5 Ways to Enjoy and Cook with Organic Coconut Milk

If you’re nuts over coconuts, then you may have already heard of coconut milk before. While almost everyone has had a sip of coconut water, coconut milk is a product derived from the flesh of the coconut mixed with water. 

Coconut milk is one of the most underrated ingredients in many brilliant dishes that give it that extra hint of sweetness. If you’re feeling like trying it out in the kitchen, here are some known ways coconut milk has been used before. 

5 Ways to Make Use of Organic Coconut Milk

Dairy Substitute for Everything

Coconut milk is a vegan’s true best friend. This milk substitute may not be as drinkable as other milk substitutes such as almond or soy milk, but it does taste better as an ingredient in treats. 

Coconut milk is the main creamy component of vegan ice cream. It can also be used as cream substitutes in pie, waffles, curds, and many others. You can also use it to make whipped cream. And if you like creamy coffee, coconut milk makes a great creamer.

These desserts and substitute choices are not just for vegans to enjoy. They are also ideal for lactose-intolerant stomachs, people who are trying to cut back on sugar, and just overall enthusiasts of everything coconut.

Added Ingredient in Dips and Sauces

Lots of good dips and sauces need a creamy component to them that perfectly complements the flavors. Still, on the vegan train, coconut milk is a great substitute for conventional cream. Some recipes use coconut milk in a savory way, while others tend to lean on its sweet side. If you’re also looking to make ranch from scratch, coconut milk is used for the vegan option.

Secret Ingredient to Curry and Seafood Dishes

Coconuts are a tropical fruit, which is why it comes as no surprise that coconut milk is used in many dishes from tropical countries. 

Curry, for one, famously uses coconut milk to help balance out the spiciness of the peppers and seasonings. It can be found in Indian curry, green Thai curry, tikka masala, and many more.

Tropical Cocktail Twist

Everyone knows that coconut milk is a main component of the famous rum-based drink Pina Colada, but you can add it to other cocktail mixes too! Coconut milk goes great with Kahlua to make a White Russian. Adding it to bourbon makes a great milk punch to enjoy in the holidays. 

And Finally…Dessert!

Besides being dairy substitutes for certain desserts that call for cow’s milk, there are desserts available that truly need it in the dish. Coconut cream pie and coconut puddings are just a few of the desserts that intentionally highlight the lovely taste of coconut.


Coconut milk can be enjoyed in more ways than one. The distinct taste that it brings out elevates a number of dishes and beverages, which makes it a great addition to the pantry. Restaurants and residents alike will be looking for a batch of this stuff, so you better offer it in stocks.

Coconuts aren’t readily available in certain countries compared to others. If you’re looking for a good supplier of organic coconut milk available for wholesale, take a look into Ceylon Exports and Trading. We are one of Sri Lanka’s finest coconut exporters and suppliers that also offer fresh organic coconut-based products. Contact us today!

Ceylon Exports & Trading vegetable garden – Using our water sustainably

As a virgin coconut oil manufacturer and exporter, Ceylon Exports & Trading factory in Dankotuwa has a daily flow of effluent water. As part of our commitment to the environment, we implemented an effluent treatment plant. The plant treats the effluent water produced at our factory prior to releasing it to the environment . In the first quarter of 2021, we went a step further and grew our own vegetable garden using the treated water.

The vegetable garden includes yams, long beans, eggplants, cabbage, chilies, tomatoes and bananas. The garden is attended to our coconut oil manufacturer staff during their spare time. The harvest is given free of charge to our factory workers.

Cabbage Ceylon Exports & Trading Vegetable Garden Sri Lanka - Coconut Oil Manufacturer
Yam Ceylon Exports & Trading Vegetable Garden Sri Lanka
Eggplant Ceylon Exports & Trading Vegetable Garden Sri Lanka
Green Chilies Ceylon Exports & Trading Vegetable Garden Sri Lanka - Coconut Oil Manufacturer
Tomatoes Ceylon Exports & Trading Vegetable Garden Sri Lanka
Banana Ceylon Exports & Trading Vegetable Garden Sri Lanka


Ceylon Exports & Trading addresses global inequality in the agri value-chain whilst doubling down on authenticity. The company exports the world’s only “tree-to-table” trademarked coconut brand – Coco House. After starting from a humble beginning as a one product company – Extra Virgin Coconut Oil – the company has now expanded its range to include Coconut Flour, Coconut Sugar, Coconut Milk, Coconut Cream, Coconut Chips, Desiccated Coconut, King Coconut Water, Coconut Aminos, MCT Oil, Coconut Butter, Refined Coconut Oil and Coconut Milk Powder.

No Crying Over Coconut Milk: The Many Benefits of Coconut Milk

From an early age, people have been taught to drink milk every day. It is one of the necessities every home should have, as it provides nutrients that are beneficial to children and fully grown adults. Besides its health benefits, milk is also often treated as a drink that gives comfort, reminiscent of your days as a child.

Cows produce milk—this is a fact. These animals are the primary source of this wonderfully white beverage, but it’s actually not limited to animals. Every person has different needs and preferences, and what is common doesn’t work for everybody. As such, those who can’t consume dairy products have come up with various substitutes for the popular cow’s milk.

The Wide World of Milk

The demand for non-dairy milk has significantly increased over the years. Whether because of the nutritional value, animal welfare, environmental impact, allergens, or simply out of preference, not everyone can have cow milk. 

For that reason, the options for cow milk alternatives have grown and become more varied than you think. Some of the most popular vegan milk include:

Soy Milk

This is perhaps the most widely available milk alternative around! Compared to regular cow’s milk, soy milk has a medium-thick consistency and contains high protein and potassium levels. This milk is also fortified with vitamins and minerals. 

