other types of oils in your pantry. It’s great for homemade salad dressings and pairs well with lemon juice, garlic, and other flavors.

Carrier Oil for Essential Oils

MCT oil is also a great substitute for carrier oils when applying essential oils to the skin. It’s also a safe and natural way to moisturize your skin and maintain its elasticity and firmness.

Final Thoughts

MCT oil is a powerhouse. It’s a great addition to your diet, one that can help you lose weight, improve brain function, and make your daily life better. If you want to try out MCT oil, there’s no better time than now.

For the best coconut products, shop at Coco House today. You can expect high-quality products—from organic coconut oil to organic MCT oil. Send an inquiry today to place an order.

What You Need to Learn About Cooking With Coconut Aminos

This coconut-based condiment lends a rich, savory flavor to various dishes and is popular among gluten-free and paleo dieters. (Even if they do include carbs.)

Coconut aminos, made from a combination of aged coconut sap and sea salt, are among the niche health food products that are gaining traction. The brown liquid has a savory, deep flavor similar to soy sauce but with a hint of sweetness and less salt. (A teaspoon of coconut aminos has 90mg of sodium, while a teaspoon of soy sauce has 307 mg of sodium.) 

It’s inherently gluten-free and vegan, and the paleo movement has adopted it as a soy sauce substitute (among whom soy products are verboten). 

Read on to know more about cooking coconut aminos and where to find the best coconut products. 

Coconut Aminos: How To Use Them

Coconut Aminos has a flavor comparable to tamari or soy sauce. However, it is less salty and sweeter. Coconut Aminos can be used to produce dressings, marinades, and dips and improve the flavor of sautéed vegetables, rice, stir-fries, and soups. They can also be used as a 1:1 substitute for soy-based sauces.

Coconut Aminos make a delicious and healthy dipping sauce for sushi and dumplings.

This salty condiment has no apparent coconut flavor and enhances and deepens the flavors of the other ingredients in a dish. 

Coconut aminos may be used in almost any recipe that calls for soy sauce, and a few drops can lend a depth of complexity to a variety of other foods. 

Before you contact coconut manufacturers in Sri Lanka, here are a few suggestions to get you started with your coconut amino research:

What Do You Think It Tastes Like?

Soy sauce and teriyaki sauce are often used to compare coconut aminos. It has a somewhat sweet, savory, umami flavor that is sweeter than soy sauce but not as salty as soy sauce.

And, although it’s made from coconuts, it doesn’t taste anything like them!

What Is The Purpose of It?

Coconut aminos can be used in various recipes to substitute soy sauce or tamari. You can try it out in a variety of ways:

Soy sauce can be substituted. When a recipe needs soy sauce, use coconut aminos instead. The meal’s salt content will be reduced as a result of this. If you’re vegan or paleo and your recipe calls for soy sauce, coconut aminos are a perfect substitute.

  • Instead of soy sauce, try dipping sushi in coconut aminos.
  • Add it to a stir-fry.

Moreover, it can be used in place of salt. Coconut aminos can be used in recipes instead of salt because of their high salt concentration (90mg per teaspoon). This will improve the flavor while also providing the desired saltiness.

It can be used to enhance the flavor of foods. To improve the flavor of any dish, add a few dashes of coconut aminos. Although the product is manufactured from coconut palm, it does not taste like coconut and is made from a separate portion of the plant. It has a small sweetness, but it’s largely rich and flavorful. For a flavor boost, add 1-2 teaspoons to soup, broth, curry, fried rice, or anything else you’re sautéing.


Coconut aminos are a great way to dress up your food. Drizzle coconut aminos over your popcorn. Baked potato or sweet potato chips with coconut aminos, garlic, olive oil, and dill for a tasty snack. Even a semi-sweet treat like pecan pie can benefit from a dash of coconut aminos. If you want to try coconut amino, you can seek the best coconut supplier. 

Coco House is one of the leading coconut manufacturers in Sri Lanka. We export and supply fresh organic coconut-based products. Check our coconut products today! 

The Many Culinary Uses of Desiccated Coconut to Try

Desiccated coconut is a favorite for many, but it’s important to make sure that it’s the kind that you want. Only the perfect coconuts are used to create this product. Once dried, the coconut is finely shredded to a delightful snow-white shade. This is the best way to ensure that the coconut maintains its taste and texture. There are many types of desiccated coconut, but this kind is among the most popular. It’s made to resemble fresh coconut, but a pleasant sweetness gives it an added dimension. It’s also easy to use and versatile in the kitchen. There are many ways that you can make use of this product at home, including replacing fresh coconut in recipes.