Almond Milk

Almond milk is one of the most popular non-dairy milk in the market today. Not only is this deliciously sweet, but it is also a great source of vitamins D and E and calcium.

Coconut Milk

This milk is naturally rich and creamy. It contains healthy fats, potassium, calcium, and phosphorus. Coconut milk’s consistency and strong flavor make it perfect for making desserts and curries.

The Wonders of Coconut Milk

Extracting the milk from a coconut involves grating the flesh and soaking it in hot water. The liquid is then sieved and separated to obtain the coconut milk.

Organic coconut milk is considered one of the best vegan milk alternatives out there because of its nutritional benefits and versatility.

You can buy coconut milk from almost any grocery store, but organic coconut milk is still the best one to use. You can rest assured that this milk will contain all of the nutrients and add a great deal of flavor to your dishes!

Here are some of the health benefits of consuming coconut milk:

Aids in Weight Loss

If you’re trying to lose weight, include organic coconut milk in your nutritional diet. Coconut milk is rich in triglycerides, also known as healthy fats. This milk also prolongs the feeling of satiety, so you will have a lesser chance of experiencing a relapse!

Neutralizes Harmful Substances

Organic coconut milk is an excellent source of Vitamins C and E—which are both known to have antioxidant properties. The antioxidants in coconut milk help eliminate the free oxygen radicals that can cause damage to cells, proteins, and DNA and contribute to aging and tumor growth.

Replenishes Electrolytes in the Body

This milk is rich in electrolytes like potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus. Potassium maintains the normal heart rhythm, magnesium boosts the immune system, and phosphorus builds strong bones and teeth.

Promotes Healthy Hair and Skin

Organic coconut milk isn’t only for eating—it’s also a great product to use for skin and hair care! The milk’s high-fat content seals in the moisture, reducing dandruff and scalp itchiness. When applied to the skin, coconut milk maintains elasticity to give a youthful appearance.


Open your mind to the health wonders of coconut milk! Keep in mind that not all coconut milk available on grocery store shelves contain the necessary nutrients your body needs. Make sure to buy your organic coconut milk from a trusted source or to reach out to the best coconut supplier so that you can make coconut milk yourself!

Buy your organic coconut milk from Ceylon Export & Trading! We are one of Sri Lanka’s finest wholesale coconut exporters and suppliers. Authenticity is at the heart of what we do, and with our transparent manufacturing process, we bring you the very best. Browse our wide selection of coconut products today!


7 of the Ways Seniors Can Benefit from Coconut Oil

The coconut tree is called the “tree of life” because of how you can use every part of it to support human life. Because of this, it is considered the most valuable tree in the world. One of the most valuable parts is the oil extracted from the kernel of mature coconuts. Coconut oil is an everyday staple in many homes, and you can use it for many purposes, but besides its uses, it also has many health benefits. This article will tell you why this oil is essential and beneficial, most notably for the elderly.   

The Different Types of Coconut Oil You Would Encounter

Coconut oil comes in different types:

  • Organic 
  • Non-Organic
  • Refined
  • Virgin
  • Cold Pressed 
  • Expeller-Pressed

They differ in the process of extracting the oil and whether additives or preservatives are added. Still, they are healthy and provide many health advantages. 

7 Health Benefits of Coconut Oil for the Elderly

Here are some of the many benefits that the elderly can get from coconut oil.

Improves the Digestive System

Coconut oil contains lauric acid, which makes up 50% of the fatty acids found in it. When this acid is consumed, it produces monolaurin, which kills bacteria, viruses, and fungi. Using coconut oil when cooking can aid the digestive system of the elderly. It can improve their immunity and gut health. 

Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease

Coconut oil contains good fats and cholesterol that are healthy for the heart—specifically, polyunsaturated fatty acids and good cholesterol. One study even suggests that eating coconut can help lower the chances of heart disease. 

Controls Diabetes

Virgin coconut oil has been recommended to most elder people because it contains bioactive compounds that stabilize blood sugar levels. In one study, rats showed a significant reduction in blood glucose levels that subsequently led to the improvement of their insulin secretion. It is perfect for anyone who has diabetes.

Makes Bones Stronger and Healthier

Coconut oil also contains properties called polyphenols, which act as compound antioxidants. They fight bone-damaging free radicals while improving the bone’s calcium absorption, improving bone health, and increasing bone volume. 

Helps Avoid Viral Infection

Coconut oil contains medium-fatty acids that have antimicrobial properties. These could help protect humans against harmful microorganisms. Other properties found in coconut oil are lauric acid and monoglyceride monolaurin, which also have antiviral, antibiotic, and antifungal properties. 

Helps Enhance Memory

There is a theory that says coconut oil can help with Alzheimer’s. Coconut oil has saturated fat that can help increase the number of ketone bodies in the elderly. This has a neuroprotective impact on the aging brain cells. They increase mitochondrial efficiency and supplement the brain’s reliance on glucose. 

Prevents Seizures

Coconut also has anticonvulsant properties. It contains medium-chain fatty acids, which can help control seizures. That is why coconut oil is a vital ingredient in most ketogenic diets for people with epilepsy. 


Coconut oil has a high nutritional value. It can be used for different purposes and has many health benefits. If you think you or a loved one would benefit from the good points mentioned here, consider adding coconut oil to your diet and lifestyle. 

For the best coconut products, check out our product page. Ceylon Exports and Trading (PVT) LTD is a fully owned and operated production facility at the heart of Sri Lanka’s Coconut Triangle—Dankotuwa. We offer different types of coconut products and accept bulk orders for organic coconut oil. Contact us if you need further assistance. 

How Extra Virgin Coconut Oil Can Change Your Life

We all have a lot to thank nature for. Since the beginning of time, the environment has provided nutrition, shelter, and warmth—all of which allowed man to survive for centuries. The gift of nature is truly something that should not be taken for granted. Without flora and fauna, the entirety of humankind wouldn’t have reached this far and advanced this much.


Immersing yourself in the outdoors and spending time in green spaces like parks, forests, and other natural environments can significantly affect your mental health and overall wellbeing. Besides going outdoors, incorporating products made with natural ingredients into your life benefits you and helps save the environment too!


Switching to Organic and Natural Products


Modern inventions and developments have allowed for many possibilities, but they all don’t necessarily mean that they are good for you. Unknown to you, some products you use in your daily life are actually bringing harm to yourself and the environment!


If you want to live a life free from hazardous chemicals’ dangerous effects, then why not make the switch to organic? Compared to those that are being commercially sold, earth-friendly products have more benefits, such as:


  • Causing no skin irritation or allergic reactions;
  • Having no health side effects;
  • Being gentle on any skin type; and
  • Providing timeless and effective remedies to various ailments.


You never know what kind of chemicals are mixed in the formulas of commercial beauty and skin products. Adopting a new and natural lifestyle will not only lessen your worries but also help you look and feel great for the years to come!

Entering the Coconut Oil Life

The journey to a more earth-friendly lifestyle will be more challenging than you may think. To make the transition much more manageable, just change things little by little instead of taking an abrupt and sudden shift in lifestyle. Make the first step by introducing extra virgin coconut oil into your daily life!

Extra virgin coconut oil is made from the fleshy white meat of coconuts. Don’t let the saturated fat content fool you—coconut oil can significantly improve your overall health! This fatty oil extracted from coconuts has many uses and health benefits, leading to its rise in popularity. 

Some of the benefits of coconut oil include:

Skin Protection

You can apply coconut oil to your skin. This adds a protective layer, shielding your skin from harmful environmental elements, dirt, and toxins.


The fatty acids in coconut oil will help reduce the dryness in your skin, allowing it to retain more moisture than before.

A Soothing Sensation

Extra virgin coconut oil can help alleviate any discomfort to provide soothing relief and calm any redness. Since it absorbs quickly into the skin, you will immediately feel the soothing effects of the oil.

The Versatility of Coconut Oil

Coconut oil isn’t limited to the kitchen—from skincare to hair care, this versatile oil can benefit your whole body in more ways than you can imagine! Here are a few of the many ways you can use extra virgin coconut oil:

  • Body Moisturizer
  • Makeup Remover
  • Deep conditioner
  • Body Scrub
  • Shaving Lotion
  • Body Scrub

Although using extra virgin coconut oil has many advantages, experts don’t recommend applying it to your face, as it is fairly comedogenic. As long as you keep this in mind, you can explore the many other ways you can use coconut oil in your life!


Start your journey to an organic lifestyle with extra virgin coconut oil. The benefits of coconut oil are endless! Just remember to do enough research and learn more about it so that you can use it properly. Aside from that, always buy your coconut oil from a trusted supplier to ensure what you’re getting is 100% organic and authentic!

Purchase your extra virgin coconut oil from Ceylon Export & Trading! We are an organic and certified manufacturer and exporter of edible coconut products. We use the coconuts sourced from the famous Sri Lankan coconut triangle, sorted for freshness and curated in a temperature-controlled environment. Browse our products today!

Cooking With Organic Coconut Flour: How Do You Use It

More people are becoming increasingly conscious about what they consume as the world recognizes the need to switch to a healthier lifestyle. Saying goodbye to allergy triggers and unhealthy ingredients is a huge step to improving one’s wellness. With that being said, one of the most effective ways of living a conscious lifestyle is by substituting some ingredients with healthier alternatives. 

For baked goods, one of the healthiest and ideal substitutes for flour is coconut flour. Coconut flour comes from dried, ground-up coconut meat and a gluten- and grain-free flour packed with dietary fiber. With that, it does a great job in supporting your digestion, heart health, immune system and helps regulate your weight. For this reason, it’s a fantastic substitute for baking and other recipes.

Ideally, when you’re buying coconut flour, you want to ensure that it comes from a reputable organic coconut exporter. This way, you’ll sleep peacefully knowing they’re practicing ethical and well-thought-of techniques to produce high-quality coconut flour. 

If you’re curious about what coconut flour is and how to use it, keep reading. Here’s a crash course on organic coconut flour you never thought you needed.

What Makes Coconut Flour So Good?

As mentioned earlier, coconut flour is a gluten-free and grain-free flour, making it a perfect substitute for traditional grain-based flour. Seeing that it’s packed with fiber, this flour alternative is a healthier source of protein as it is also low in carbohydrates. 

When you use this product, you should know that it is naturally sweet. And because of that, you may not need as much sweetener when you bake with coconut flour. 