The Many Culinary Uses of Desiccated Coconut to Try

1 – Polenta cake

Add a handful of desiccated coconut to the batter of a cake. The taste is absolutely delicious, and the texture is delightfully light and fluffy. You’ll be surprised at the difference it makes to the flavor of the cake.

2 – Coconut cake

Desiccated coconut makes a great addition to cakes. They’re sweet and a little crunchy, making them a wonderful complement to the rich taste of the cake. If you’re baking a coconut cake, try adding a couple of tablespoons of desiccated coconut for a delicious addition to the batter.

3 – Coconut cookies

Coconut is a popular addition to many recipes, and desiccated coconut is no exception. Try adding it to your cookie dough. A pinch can make a delicious addition to your favorite recipe.

4 – Coconut peas

Turn the desiccated coconut into a tasty snack. All you need to do is boil a handful of the coconut flakes until they soften and then add them to the pan. Allow them to cook with the peas. If you prefer, you can spread the flakes on a baking tray and roast them until they become fragrant and a little crunchy.

5 – Coconut fried rice

Rice is often served with a variety of Asian dishes. However, you can give it an interesting flavor boost by adding desiccated coconut to the rice. It’s wonderful with meat and chicken dishes, too.

6 – Coconut energy bars

Desiccated coconut is a great addition to energy bars. Combine it with dates, coconut oil, and nuts to make a tasty bar that’s packed with energy-boosting qualities. Mix it with cacao powder, vanilla extract, and nuts to create a delicious treat.

7 – Coconut milk

You can easily turn desiccated coconut into a wonderful and creamy homemade variety of coconut milk. Simply put half a cup of desiccated coconut into a blender and add two cups of water. Blend until the desiccated coconut is completely ground. Strain the mixture through a cloth and use the resulting liquid as you would normal coconut milk.

8 – Coconut ice cream

Desiccated coconut makes a wonderful addition to ice cream. It’s a popular addition to coconut ice cream, but it’s also very nice in vanilla ice cream. Combine the coconut with dates and sunflower seeds to create a delicious and nutritious alternative to traditional ice cream.


Why try to recreate the distinctive taste of fresh coconut when you can find a desiccated coconut product? It’s easy to use and makes a great addition to many recipes, especially those that mimic the taste and texture of fresh coconut. You’ll find a delicious alternative to the fresh version.

If you’re looking for the best coconut products, come to Coco House. We are one of Sri Lanka’s finest wholesale coconut exporters and suppliers. We export and supply fresh organic coconut-based products. Browse our product selection today!

Coconut Pudding

Tastes great! Eating something delicious right now?

This delicious coconut pudding has a creme richness .Yum! Shake a dash of toasted desiccated or jelly on top of each serving, if desired.

Main Ingredients

  • Coco house organic coconut cream 500ML
  • Coco house organic coconut oil few drops
  • Vanilla 1 TBSP
  • Pinch of Salt
  • Corn flour 5TBSP
  • Sugar 1/2 cup
  • Topping as your choice (Coco house organic toasted desiccated coconut/Mint leaves/Jelly)

Total time


Prep Time


Cook time




  1. Add Coconut Cream ,Sugar, Corn Flour & 1 tbsp of Vanilla to a bowl
  2. Whisk until the lumps are removed
  3. Keep it on the stove on low heat & stir until the mixture is thickness.
  4. Grese a few cups with Coconut Oil & pour the mixture into the cups.
  5. Add toasted desiccated Coconut & a topping of your choice.

Eat hearty!

Exploring the Many Uses of Coconut Oil in Our Daily Lives

Coconut oil is one of the most popular oils in the world, especially since healthy living is taking a spotlight in modern consumers’ lifestyles. It’s derived from the meat of the coconut palm and pressed or extracted by a number of methods. The popularity of coconut oil is, in large part, thanks to its versatility. In this article, we explore the many uses this oil can provide to people and households all over the world.


One of the primary uses of coconut oil is cooking. It’s an incredibly versatile ingredient that can be used in a number of baking and cooking recipes. In particular, it’s widely used in recipes involving pastries, cakes, cookies, and other sweets.

Coconut oil could even be used in traditional recipes like stir fry, curry, or fritters. Once the oil heats up, it melts and becomes a liquid, which can then be used to fry or grease your baking pans before you put your pastries or cakes into the oven.

Skin Care

One of the best skincare treatments you can provide to your skin is coconut oil. It’s particularly good at removing makeup, which is why many people use it as a beauty treatment before bed. It’s also great for giving your hands and feet a pretty manicure. It’s a great moisturizer, which means it can help to protect your skin from becoming dry and flaky.

UV Protection

Although coconut oil doesn’t have a sunscreen rating, some studies suggest that it could protect you from the sun by absorbing ultraviolet light. It also contains a chemical compound called cinnamates. This chemical is known to be photostable, which means it can help to protect you from sunburn if you’re exposed to light.