Here’s how to use coconut flour:

  • When you use coconut flour for cooking or baking, remember that different coconut flours will have different consistencies and significantly affect your recipe. That’s why it’s essential to keep an eye on the consistency of what you’re baking. With that being said, it’s best to compare traditional cookie dough batter with your new coconut-based batter and make changes from there.
  • For every cup of all-purpose flour, you’ll only need about a fourth to a third cup of coconut flour. And for every fourth cup of coconut flour, you’ll need one egg or a bit more if the recipe calls it. Since coconut flour is gluten-free, eggs help keep the product together and also allows the dough to rise.
  • Coconut flour is dense since it can absorb a lot of liquid. So with each portion of coconut flour that you use, ensure that you put an equal amount of liquid as well.
  • Using coconut flour requires a lot of practice and patience as it’s quite different to work with compared to traditional ingredients. But once you understand how to work with the product, you’ll find that it’s much easier to use and is a better, healthier choice. 

Where Do I Get Coconut Flour?

Fortunately, coconut flour isn’t too hard to find since you can get the product almost anywhere. Most health food stores and local markets will carry coconut flour and at very affordable prices. Because there are a plethora of options to choose from, you want to ensure that you’re getting your flour from a credible organic coconut exporter like Ceylon Export & Trading.

Trust us, choosing the right coconut flour brand will not only save you loads of money, but you’ll also get better quality and delicious food and pastries!

The Bottom Line: Coconut Flour Should Be Your New Go-To Baking Ingredient

Now that you know how to use coconut flour and what you can expect when you’re using the product, it’s time to ditch your traditional baking ingredients and hop on the healthier train and make the right food choices. Buying the right coconut flour from an organic coconut exporter will guarantee high-quality products and better baking results. 

Why Choose Ceylon Export & Trading?

With a plethora of organic brands and options, finding the perfect one can be difficult. But if you’re in the hunt for an organic coconut exporter, look no further because Ceylon Export & Trading is exactly what you’ve been searching for. 

Ceylon Exports & Trading is Sri Lanka’s supreme wholesale coconut exporter and supplier. We export and supply fresh, organic coconut-based products perfect for your baking and cooking needs. Check out our products and join the tree-to-table rebellion today!

3 Reasons to Make the Switch to Coconut Flour

Many weight watchers and health-conscious individuals strive to lead a healthier lifestyle and cut back on their carbohydrate intake, but that doesn’t mean turning away from delicious food altogether. After all, the word “diet” shouldn’t automatically conjure images of leafy greens, especially since everyone is free to indulge in gastronomic dishes without having to pack on extra pounds! 

Whether you’re a sweet tooth craving for baked treats or want a healthy slice of pizza, you can whip up the tastiest recipes at home using coconut flour as a delectable alternative to regular flour. Packed with protein, fiber, and other nutrients — this gluten-free alternative can spice up your recipes better than traditional grain-based flours. 

What Makes Coconut Flour the Latest Craze That is Worth Staying in Your Kitchen?

Benefit #1: It’s Nutrient Dense 

Coconut flour is not only low on carbohydrates but can also be an excellent source of nutrients like fiber and protein. It also has enough healthy fat to aid your metabolism, allowing you to make the most of your energy. 

Coconut flour can also enhance the body’s functions thanks to its richness in manganese, another important nutrient that plays a heavy role in strengthening bones and maximizing nutrients like choline or biotin. 

Additionally, coconut flour can also deliver iron, potassium, phosphorus, selenium, and vitamin B6, making this alternative truly wonderful for your health. 

Benefit #2: It’s Gluten-Free 

It’s easy to associate gluten-free alternatives as a diet fad, but many individuals need to reduce their gluten intake due to medical conditions. Some struggle with gluten sensitivity, which is similar to lactose intolerance that causes digestive problems. 

If you have compelling reasons to cut gluten from your diet — be it to manage celiac disease, dermatitis herpetiformis, or your gluten sensitivity — opting for coconut flour can open you up to delicious opportunities without putting your health at risk. With coconut flour, a slice of pizza won’t leave you with stomach pains, potential rashes, and other medical problems.

Benefit #3: It Curbs Your Hunger 

Coconut flour doesn’t come short in its MCT oil content, making it an excellent source of healthy fat for your energy. People taking on a ketogenic diet can explore keto-friendly dishes and desserts thanks to coconut flour since the MCT levels are enough to encourage the body to enter a state of ketosis. 

Additionally, the healthy oils can also curb your cravings and naturally put a cap to your hunger, especially during prime snacking hours during the afternoon or evenings. 

The Bottom Line: Exploring the Culinary Versatility of Coconut Flour for Your Tastefully Healthy Recipes 

Coconut flour is a delicious, nutrient-dense, gluten-free alternative to regular wheat flour, making it a great alternative for weight watchers who want to branch out from their restrictive meal plans. With coconut flour, you can indulge in the same comfort food without the carbohydrates that come with it. 

Where Can You Buy the Freshest Coconut-Based Products in the USA?

If you’re shopping around for diet-friendly alternatives, why not explore our fresh selection of organic coconut-based products exported from Sri Lanka’s finest wholesale coconut suppliers? Get in touch with us today and experience the tree-to-table movement with Ceylon Export & Trading! 

The Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil

The Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil

Virgin Coconut Oil, or VCO, is the newest, high-value coconut product widely sought after for its human nutraceutical benefits and functional food. As the world becomes more familiar with the incredible health benefits of virgin coconut oil, we now witness the rapid rise of this remarkable substance, with so much potential for growth.

Coconuts have traveled far and wide. What started as folk medicine almost 4000 years ago, is now enjoying a resurgence in popularity throughout the world. Now that they have finally arrived at the mainland- and are somewhat mainstream, this guide is designed to tell you everything you need to know about this new craze in tropical goodness.

Let’s dive in.


What is Virgin Coconut Oil? 

Coconuts on a coconut tree Sri Lanka

Ah, the coconut. Not only does this incredible fruit, nut, and seed transform you into a world of white-sand beaches, palm trees, and strolls on a golden shore, but it can also provide you with astonishing health benefits—especially virgin coconut oil.

Declared as the ‘lifeline of well-being,’ it is known worldwide for its delightful aroma and flavor, as well as its nourishing antioxidants, vitamins, and medium-chain suetty acids.

While coconut oil is assuredly un-foreign to most, virgin coconut oil may be a little unfamiliar.

Simply put, the virgin strain is a new, highly value-added version of coconut oil. But in order to find out what it truly is, we have to look at how it’s produced. 


How is Virgin Coconut Oil Made?

Virgin coconut oil is something that preserves the virtues of a coconut. Specifically, white kernel. The coconut white kernel is known as the meat of the coconut fruit, and is used to extract coconut milk and coconut oil.

It enhances the natural beauty as it protects the milk from harm throughout the heating process that conventional coconut oil undergoes.

The only way this is possible is via cold-processed technology. This is what obliterates the need for warming elements during the coconut milk extraction process, and is what secures that this world’s natural goodness endures unimpaired.

So, now that you know what virgin coconut oil is, and how it’s made- what’s the difference between VCO and regular ol’ coconut oil? 


Virgin Coconut Oil vs. Refined Coconut Oil  

While both are highly wholesome, versatile, and can be solid substitutes for a bunch of baking, cooking, and body care ingredients, there are some critical differences between the two.

Let’s look at refined coconut oil first:

Refined Coconut Oil
It contains a neutral scent and flavor
Heats up to 400F
Made from dried coconuts
Steam refined, no chemicals used


Now, virgin coconut oil:

Virgin Coconut Oil
Some strains boast a delicious, tropical coconut scent and flavor. However, you may find many different grades of regular coconut oil below virgin coconut oil that have a smell and taste that may seem stronger, tasting a bit burnt, or slightly bitter.
Heats up to 350F
Made from fresh coconuts

 One of the most paramount variations between VCO and regular coconut oil is the flavor and fragrance. While the virgin strain possesses a delightful, tropical coconut scent and flavor, refined coconut oil has a neutral odor and taste.


VCO vs. Extra Virgin Coconut Oil 

Many people also often ask about the differences between the regular and extra virgin coconut oil. But we can tell you right now; that it’s all virtually meaningless.

Since oil experts understand extra virgin to be the best olive oil grade, manufacturers began to label coconut oil as “extra” virgin in order to boast that their brand is the ‘best coconut oil’ one can find.

In retrospect, there are only two types of coconut oils to look out for – virgin, and refined. Coconut governing authorities only accept virgin grade, and don’t recognize extra virgin coconut oil as the real one – so don’t be fooled. 


The Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil

Fresh coconuts with husk on a coconut tree

When it comes to your health, ditching all chemicals is the best option. Living a natural life – that’s all you need to be complete, and VCO plays a significant role in this.

There are so many health benefits of virgin coconut oil, and we’re going to explain them all next thoroughly.

First up, let’s talk about virgin coconut nutrition.

Virgin Coconut Oil Nutrition

In just one tablespoon of VCO, you can find:

Nutrition Facts For a Serving Size of 1 tbsp (14g)                 
Calories 120
Total Fat 14g
Saturated fat 13g
Monounsaturated fat 1g
Polyunsaturated fat 0.5g
Sodium 0mg
Carbohydrates 0g
Net carbs 0g 0g
Fiber 0g

 *The Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet, so your values may change depending on your calorie needs.

It’s incredibly similar to olive oil in the sense that it contains 119 calories and 13.5g of fat. (1)


The Benefits of VCO for Skin, Hair & Teeth

VCO can act as a substitute for quite a few things in your beauty kit. It works wonders as a moisturizing agent and can also serve as lip balm, makeup remover, and a frizzy hair contender as it preserves moisture.

The Skin

The health benefits of virgin coconut oil definitely include those of the skin. It contains anti-aging properties as it blossoms in antioxidants, and it can also be used for cuticle care as the coconut oil’s emollient nature retains softness in the cuticles.

If you’re someone that loves rosy lips, then a fun DIY lip balm made from VCO will be your best friend. All you have to do is crush a few pomegranate seeds and strain them into a small pot, add some VCO and mix thoroughly. Then, refrigerate.

This earthy lip balm will stay good for around a week, and give you luscious lips for months to come.

The Hair

Are you interested in learning the secret behind the abundant and flowing mane of women (or even men) in the tropics?

It’s virgin coconut oil.

VCO benefits hair in a multitude of ways that factory-manufactured hair-care products will never be able to meet. As the health benefits of virgin coconut oil include lowering protein loss, it helps to keep the hair strong; and adds a sparkling shine to the hair strands.

When applied to the head, it can be rubbed in with a gentle massage. This has been known to help relieve any stress you may have bottled up inside. Due to this, its popularity as a massage oil has also risen immensely.

Furthermore, VCO can also be used as a conditioner to enhance your hair’s overall look and feel. It can help control frizz and make your hair shinier, with an overall healthy glow.

The Teeth

Virgin coconut oil has been involved in a wide range of studies that conclude that it may help fight plaque and gum disease, amongst many other things.

In one study, oil pulling with coconut oil significantly decreased plaque buildup and signs of gingivitis in 60 participants with plaque-induced gum disease” (2)

Studies also show that VCO attacks Streptococcus mutans and Lactobacillus. Both refer to two groups of bacteria that are to blame for tooth decay. They say that this magnificent strain of coconut can reduce both as effectively as a rigid mouthwash containing chlorhexidine.