Oral Care

You could also use coconut oil as a mouthwash. It’s a great way to fight plaque and tooth decay, as it contains lauric acid. It’s also a great way to freshen your breath.

Hair Care

Coconut oil is also a powerful hair care product. It’s a great moisturizer, and it can help to keep your hair looking shiny and healthy. You can use it to protect your hair from the sun, especially if you’re going to be spending a lot of time outdoors. It also smells great and can help to add a light and fresh fragrance to your hair.

Stain Removal

Combined with baking soda, coconut oil can also be used to remove stains from your clothes, carpets, or furniture. It works really well with grass stains and ink stains, among others. Simply rub the stains with the oil, and then rub the shirt with a towel. The oil will dissolve the stain, leaving your clothes nice and fresh.


These are just some of the many things you can do with coconut oil. If you haven’t used this product before, try it out with these simple ideas, and see how it can be a useful item for your home and lifestyle. Coconut oil deserves your attention, and it’s a great natural product that will bring you a lot of value.

Get your coconut oil in bulk by buying our Coco House products! We can supply you with different coconut products you can benefit from daily. Order today, and see just how revolutionary coconut products truly are!

How Coconut Oil Takes Care of Your Skin and How to Use It

Traditionally, coconut oil is prepared by extracting the oil from raw coconuts. It has been used directly on the skin for many years since it is high in medium-chain fatty acids, particularly lauric acid, which lowers inflammation, keeps skin moist, speeds up healing, boosts antioxidant status, and many other benefits.

Coconut Oil Benefit #1: The Face

Is coconut oil okay to use on your face? Certainly, yes. It offers several advantages, some of which you should be aware of. Let’s go through some of the numerous benefits it provides.

The Benefits of Applying Coconut Oil on Your Face

There are several methods to apply coconut oil to your face. To gain the advantages, incorporate it into your daily skincare routine.

Facial Cleanser

Apply 2-3 drops of coconut oil on a cotton pad and clean your face with it. Allow it to absorb into your skin. It aids in the removal of pollutants and debris from the skin without irritating or drying it out.

Face moisturizer

Coconut oil is an excellent moisturizer. Rub a few drops of coconut oil on your palms and pat gently on your face and neck. Leave for a few minutes and wash off with plain water.

Mixing it with sugar, one of the best natural exfoliants, is a great idea that helps in the exfoliation process. Sugar removes dry and dead skin cells, and coconut oil moisturizes the skin and replenishes it with essential vitamins and minerals.

Whitens the skin

Massage a few drops of coconut oil with a few drops of lemon juice on your face, leave it for 10 minutes and wash off with cold water. Do this daily before going to bed.

Coconut oil is an excellent skin whitener. Its antibacterial property protects the skin, and it actually lightens the skin tone by reducing melanin from the skin.

Coconut Oil Benefit #2: Eliminates Dark Circles

Dark circles are a common problem faced by many. They are mainly caused by insufficient oxygen in the blood.

There are many remedies to get rid of dark circles, including eye creams and masks, but coconut oil can be an effective home remedy.

Apply a tiny amount of coconut oil to the dark circles. Wait for a few minutes and wipe it off. This will improve circulation and help nourish the skin and give the much-needed moisture.

Coconut Oil Benefit #3: Anti-Aging

Coconut oil has anti-aging properties and is one of the best natural moisturizers for the delicate skin around the eyes and face.

It increases collagen production, reduces wrinkles and fine lines, and softens the skin, making it healthier and younger. It also helps in preventing dark circles and eye-bags.

Mix some drops of lemon juice and coconut oil and apply them to your face. Leave for a few minutes and then wash off with cool water.


You can also use coconut oil to remove your eye makeup.

Coconut Oil Benefit #4: Body Massage

Massaging your body with coconut oil is one of the best ways to get rid of achy muscles, joint pain, and other aches and pains.

It helps in reducing inflammation, soothing the skin and muscles, boosting oxygen flow, and much more. It also helps in boosting your overall immunity. Coconut oil is one of the best natural moisturizers for the skin. It gives immense relief from dry skin and rashes.

Massaging your body with coconut oil increases blood circulation, reduces stress, and improves lymphatic flow. It helps in removing cellulite and makes your skin flawless and soft.


Coconut oil has been used for centuries for various purposes, including skincare. Now, you have seen what it has to offer you. Its long list of benefits and ease of use makes it a popular choice among individuals of all age groups. The next time you see someone using coconut oil, you will know what they are up to.

If you are looking for bulk organic coconut oil, check out Coco House. We export and supply fresh organic coconut-based products. Schedule a meeting with one of our specialists today! 

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