The Health Benefits of Virgin Coconut Oil in Controlling Blood Sugar

VCO assists in the control of blood sugar, and may improve the secretion of insulin. Experts say that one huge benefit is that it reinforces the immune system because it holds antimicrobial lipids, lauric acid, capric acid, and caprylic acid. All boast antifungal, antibacterial, and antiviral characteristics.


VCO Benefits for Cardiovascular Diseases and Heart Health

CVD, or, Cardiovascular disease has been labeled as the leading cause of mortality throughout the world. It’s something that is constantly associated with significant overheads and the decline of population productivity.

It all comes down to your diet. Various studies have shown us that a diet rich in good fats, like virgin coconut oil, has been associated with a reduced CVD risk. The studies conclude that it shows increasingly promising effects on improving any risks associated with CVD, thus lowering any danger.


VCO for Cholesterol  

In the human body, sits two types of cholesterol. We have high-density lipoprotein (HDL), which is known as the ‘good’ version. And, we have ‘bad’ cholesterol, which is known as low-density lipoprotein (LDL).

VCO has been linked with reducing cholesterol levels, while also maintaining the levels of blood coagulation factors. Studies show us that when consumed, it can prevent any oxidation from the ‘bad’ LDL oxidants. In fact, it promotes the ‘good’ HDL, which in turn, may boost cardiovascular health as a whole. 


VCO Benefits for Weight Loss

Although exercise is essential, your diet stands on top. It’s especially vital if you’re trying to lose weight. By just tweaking your diet ever so slightly, you can burn fat and accelerate the weight loss procedure.

Virgin coconut oil can be everything you need and more when trying to shed off the pounds. This incredible substance doesn’t only benefit you in your goal to gaining supple skin and a healthier heart, but it’s also there to assist you on your weight loss journey.

As it’s packed with vitamin E, polyphenols, and antioxidants, VCO can help to balance your hormones, specifically those that prevent weight gain due to an imbalance in hormones. It does not contain saturated fats, which means it can help boost your metabolism, and ultimately, increase your energy.

Due to the factors you see above, VCO has quickly made its way to the top and stands as a staple in sports nutrition, even showing an improvement in the performance of athletes whilst out on the field.


VCO Benefits for Improving Brain Function

Conditions that reduce your brain’s ability to use glucose for energy, like Alzheimer’s disease, are the most common causes of dementia.

The New York Academy of Science conducted a study that revolved around dementia. It suggested that ketones could produce an alternative energy source for any malfunctioning brain cells in the body. Ultimately, the outcome showed us that ketones were able to reduce symptoms of Alzheimer’s significantly.

In today’s world, this wonderful substance is highly recommended for its myriad health benefits. There’s an increasingly positive association between the prevention of Alzheimer’s and VCO, including positive improvements in cognitive and cognition performance, orientation, and semantic memory in individuals after using it.

From this, you can see why health experts worldwide now support the addition of in prescribed amounts to your daily diet.


VCO Benefits in the Potential Prevention of Epilepsy

Here we once again look at the health benefits of virgin coconut oil for the brain, but this time, it revolves around epilepsy.

Similar to ketones that orbit brain function, centuries ago, a “ketogenic diet” was the talk of the town when it came to reducing seizures in some children who possessed epilepsy. It was a huge success, and to this day, it’s still used throughout the fight to reduce the frequency and depth of pediatric seizures.

The VCO benefits kick in through the medium-chain triglycerides it possesses. Experts say that this aspect could aid in increasing the body’s ketones, without necessarily having to first obtain a complete ketogenic diet. Thus, meaning that VCO may aid in the potential prevention of epilepsy.


VCO Benefits in the Possible Obstruction of Yeast Infections

Common yeast infections are produced from a type of fungus known as, you guessed it, yeast. It’s a single-cell organism that exists throughout our environment; however, your body can often handle this fungus without experiencing any significant problems.

Sure, yeast infections can be itchy, uncomfortable, and somewhat challenging to deal with. However, it’s not impossible to overcome the condition, especially with VCO.

Since this fantastic home remedy can act as an antifungal agent, most women now turn to this remedy for an easy cure. A thin layer gently applied on the infection site can help kill some of the yeast, and may even soothe dry, irritated skin, ultimately allowing it to heal. 


VCO Benefits for Liver Health

The liver is widely known as one of the most laborious organs in the human body. It helps you detoxify, conceals hormones, strengthens protein, and performs countless amounts of other tasks to ensure your body functions efficiently.

As virgin coconut oil contains the presence of medium-chain fatty acids, it could help to prevent liver disease. This is due to the fact that it can be easily converted into energy as soon as it reaches the liver.

VCO may benefit the liver in two ways:

  1. It can help to convert fatty acids into energy, which can reduce the liver’s overall workload.
  2. As it transforms fat into energy, it prevents it from entering the bloodstream, thus lessening fat accumulation in the liver.


How to Use Virgin Coconut Oil

Now that you’re entirely aware of all the health benefits this remarkable substance provides, let’s sum up every single VCO benefit we mentioned, and find out every single way we can use it.

VCO can be used to:

  • Shield your skin from UV rays
  • Boost your metabolism
  • Cook delicious meals safely at a high heat (click here for mouth-watering VCO recipes)
  • Promote your dental wellness
  • Cure skin irritability and eczema
  • Improve function in the brain
  • Moisturize your skin
  • Help combat infections
  • Grow your ‘good’ HDL cholesterol
  • Defend your hair from damage
  • Decrease hunger
  • Encourage bone health
  • Decrease inflammation
  • Gain energy quickly
  • Restore worn cuticles
  • Enhance liver health


Storing Virgin Coconut Oil

In order to reap the rewards of the health benefits of virgin coconut oil, you must ensure that you store it correctly. This will help you to preserve it for the most extended amount of time possible, and enjoy all of the natural goodness it brings.

Up next, we’re leaving you with some tips to ensure you store your VCO correctly:

  • Store at a constant temperature – When you heat and cool virgin coconut oil, it can cause it to go bad faster. Instead, choose one space for storage, and keep it right there.
  • Store in a dark container – This will aid in protecting it from the sunlight, which could compromise the quality.
  • Store in a cool, dry place – Storing in a cool and dry place may prevent the oil from melting. While it’s common for coconut oil to melt, some may want it firm. If it does melt, place it in the refrigerator for several hours until it’s the texture you want. If you live in a cold climate and your VCO is firm, don’t be afraid to heat up the required amount – this won’t compromise any nutrients.
  • Check-in on your VCO every couple of months – Virgin coconut oil can be stored for several years, but like any food or drink, it’s important to look it over for signs of mold. If you spot anything out of the ordinary, throw it out.


Virgin Coconut Oil – FAQs

Coconut product range next to half cut coconut

Q: How much VCO can I take daily?

A: Studies show that two tablespoons (30ml) are an adequate amount to consume daily. This is a sufficient amount that will help virgin coconut oil reduce fat around the stomach, amongst other health advantages.

Q: Can I drink VCO?

A: When consumed, virgin coconut oil is known to be safe. Look out for the color; if it resembles water in clarity and flow, then go for it!

Q: Will VCO clog my pores?

A: Refined coconut oil is profoundly comedogenic, which means it may clog pores. However, its unrefined organic cousin is a blessing for skincare treatments. Everyone is built with various skin types, if it works for you, then great! If not, use VCO for all the other excellent benefits it provides.

Q: Can VCO remove stretch marks?

A: If consistently applied to the skin, it may help to reduce the occurrence of stretch marks, or even speed up their healing.

Q: Is VCO suitable for babies?

A:  VCO is incredibly safe to use on babies and children. It can help to improve any underlying symptoms, as well as moisturize their soft skin.


The Conclusion

The earth we live on is large, vast, and beautiful. Its natural excellence has created one of the most nourishing superfoods we will ever see in our lifetime, especially when purchased from the right source.

Coco House organic virgin coconut oil basks in a creamy taste of the tropics. It is excellent when used for baking, enhancing your favorite recipes, self-care, or even reaping the many health benefits this natural substance provides.

We at Coco House prioritize quality and effectiveness. We source our organic coconuts from the Sri Lankan coconut triangle, and specifically sort them for maximum freshness, allowing only the best coconuts into the production process.

Our virgin coconut oil is cold-pressed, retaining the fresh coconut’s natural aroma, taste, and nutrients. We integrate the care of human touch with the precision enhancement of technology.

With this in mind, click here to view our wide range of organic VCO products, and become a part of our natural goodness journey.

Join the tree-to-tree rebellion with Coco House, and find out what makes us so unique.


(1) https://www.everydayhealth.com/diet-nutrition/diet/coconut-oil-health-benefits-nutrition-facts-uses-more/

(2) https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/coconut-oil-and-teeth


4 Healthy Uses and Benefits of Coconut in Everyday Products

Throughout the past decade, coconut-based products have increased in popularity and become a staple in the kitchen. From coconut oil to coconut flour, the range of products you can find containing this miracle ingredient is just overwhelming! There are just so many uses to it that the global production volume from some of the best coconut oil suppliers in the world amounted to 3.59 million metric tons in 2018—and that’s just for one type of coconut-based product!

Today, coconut products come in all shapes and sizes—any of which still contain all those healthy benefits linked to the application of coconut to people’s bodies. Let’s explore some of the amazing uses and benefits of coconuts that we all experience today.

A Safer Cooking Oil Alternative

Every year, more and more people are swapping out their olive, sunflower, and canola oils for a better and healthier alternative: coconut oil. It naturally has zero cholesterol with a high heat point, making it perfect for those long cooks in high temperatures. 

Due to coconuts containing very high saturated fat levels, this type of oil can retain its structure in high-heat cooking, preventing it from turning into toxic compounds when heated. Especially as compared to vegetable-based oils, this particular one is definitely a safer alternative to cooking!

A Weight Loss Supplement

There’s some evidence that suggests that coconut milk may actually benefit weight loss and metabolism to some extent. Coconut milk contains medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs)—which are undoubtedly different from long-chain triglycerides (LCTs). MCTs are directly absorbed into the bloodstream and are less likely to be stored as fat than LCTs. 

When your body absorbs MCTs, it can temporarily boost calorie expenditure and fat burning. It also tends to decrease your calorie intake compared to other kinds of fats. This results in the feeling of fullness and enhanced appetite regulation!

Some organic coconut milk manufacturers from Sri Lanka even offer coconut milk as a vegan cooking alternative. If you like to cook a lot of curries and desserts, coconut milk is an excellent choice for the health-conscious.

A Healthy Energy Drink

If you need a boost of energy, but you’re concerned about the adverse effects of consuming energy drinks, then coconut water is the perfect alternative for you. Coconut water is known to contain a lot of electrolytes and packs more potassium than consuming four whole bananas. Many athletes resort to coconut water as a natural sports drink instead of those commercial ones you see advertised on television!

This sweet, nutty water is an excellent way to hydrate your body. In fact, it’s so good that it can even get you through those dreadful hangovers! 

A Gluten-Free Flour Substitute

Have you ever wondered if there’s an alternative to using wheat flour in baking and dessert making? You’re in luck because coconut flour just happens to be a good alternative to regular flour. To top it off, it’s actually gluten-free!

Coconut flour is a soft, naturally grain-free flour produced from dried coconut meat. When coconut milk is made, the bits of coconut meat left are then dried and ground to produce a soft, fine powder that you can use for baking. This product is higher in fiber and protein as compared to traditional grain-based flour.


Those are just four of the most common uses of coconut in the market today. We’ve come a long way from just eating raw coconut meat and juice to producing top-quality products for everyday consumption. There’s just no limit to using coconut-based products in cooking, baking, even on skincare and weight loss. All that’s left now is for you to grab the opportunity and health benefits that this magical product provides!

Find authentic, high-quality coconut-based products from a trusted source like Ceylon Exports & Trading Pvt Ltd.! Our Coco House products are processed in one of the best Coconut Oil factories in Sri Lanka’s coconut triangle. We are the first fully-owned “tree-to-table” Sri Lankan global coconut brand curating premium coconut products that we deliver all over the world. Visit our store page to order Coco House products today!

Amazing Coconut Oil

Years ago, if someone were to tell me that there was one single product that solved dozens of health and beauty woes, I most likely wouldn’t have believed them. One product that you can use to cookmoisturize your hair, remove your makeup, and hydrate your skin? Not possible, I would have thought. However, this little miracle does exist. And, unlike many fancy beauty and cooking products out there, it is free of chemicals and 100 percent natural. This wonder is none other than coconut oil.

I use coconut oil every day on my skin, my hair, and even in the kitchen. In fact, most of the time when a friend comes to me asking for a quick fix for a beauty or skin problem, my answer is “just put some coconut oil on it.” Now that you know a little bit about my obsession with coconut oil, today I’m going to share five ways you can incorporate it into your own lifestyle…

  1. Face and Body Moisturizer
    If you rub a little bit of coconut oil between your hands, you will immediately notice how incredibly moisturizing it feels on your skin. As a face and body moisturizer, coconut oil is much more hydrating than average store-bought lotions because the oil penetrates deep layers of the skin and actually helps to strengthen underlying tissues (Huffington Post). It will also help remove dead skin cells, removing any rough or flaky texture from your skin’s surface and giving you a full body glow. You can use coconut oil as a moisturizer for your entire face, but I like to put it under my eyes and on my lips before bedtime. For my body, I mix equal parts coconut oil and body lotion together to create an ultra hydrating cream, and I apply it right when I get out of the shower. You can also add essential oils like lavender or vanilla to scent your oil, but many people love the natural, tropical scent as it is. The best part about this oil is that it will absorb into your skin without feeling oily or greasy.
  1. Hair Mask
    Just as coconut oil works wonder for your skin, it will also give your hair a silky texture and tons of shine. I use coconut oil as a hair mask at night after I’ve washed my hair. Simply heat up about 3 to 5 tablespoons of coconut oil in the microwave, so that it’s a warm liquid. Then, after it has cooled, apply it to your hair as you would any hair mask. Put on a plastic shower cap or wrap an old T-shirt around your head, and leave the oil in while you sleep. When you wake up, wash your hair and discover your best hair day yet. You can thank me later.Note:Unlike store-bought hair masks, coconut oil is all natural and great for your skin. So, if a little bit happens to rub off onto your pillow while you’re sleeping, you don’t have to worry about dealing with clogged pores or a breakout the next day.
  2. Makeup Remover
    One of my favorite uses for coconut oil that I discovered all on my own is it’s gentle power to remove makeup. I was applying a bit under my eyes one night before bed, and I noticed that it was easily removing some extra mascara that hadn’t washed off with my face wash. Now, before I wash my face, I use my finger to gently rub downward on my eyes and eyelashes to remove my eye makeup from the day.Tip: Leaving a little oil on the base of your eyelashes can actually help them grow a bit, so it’s ok if you don’t rinse it all completely off afterwards.
  1. Cooking Oil
    Coconut oil is also one of the healthiest oils to use when cooking. Our favorite nutritionist Shira Lenchewski, RD., explains that unlike animal fats, which are made up of long chain triglycerides (LCT), coconut oil is made up of medium chain triglycerides (MCT). MCTs are metabolized more rapidly in the body than LCTs, so there’s increased fat burning potential. Many healthy oils (like olive and flax) break down into harmful compounds when heated to their “smoke-point.” But coconut oil remains stable at higher temperatures, so it’s a great option for stir-frying and pan-searing.  For cooking, Shira recommends using unrefined coconut oil, also called raw or virgin.
  1. Baking Ingredient
    Coconut oil is a great ingredient to have in the pantry if you love baking. Shira says that because coconut oil is a saturated fat, it’s a great substitute for butter in baked goods. Saturated fats are the typical fat of choice in baking, due to their favorable effects on texture. And while saturated fats don’t have the same beneficial effect on good cholesterol as mono- and polyunsaturated oils, they do play a role in various brain and body functions, explains Shira.

Tip: Always buy unrefined, extra virgin coconut oil, since it goes through the least process and is closest to its natural state. For cooking, make sure your coconut oil indicates that it can stand high-heat, not just medium heat.

I also take a coconut oil supplement with my daily vitamins to make my hair shiny and my skin blemish-free. And I’ve been using coconut oil to experiment with oil pulling. I’ve been trying it for the past two weeks, so I’ll be sharing my results here on LaurenConrad.com in the coming weeks…stay tuned!

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